Psyren ~ Red Card Stories

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This is the wiki for hautboishawk's Psyren ~ Red Card Stories, a Psyren inspired game using M&M 2e.


People all over he world have been disappearing, in no greater numbers than usual, but there's been somethings in common that have attracted the attention of the ever-curious and ever-paranoid folk of the internet.

People have vanished, or perhaps the correct phrase is "been abducted", after they receive a red phone card from a normal pay phone (rare enough these days), that has only one word on it, in black letters. Psyren.

You're a normal person, or perhaps you're more extraordinary, it doesn't matter. A high-school student. A college-student. A movie star. A machinist. A homeless person. A doctor. A politician. A roller derby enthusiast. A writer. But one night you're walking past a phone booth, alone, and it starts to ring. You answered it, and now, your life is about to change forever. Maybe you can grab a hold of it yourself and make some changes of your own.

The Game Thus Far[edit]

Behind the Red Card[edit]

Psyren ~ Red Card Stories

Meet the Players[edit]

Example Sheet

Miyasaka Ariko

Noah Evans