Journal of a Trader

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I wandered, somewhat dazed from the heat, through the southern reaches of the desert, as I'd heard accounts of other traders finding firedust simply laying around in the desert. What with the recent destruction of Gem, I knew this was my chance to strike it rich, if only I could find a hoard of the precious stuff myself. I didn't find my quarry, sadly, but I'll never forget the odd thing that happened that day, under the blazing light of the sun. As our caravan rolled on, my men and I suddenly began hearing odd sounds...the wail of the wind, the bray of a donkey, the clash of swords. These sounds wouldn't be considered odd normally, save for the fact that it was a windless day, we had no donkeys in our caravan, and none of my men's weaponry was drawn. We froze, trying to determine what it was we'd heard, and the sounds died out as well. Cautiously, we resumed our journey, and the sounds began again. After a few more stops and starts, we figured out that it was our own movement across the sands that was producing these sounds. We had stumbled upon the rumored Speaking Sands! With the revelation that these sounds were ultimately harmless, we marched on, knowing that the sooner we crossed the Sands, the sooner the ghostly sounds would cease.

However, as we continued, I began hearing what sounded like a conversation. Two distinct voices, discussing...something. A plan, manipulation, a game...I understood not what they were talking about, but I'd heard that such phenomena in the Speaking Sands were important, and so I hastened to draw out my paper and began to write down the words as I heard them. What follows is, to the best of my abilities, a transcription of what I'd heard.

  • 1: "...thinks he's got the best story, does he? He seriously thinks he's so very amazing, simply because he toyed around with a few Terrestrials? Well, he's got another thing coming!"
  • 2: "Yes, sire."
  • 1: "Ah, but what shall I do? What exactly shall I do to put that upstart in his place?"
  • 2: "Perhaps you could find your own Terrestrials to have fun with?"
  • 1: "No, that simply won't do. I'd be nothing but an imitation then! No, it must be more than simple Terrestrials..."
  • 2: "What about the Lunars, Sire?"
  • 1: "Hmm...the Lunars...better, but...they're close enough to simple animals, it wouldn't be enough of a story."
  • 2: "Perhaps you could have fun with a Sidereal or two?"
  • 1: "A Sidereal, you say? Hmm...perhaps...that would certainly be a test of my skills. Hmm...I can see it now...myself, the master manipulator, making a game of even those who think to play with the lives of others! Yes, that would be a wonderful story! I would be...ah...but wait. The Sidereals are too well-hidden themselves. For a story one such as myself deserves, I must have someone more in the view of others!"
  • 2: "Then, sire...what of the Celestials? Their recent return to Creation gives you an opportunity few before have had."
  • 1: "Celestials! Yes, of course! They've got quite the reputation, and I'm sure that one of them would my my story most...interesting. Bring me any reports we have on current Solars!"
  • 2: "Here you are, sire."
  • 1: "Ah, yes., that won't do...Him perhaps? Let's see the others, though...aha! This one! Yes, it's perfect!"
  • 2: "Ah, interesting choice, sire. Very new...just Exalted a few days ago. Quite the method, too..."
  • 1: "Indeed. And to make things a bit more interesting...a manse. Yes, a good manse for our new Exalt toy. I think I know just the one, too..."
  • 2: "Very well, sire. I shall begin preparations."