Name: Jox
Quote: "Cool Story Bro!"
Age: ? Sex: N/A (Male persona)
Race: Warforged
Class: Fighter
High School Archetype: Jock/Fratboy
Personality: Obnoxious, likes to brag, and prove he is the best. Hits on every women he sees, refers to every man he sees as bro. Wants other to acknowledge him.
Bio: Jox claims he was one of the last Warforged created before the ending of the Last War. As such he has never seen combat during that conflict. A fact which lessens his standing amongst his fellow Warforged. Jox is the recipient of some special Warforged only scholarship that Morgrave has recently started.
Background: Sharn (Margrave and it's surrounding are the only thing he's ever had like a home)
Build: Axe and Board Fighter
Str 18, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8.
AC: 22 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 43 Surges:12 Surge Value: 10
+2 Bonus to saves against ongoing damage May always take a minimum of 10 on death saving throws
To hit: +10
Speed: 6 Initiative: +4
TRAINED SKILLS: Intimidate +7, Endurance +9, Athletics +8, Insight +8
Freebie Feat: Weapon Expertise: Axes
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (WarAxe)
Level 2: Armor Proficiency (Plate)
Fighter at-will 1: Tide of Iron
Fighter at-will 1: Brash Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter encounter 3: Bull Charge
Fighter daily 1: Lasting Threat
Fighter utility 2: Boundless Endurance
Racial Encounter: Warforged Resolve (Minor)
Warsouled WarAxe Item Daily Power: Warsoul Weapon (Triggers on Enemy Shifting) May may an attack on shifting enemy.
Lucky Charm Item Daily Power: No Action. Trigger: You miss with an attack or fail a skill check, ability check, or saving throw. Effect: Roll a d6 and add the result to the attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw.
ITEMS 243 gp
Identification and Traveling Papers with Portrait (complete with Jox making his EXTREEME! pose), 2 Handaxes, Everburning torch, Climbing kit, backpack, rope, 2 sunrods, flint and steel, empty pouch, embedded handaxe,embedded dagger in foot, embedded spike gauntlets in arms, Healing Potion (Heroic Tier), Attachable Heavy Shield, x2 Feather Token
Level 4 Item +1 Lucky Charm (neck slot)
Level 2 Item +1 Mythril Plating)
Level 3 Item +1 Warsoul WarAxe)
Picture [1]
Theme song "Light up the Night by the Protomen" [2]]
Classes currently attending: Planar Phenomenon (The Dragon Below), Rooftop Obstacle Evasion, Close Quarters Combat, Basic Aeronautics, Small Unit Tactics, Life Skills and Home Economics