Joe Fuller
Mutant Future Hexcrawl Main Page
Biographical Info
- Name: Joe Fuller
- Race: Pure Human
- Sex: Male
- Age:
- Height
- Weight
- Hair
- Eyes l
- Skin
- History and Personality
- Description
- Pure Human
- Level 1
- EXP 1
- XP required for next level
- Alignment
- STR 12 (+0 to hit/damage)
- DEX 7 (+1 to AC, -1 to missile weapons)
- CON 15
- INT 18 (+15% to technology roll)
- WIL 11 (no adj)
- CHR 15 (-1 to reaction roll, Max. # Retainers: 5; Retainer Morale 8)
Combat Stats
- AC6 (studded leather and shield, +1 dex)
- HP: 72/72
- Move 30/10/30 ft
- Saving Throws
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- Coins gp sp cp
- Weapons
- Longsword
- Dagger
- Heavy crossbow
- 20 quarrels in case
- Gear
- Studded leather armour
- Shield
- Backpack
- Waterskin
- Bedroll
- Winter blanket
- Flint & steel
- Lantern
- 5 flasks oil
- 10 days trail rations
- 50 ft silk rope
- 2 small sacks
- Map case
- 1 oz ink
- Quill pen
- 10 sheets parchment
- Spyglass
- Bottle of wine
- 12 Iron spikes
- Hammer
- 1lb Tobacco (trade)
- 1lb Ginger
- Treasure