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Azotech is a world that's about 40% city, 50% Farmland and 10% other. The other being environments so hostile that no sane mind would even contemplate living there. While the Farlmand is vast and has a nice rustic (for the populace) appeal. The cities of Azotech are the real draw. Each and ever one of them is an entire field of towering metal monoliths. Created to house an ever increasing population and to run the massive industries of Azotech. Most of which are, you guessed it, technology based.


Azotech's history is pretty standard fair for mono-worlds. There were wars, there were slight technological advances and there were some pretty basic human cultures dotted across the world. Then sometime around 70 years ago. A miracle breakthrough was made when a perfect energy source was made. One that not only exhibited no pollutants, but was so efficient that it actually increased in power over time. With the world's insatiable energy needs all but eliminated. Scientists and mechanics were free to run wild with limitless possibilities! Of these was a young woman, named Cyan Hadalay, who came into the scene around 30 years ago. Her own research and development not only proved to be amazing advances for human health and engineering but she also managed to amass a great fortune from her various patients. Her career peaked when she not only constructed the first AI but won the Nobel Peace prize for the first robot neigh-indistinguishable from humans.

Eventually she started her own company. Called Cyan Screens. Which focuses on computers, cell phones and some advanced robots. Currently Cyan's company reins as the most profitable and lucrative business in the world.


There are three types of individuals inside the cities of Azotech. Humans, who are pretty much how you'd expect them to be. Androids, which can range from the more autonomous robots with primitive AI all the way to replicants which are neigh indistinguishable from humans. And finally. Mutants, which are often the byproducts of genetic manipulation (at best) or at worst are actually the byproducts of aberrant magics.

Farms are almost exclusively human ran. With robot help. Replicant androids are almost unheard of outside the big cities. Although Mutants may try to hide out in some old farm houses.


Humans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Though a recent trend among the new generation has been to augment one's body with cybernetic implants. This combined with a growing protest to allow human/robot marriage has made some younger generation humans looks suspiciously like androids. Humans however can typically be picked out from the human looking androids in how they behave. Humans tend to vary as much on any other world. While androids are almost always polite, cheerful and compliant to a tee. This programming is typically installed from their creation, so as to make them more "user friendly". This doesn't however change the omega factor. The factor created by Cyan Hadalay which allows robots to comprehend infinity, which until recently was something only the human mind could do. Androids as such possess their own unique personality that (which is still up to debate) may simply be an aspect of the robot or may be nurtured within them as they learn and experience new things. Androids may seem similar on most superficial scales, but each of them has their own complexities and motivations which may confuse some humans. No android has killed a human in cold blood YET. Though a few assassin or war bots have been employed to deliver the killing blow from another man.

Mutants are generally treated among the people of Azotech as the homeless. They're creepy, downtrodden, ugly and smelly. You feel sorry for them but at the same time you don't really wanna have to deal with them. Like the homeless they tend to live in the slums or the lower parts of the city.

Robot Rights[edit]

Robots in Azotech do not possess rights as sentient beings. Despite the fact that many people insist on robots possessing sentience or understanding. Many robots claim that they are indeed happy with their programmed objective in life (even if it is just programming) and indeed many androids simply lack the ability to decide things for themselves without proper guidance. Much like children with some base-formed idea of social structure, language and understanding. If you were to leave a newly manufactured android alone it would probably just stand around doing nothing until somebody gave it a direct order and it would probably carry it out as it sees nothing better to do. This is a common problem with things that don't need food or most organic essentials.

Because of this. Robots are still regarded as property of their respective owners and all androids have their serial number associated with a company or individual who holds all rights over them. Despite this, the government has allowed laws associated with the mistreatment of androids. Much like the mistreatment of pets, the abuse or intentional harm of an android will result in the android being confiscated and the individual being blacklisted from most legitimate robot manufacturers. Sadly the law is only really effective against individual owners. Companies who own robots tend to be much more discrete in how they treat them.

As stated before. Human/android marriage is being lobbied right now and met with harsh resistance. The main gripe being that the androids themselves may not truly be in love or are simply faking it to please their "owners". The validity of this claim is up for speculation. But it's quite obvious that some robots are just going along with it while others are being genuinely sincere.

Aberrants, Mutants and Magic[edit]

Despite Azotech's obviously technological bent. Magic is not non-existent in the world. It is simply regulated in its own ways. Magic is not merely taboo in Azotech it is a dangerous and powerful force. Often times driving the user of it mad with it's corrupting power or transforming them into monsters. Magic users are often dark and shady cultists who hide out in the slums of the city. Looking for sacrifices and searching for dark tombs that seek to consume their body and mind.

Mutants are magic users who've begun to be corrupted by magic. To the point parts of their body have transformed. Sometimes they gain skin made of lava, arms made of stone or bulging chameleon eyes. Other time it may be more subtle like a psychic tumor in their brain that allows them to transmit their thoughts and implant suggestions into people's minds.

Aberrations are what happens when a magic user is fully consumed by their twisted energies. No longer do they resemble humans in any way and are now fully monstrous. Tentacles reaching down from their face, clawed hands, giant bodies, everything. The people of Azotech are almost entirely unaware of magic or it's existence. To them, mutants are simply a byproduct of toxins or various other siency mumbo-jumbo and Aberrations are completely unheard of. It's unusual that a populace that holds such monsters in it's society would have no idea of them. Which seems to imply that something or someone is keeping them a secret...

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers