Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 01

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Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Sun Aug 22 11:20:05 2010 -0600 [11:20] *** Anshu_ has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:20] *** Anshu_ is now known as Taurus [11:20] *** Taurus is now known as Taurus_II [11:20] *** RandBrittain has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:20] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell [11:21] *** dakkareth has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:22] * @Taurus_II waves [11:22] <@Taurus_II> now Dakk... you said something about having a dicebot [11:22] <@Taurus_II> ? [11:22] <dakkareth> should I bring in ... sure! [11:23] *** Myllinnia has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:23] <Myllinnia> grr... [11:23] *** Hattori has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:23] <Inkwell> My orgies are all being nipped in the bud. So unkind! [11:23] <Inkwell> This kind of thing is why I have social problems. [11:23] <Hattori> Hm?? [11:23] <@Taurus_II> XD [11:24] <Hattori> anyway [11:24] <Hattori> so yeah [11:24] <Hattori> Taurus, did you get a chance to skim the deliberative stuff and okay it [11:24] <@Taurus_II> not yet [11:24] <Inkwell> Although, I played out an amusing conversation in my head where one of the manly men asks Inkwell if he's a virgin, and Inkwell says "That's so rude! I've done it with all KINDS of demons!" [11:24] <Hattori> well, then you're not a virgin [11:24] <@Taurus_II> I've been trying, but you people keep distracting me :P [11:24] <Inkwell> While still allowing me to be completely inept with human women. [11:25] <Hattori> but how many just wanted you for your prose [11:25] <Hattori> that is the question [11:26] <Inkwell> Well, orgies are apparently REQUIRED for GSPs, although that's from the Unpopular Chapters so who knows. [11:26] <dakkareth> argh, it's making trouble again [11:26] <@Taurus_II> what is? [11:27] <dakkareth> the bot [11:27] <Myllinnia> Bot? [11:27] <@Taurus_II> =( [11:27] <@Taurus_II> Dakk has a dicebot [11:28] <Myllinnia> aaah [11:28] *** Raksi has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:28] <Raksi> Ahh there we go [11:28] <@Taurus_II> yaay [11:28] <Myllinnia> yay ^^ CE having troubles? [11:28] <@Taurus_II> yes [11:28] <Myllinnia> Stupid technology XD [11:29] <Raksi> I havnt used this in years >_> [11:29] <Hattori> cowboy still isn't here [11:29] <@Taurus_II> I think he's having to download an irc client first [11:29] <Myllinnia> I know let's play the game using smoke signals. ^^ [11:29] <dakkareth> heh [11:29] <dakkareth> I suck [11:29] <dakkareth> wrong server info entered [11:29] *** dakbot has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:29] <Hattori> i just used rpgnet's chat page [11:29] <Myllinnia> Aw. [11:29] <@Taurus_II> okay [11:30] <@Taurus_II> so how do we use Dakbot? [11:30] <dakkareth> so, we won't use maptools anymore? [11:30] <dakkareth> .ex 10 [11:30] <dakbot> dakkareth rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [9, 8, 1, 8, 3, 4, 1, 8, 6, 6] [11:30] <dakkareth> .ex 10 dmg [11:30] <dakbot> dakkareth rolled 6 successes for damage: [3, 8, 5, 8, 10, 8, 9, 10, 6, 3] [11:30] <dakkareth> .ex 10 6 [11:30] <dakbot> dakkareth rolled 7 successes against TN 6: [1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 9, 2, 3, 7] [11:30] *** Crow has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:30] <Myllinnia> ooh nice [11:30] <Crow> Got it! [11:30] <Myllinnia> Its the Crow! [11:30] <dakkareth> though I have to add everyone as users [11:30] <Crow> Alright, this work? [11:30] <Crow> wtfd [11:30] <Crow> I was supposed to be Brazen Sand [11:30] <Crow> Hmmm... [11:30] <@Taurus_II> yeah, we won't be using Maptools anymore [11:30] <Crow> maybe Crow could speak to them though [11:30] <dakkareth> so, once everyone has settled into IC names I'll add you and it will work [11:31] <@Taurus_II> use /nick Brazen_Sand [11:31] <dakkareth> so [11:31] <dakkareth> IC channel and OOC channel? [11:31] *** Crow is now known as Brazen_Sand [11:31] <dakkareth> to separate RP from mechanics and general banter? [11:31] <Brazen_Sand> HA HA! I am teh master of disguise! [11:31] <Raksi> =P [11:31] <dakkareth> I'm all for that, in case we vote. [11:31] <Brazen_Sand> Hattori, can you put your character up on the Wiki please? [11:32] <@Taurus_II> #celestialdeliberativeOOC [11:32] <Hattori> hm, my client is scroll locking me for some reason [11:32] <Hattori> yeah, i'll get around to it [11:32] *** Myllinnia is now known as Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby [11:32] <Hattori> wiki formatting just really pisses me off [11:32] <Brazen_Sand> me too [11:32] <Brazen_Sand> but it is a necessary evil [11:32] <Brazen_Sand> ...or you can get someone