The Lastborn Organizations

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The Shori Corporation[edit]

The controllers of the energy source called "Prima." The organizers of the Lastborn Crusade. A megacorporation that controls a lot of the world.

The Hope Police[edit]

The Human Occupation Protection Executive Branch of Shori, they track down and eliminate monsters, but also suppress dissent under the pretense of further monster hunts.

The Sakurada Compact[edit]

A cult of personality lead by Daisuke Sakurada. They claim to have located a new source of Prima. Their claims threaten the Shori Corporation's control of the world.

The Church of Reborn[edit]

A group of psychics and spiritualists who claim to have contacted Prima itself, and who intend to save the world.

The Apollyon Cartel[edit]

A group of assassins and psychopaths who intend to use Prima to destroy the world.

The Silver City Guild[edit]

Organized Crime itself-- it controls criminal activity in the various megacities.

The D'arqueHardt Family[edit]

A family of master criminals, scions of The Silver City Guild. While they've had a long history of successful criminal activity, their ultimate goal is world conquest-- a task they have yet to succeed in. In pursuit of this goal, they have recruited armies of followers, and constructed an every-growing array of ultimate weapons, from weather-controlling machines to death rays to gigantic robots shaped like hundred-foot human hands-- a weapon which some young inventor has miniaturized to the size of an ordinary human hand.

The Iron Hand Army[edit]

A group of minions that serve the D'arqueHardt family faithfully. They wear grey-and-black uniforms that cover the entire body and face, with gray hand logos on their chests. They are generally all interchangeable.