Psyren ~ Red Card Stories Ariko

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Miyasaka Ariko[edit]


Miyasaka Ariko is a renowned Japanese actress, reached critical success at a very young age. She is featured in many of the most famous TV series and films of Japan, some of them even acquired international recognition. Unbeknown to the world, however, Ariko has a dream: she wants to produce films of her own. She even went to night school to study film making, completely behind her agent’s back. She wants to produce documentaries, to reveal the decay and corruption of the society, hidden beneath the masquerade of modern world. Will the trip to Psyren be her dismiss? Or will it become the greatest documentary she can ever make?

Ariko is and extremely attractive and charismatic girl in her early twenties, with long dark hair and eyes of the same color. When acting, Ariko is anything the director or screenwriter wants her to be. In person, Ariko is sunny, humorous and easy-going, if a little too passionate about her dream at times. Due to her line of work, Ariko always wear the most fashionable clothes of the season…whether she like it or not.

Stats [22pp][edit]

Strength 8 (-1) [-2pp]

Dexterity 14 (+2) [4pp]

Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]

Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]

Wisdom 10 (+0) [0pp]

Charisma 20 (+5) [20pp]

Combat [0pp][edit]

Attack +0/+10 Fast Forward

Grapple +0

Defense +0/+12 with Dodge Focus

Initiative +40

Saves [18pp][edit]

Toughness 0 (+0/+8 Impervious with Force Field)

Fortitude 2 (+2)

Reflex 8 (+10)

Will 8 (+8)

Skills [16pp][edit]

Bluff 11 (+16, +20 Attractive)

Diplomacy 11 (+16, +20 Attractive)

Gather Information 10 (+15)

Perform (Acting) 15 (+20)

Profession (Filming) 15 (+15)

Language 2 (Base Japanese; English, French)

Feats [12pp][edit]

Benefit 1 (Famous Actress)


Uncanny Dodge 1 (Sight)


Attractive 1


Distracting Looks 1

Distract 1 (Bluff)

Fascinate 1 (Perform)

Bishojo 1

Slap Silly 1



Enhanced Traits 12 (Dodge Focus 12; Extras: Sustained +0) [12pp]

Force Field 8 (Extras: Impervious +1) [16pp]

Time Control

BP: Super Speed 10 [50pp]

AP: Fast Forward! Damage 10 (Extras: Range +1, Autofire +1; Penetrating +1; Feats: Indirect 3, Homing 2, Accurate 5) [1pp]

AP: Rewind! Healing 12 (Extras: Affects Objects +1, Restoration +1, Total +1; Flaws: Charge power –1; Feats: Persistent 1, Regrowth 1) [1pp]

AP: Pause! Paralyze 10 (Extras: Perception +2, Insidious +1, Alternate Save (Reflex) +0) [1pp]

AP: Stop! Time Stop 10 (Extra: Independent +0; Flaws: Full Round Action –1, Tiring -1) [1pp]

Point Total[edit]

Abilities 22 + Combat 0 + Saves 18 + Skills 16 + Feats 12 + Powers 82 = 150