to do the work for you ; ) [11:32] <@Taurus_II> it's not so bad once you het the hang of it [11:32] <@Taurus_II> get* [11:32] <Brazen_Sand> nice pun there [11:32] *** dakbot has left #celestialdeliberative [11:32] <Hattori> plus, my character sheet is really freaking long [11:32] <Hattori> due to my tendency to write [11:33] <Hattori> really freaking long character sheets [11:33] <Brazen_Sand> That's okay [11:33] <Brazen_Sand> just C&P in the template [11:33] *** Hattori is now known as Noldarr [11:33] <Brazen_Sand> Within the template [11:33] <Raksi> yeah fuss with it later ^^ [11:33] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway Taurus, you got a scene ready? [11:33] *** Raksi is now known as Lady_Daethia [11:34] <Brazen_Sand> : D [11:34] <@Taurus_II> I do, but I thought we were still working on how our characters know each other and so forth [11:34] <Brazen_Sand> Oh yeah, I might speak for my familiar, a giant Agatae [11:34] <Brazen_Sand> so I guess I'm playing two characters [11:34] <dakkareth> Still on the 'what do we know baout each other' phase, I think. [11:35] <Noldarr> yeah [11:35] <Noldarr> who hasn't gone? [11:35] <Lady_Daethia> myll connect to ooc room too o: [11:36] <Noldarr> wow, i'm noticing an unusually high amount of total compassion in our party [11:36] <Noldarr> almost everyone has compassion 4 or 5 [11:36] <Brazen_Sand> POWER OF LOVE [11:36] <Brazen_Sand> ACTIVATE [11:36] <Inkwell> POWER OF COSMIC TRANSCENDENCE OF LOVE [11:36] <Inkwell> ACTIVATE [11:36] <@Taurus_II> maybe you guys should all invest in the GTlamorous Warrior style [11:36] <Lady_Daethia> oh god captain planet comes to mind @_@ [11:36] <Brazen_Sand> That's a lot of Love! [11:36] <Noldarr> WITH YOUR POWERS COMBINED [11:36] <Brazen_Sand> I was thinking more Wonder Twins, but that works too [11:36] <Noldarr> I AM CAPTAIN CREATION [11:36] <Lady_Daethia> lol [11:36] <@Taurus_II> and pull Magical Girl-style Defeat Means Friendship massive beam attacks [11:37] <Inkwell> Unity of the Closed Fist, baby. [11:37] <Brazen_Sand> Oh I'll still kill bitches though [11:37] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> er... One moment. Connecting o other room... [11:37] <Noldarr> fuck yeah [11:37] <Noldarr> i actually have a defeat means friendship charm [11:37] <@Taurus_II> Noldarr, connect to the other room [11:37] <Noldarr> it's awesome [11:37] <Noldarr> ^_^ [11:37] <Noldarr> what's the other room? [11:37] <@Taurus_II> #celestialdeliberativeOOC [11:37] <Lady_Daethia> I WILL RULE CREATION WITH AN ORICHALCUM FIST IN AN ORICHALCUM GLOVE.. YOU!. OBEY THE FIST! [11:37] <Noldarr> ? [11:37] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hmmm ... it didn't like that idea. kk one more try XD [11:37] <Noldarr> i just saw a blank when you sent your message, taurus [11:37] <@Taurus_II> oh [11:37] <Noldarr> it showed your name, then a blank line [11:38] <@Taurus_II> celestialdeliberativeOOC [11:38] <@Taurus_II> there? [11:38] <Noldarr> yeah, nothing [11:38] <Noldarr> pm me [11:38] <Lady_Daethia> i can see it @_@ [11:38] <@Taurus_II> celestialdeliberativeOOC [11:38] <Brazen_Sand> Anyway [11:38] <Brazen_Sand> I said what people would know abotu me [11:38] *** Noldarr has left #celestialdeliberative [11:38] <Brazen_Sand> And so did Noldarr and Inkwell [11:38] <@Taurus_II> ((we should take this to the OOC channel now, I think)) [11:39] <Brazen_Sand> Sure [11:41] *** Hattori has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:41] *** Hattori is now known as Noldarr [11:56] *** Taurus_II kicked Lady_Daethia from the channel: See You - Kick sponsored by (Link: http://www.trillian.im)www.trillian.im [11:57] *** Raksi has joined #celestialdeliberative [11:58] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki [12:00] *** Raksi has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [12:01] *** Lady_Daethia has joined #celestialdeliberative [12:04] <@Taurus_II> Earlier today, each of you received a message inviting you to the Sword of Creation for a private meeting with "a few prominent Deliberators"; the message was signed "Ziyad Antarah, Minister of Education". [12:05] <@Taurus_II> You now find yourselves standing at the doors of the Sword of Creation. [12:05] <Inkwell> I'm eager to examine the most complex work of artifice ever. [12:05] <Noldarr> I'm looking around at the other Exalted. [12:05] <Inkwell> Doubtless I am visibly geeking out as I examine the security systems on the doors with Essence sight. [12:06] <Brazen_Sand> I am displeased to have had to travel so far from my kingdom [12:06] <Noldarr> I NOTE YOUR DISPLEASURE [12:06] <Brazen_Sand> but I have come here, leaving a few functionaries in charge, leaving my brand upon them and the command to administrate the nation well, on pain of death [12:06] <@Taurus_II> ((I assume you were on the Blessed Isle