Star Knight Hiroshi
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Miyazuki Hiroshi[edit]
Hiroshi is an 18 year old boy from a prosperous family. He's always in the newest styles and hanging out with the rich. He does desire more attachment to people outside of his social strata. Tamaki Sanada has peaked his interest from time to time for her...odd behavior. He considers himself a ladies man whether they do or not.
Miyazuki Hiroshi is a straight-laced boy from a very wealthy family in the area. When he's not vying for Takata Natsumi time and attention, a match that many in and out of the school agree would be a good one, he's usually participating in the Judo Club and Student Council.
Hiroshi participates in the Kendo CLub if nothing more than to keep up with one of the more prestigious clubs at school. He also does it so he can spend some time with Mitsuwa-sensei. She doesn't put up with his antics of trying to get her attentions, but he finds the challenge interesting and fun.
Abilities (22 PP)[edit]
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 18
Cha 16
Combat (2 PP)[edit]
Initiative +7
Toughness +1
Fortitude +3
Reflex +3
Will +4
Skills (10 PP)[edit]
Acrobatics 4 (+6)
Bluff 4 (+7)
Diplomacy 6 (+9)
Drive 4 (+6)
Escape Artist 6 (+8)
Gather Information 4 (+7)
Notice 4 (+8)
Search 4 (+8)
Sense Motive 4 (+8)
Feats (26 PP)[edit]
Accurate Attack
Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2
Attack Specialization (Sword)
Bishonen 2
Defensive Attack
Distracting Looks 2
Equipment 2
Improved Block
Improved Critical (Unarmed)
Improved Disarm 2
Improved Grab
Improved Grapple
Improved Initiative
Improved Pin
Improved Throw
Improved Trip
Luck 1
Prone Fighting
Stunning Attack
Zen Strike
SUV (Hummer)
Cell Phone
Additional Stuff=[edit]
Growth 2, Permanent (6)
Attack +2 (4)
Defense 6 (12)
Str +16
Con +10
Protection 3
Impervious Toughness 7
Immovable 2
Leap 2
Superstrength 4
--Alt. Power for Strength: Icy Grip: Snare 8, Range (touch), linked to Fatigue 8, Limited to Fatigue, both Follow Pin.
--Alt. Power for Strength: Ice Slick: Trip 8, Range (Melee), Area (Cloud)