Jess Ng
Jess Ng[edit]
Zamyatin-12 is a tiny Autonomous habitat hidden in the belt, one of the few places in the system given over entirely to simul-life. A retrofitted Scum barge, Zamyatin-12 is an air-less crypt filled from cabin to nacelles with the massive, crosslinked servers that are home to the tiny ship’s 7000 inhabitants. Zamyatin welcomes all forms of digital life: the un-instantiated, AGI’s, and exhumans. They also have a reputation as a breeding ground for anarchist insurgents, a refuge for wanted criminals seeking an escape from their enemies in encrypted databanks, and as the origin of some of the nastiest infowar viruses in the solar system.
Jess Ng was one of a six member tac-squad hired from Direct Action by the Nine-Lives network to perform a raid on Zamyatin-12. The six fury-sleeved mercs had no trouble dispatching the habitat’s feeble physical security, but as soon as they tried to access the inner mesh to locate the shelved stack they’d come to mind-nap, their tactical mesh was instantly and disastrously corrupted by the station’s electronic defenses. The residents of Zamyatin, after a several microsecond debate, decided to excise the merc team’s cortical stacks and shelve them. Zamyatin-12, however, held no room for 6 catatonic bio-morphs. Over a period of weeks, in extreme time-dilated simul-space, they purpose bred a dedicated AGI using a mix of military-training sims, vidgames, and XP scenarios for the specific task of inhabiting the Fury-sleeve. I-330 was the result. Once completed the AGI was forked 5 times, installed in the merc team, and sent back to make contact with the Nine-Lives syndicate reps who had organized the hit.
Pure massacre followed.
Having completed the task that formed the sole reason for their creation, the surviving I-330 sisters split up, each assuming the stolen Ego-ID of their sleeve’s former inhabitants. “Jess Ng” spent the next two years as an independent mercenary, before making contact with Firewall. Seeing an alignment of interests, she joined them.
Jess is cheerful, intelligent, pack/team-oriented, adaptive, curious, dangerously lethal, and very limited in her ability to discern the difference between the real world and the violent vidgames she was engendered in. Mentally, she has twelve years of simul-nuturing and three years of real life experience. Physically, she wears a densely muscled, heavily pierced and tattooed Fury morph with clipped, frost white and pink hair and pink eyes. She is currently doing a terrible, terrible job of attempting to pass as a human.
Quinn was the former Muse of Jess Ng, and shaped to fit that woman’s personality: aloof, superior, and sarcastic. I-330 has made no move to refit the virtual intelligence, and, indeed, is not aware that this is possible. Only Quinn’s exasperated instructions have kept “Jess” from committing any number of social, legal, or moral outrages out of sheer ignorance.
Player: OKShark
Background: Infolife
Faction: Mercurial
Morph: Fury
Gender Id: None/ Apparently female
Actual Age: 3 (Apparently 25)
Current Moxie: 3
- +Curiousity
- +Thrill-Seeking
- +AI Rights
COG = 25 (20 base, 5 from Morph)
COO = 25 (20 base, 5 from Morph)
INT = 15 (15 base)
REF = 25 (20 base, 5 from Morph)
SAV = 10 (10 base)
SOM = 30 (15 base, 15 from Morph ) WIL = 15 (10 base, 5 from Morph)
Stats TT = 6 LUC = 30 IR = 60 WT = 11 DUR = 55 DR = 83 MOX = 3 INIT = 80 SPD = 1(1)/1 DB = 3
Armor Energy = 21 Kinetic = 22
Reputation @-rep = 20 c-rep = 0 e-rep = 0 f-rep = 0 g-rep = 0 i-rep = 15 r-rep = 15
Ego Traits: Ambidextrous* (Level 1) Brave Eidetic Memory Math Wiz Situational Awareness Real World Naivete Social Stigma
Implants: Basic Biomods Basic Mesh Inserts Cortical Stack Enhanced Hearing Enhanced Vision Adrenal Boost Bioweave Armor (light) Eelware Endocrine Control Neurachem (L1) Toxin Filters Electrical Sense Mnemonic Augmentation Cyberclaws Hardened Skeleton T-Ray Emitters Mental Speed Skinlink Nanotats Piercings
Mundane: Micrograv Shoes Smart Vac Clothing Utilitool Backup Insurance (low) Fake Ego ID Simulspace Subscription
Tac-Net Software
Traction Pads, , (5x) Nanobandage, (2x) Repair Spray, Spindle, Spindle Climber
Weapons/Armor: Helmet (full) Second Skin Body Armor (heavy) (w/ Chameleon Coating, Fireproofing) 2x Heavy Rail Pistol (w/ Laser Sight) --(200x) Regular Pistol Rounds, (200x) Armor Piercing Pistol Rounds, Automatic Rail Rifle (w/ Imaging Scope, Smartlink) -- (100x)Regular Rifle Rounds, (100x) Armor Piercing Rifle Rounds
Credits = 350
Academics: Computer Science (COG) = 55 (50 base, 5) Academics: Mathematics (COG) = 65 (60 base, 5) Academics: Engineering (COG) = 55 (50 base, 5) Art: SimulSpace Design (INT) = 45 (45 base) Beam Weapons (COO) = 50 (45 base, 5) Climbing (SOM) = 50 (35 base, 15) Deception (SAV) = 20 (20 base) Fray (REF) = 70 (65 base, 5) Freefall (REF) = 45 (40 base, 5) Freerunning (SOM) = 55 (40 base, 15) Gunnery (INT) = 35 (35 base) Hardware: Robotics (COG) = 35 (30 base, 5) Infiltration (COO) = 65 (60 base, 5) Interest: AI Civil Rights (COG) = 55 (50 base, 5) Interest: Competetive VR (COG) = 55 (50 base, 5) Interfacing (COG) = 75 (70 base, 5) Intimidation (SAV) = 20 (20 base) Kinetic Weapons (COO) = 75 (70 base, 5) Language: English (INT) = 85 (85 base) Language: Japanese (INT) = 50 (50 base) Language: Spanish (INT) = 50 (50 base) Networking: Autonomists (SAV) = 45 (45 base) Perception (INT) = 60 (60 base) Pilot: Anthroform (REF) = 45 (40 base, 5) Profession: Squad Tactics (COG) = 65 (60 base, 5) Programming (COG*) = 45 (40 base, 5) Swimming (SOM) = 50 (35 base, 15) Unarmed Combat (SOM) = 75 (60 base, 15)