for some other reason, Brazen)) [12:06] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby stands looking at the others around her, her hands are folded before her as stands there, keeping herself just slightly back. She hadn't been in Creation long but she knew that unlike the Champions of her land the Exalted of Creation take their positions as masters of mortals quite well. [12:07] <Noldarr> "Sand? You're a long way from Gem." [12:07] <Brazen_Sand> (It's a good introduction) [12:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Minister of Education" Nomoe Hideaki is not fooled, of course. Ziyad Antarah is without a doubt one of the most influential members of the Celestial Deliberative and a missive from him would be hard to ignore even if he wanted to. [12:07] <Lady_Daethia> as she arrives she politely nods to the others before marvelling at the architecture of the great legendary manse [12:07] <Brazen_Sand> "Noldarr, your fame precedes you. I am impressed with your work" [12:08] <Noldarr> "Thank you, but your praise is undeserved." [12:09] <Inkwell> "Just look at these Essence channels! The engraving is very nearly accurate down to the semi-motic level!" [12:09] <Brazen_Sand> "Nonetheless, I have given it to you. Accept it. Anyway, I'm here because I have been invited. Although their reach does not precisely extend to my kingdom, it would be foolish to ignore the deliberative." [12:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And so Nomoe Hideaki is present, early enough to give proper respect to the senior Deliberator, with no more than two servants with him. ((unless they wouldn't have been allowed this far)) [12:09] <@Taurus_II> The doors are plainly meant to keep out everyone and everything. However, it seems you are expected, for the doors swing open at your approach. [12:09] <Brazen_Sand> *A massive Agatae follows behind Brazen and looks at Noldarr, it's crystal antennae almost as long as full-grown man. It speaks to the general* [12:10] <Brazen_Sand> "This is as friendly as Brazen Sand gets, you should be flattered." [12:10] <Noldarr> "Hmm? How interesting." [12:10] * Nomoe_Hideaki returns Lady Daethia's nod, and makes a polite gesture of greetings towards Noldarr when he sees the other Solars. The Infernal, of whom he has heard, and the mortal, of whom he has not heard, he seems to mostly ignore. [12:11] <Brazen_Sand> It's voice is like the ingling of crystal chimes [12:11] <Noldarr> "You seem like you know Sand well, ...?" [12:11] <Inkwell> "And see these field projectors? You can see the marks of their Autochthonian design along the bezel, although they've been modified over the years." [12:11] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby frowns softly to Inkwell but keeps quiet. It wouldn't do to draw undesired attention, well not yet. [12:11] <Brazen_Sand> "I am his major-domo, one could say." [12:11] <@Taurus_II> Inside, you find yourself in a wide, dim aisle lit only by the glow of stained-glass ornamental pillars depicting ancient Solar luminaries. The path leads through a cathedral-like space up a low flight of stairs to a circular jade dais marked with sunburst and gear symbols. [12:11] <Noldarr> "And how should I refer to you?" [12:12] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen walks into the Sword of Creation, looking around and suitably impressed, but keeping it from showing. He is too pragmatic to let his imagination run away from him. [12:12] <Brazen_Sand> "I am Launjilla the Effervescent Hope." [12:12] * Noldarr returns Nomoe's gesture a bit more warmly and considers the other Exalted. [12:13] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen considers the decorations too showy, clearly proof of a civilization with too much time on it's hands. [12:13] <Noldarr> ""Launjilla, it's good to meet you. I am Noldarr, but most people call me Nold or Arr." He smiles [12:15] * Nomoe_Hideaki is one of the first to go through the door, reasoning that whatever business the Infernal has here will be of secondary importance to his own and that of the other Solars present [12:16] <Brazen_Sand> Launjilla follows Brazen Sand inside [12:17] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby considers the Sword's construction with awe, though she is quite to remind her that likely this was quite wasteful and better spent on more useful projects. But then she knew so little of the Sword though it was apparent it was different that the surrounding buildings. [12:18] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen notices Nomoe pointedly walk in before him and a snarl splits his face for a fraction of a second. He is a lord and ruler, none shall have primacy over hi-he stops himself and continues walking stoicly [12:18] <@Taurus_II> Coming down the steps toward you is Ziyad Antarah, accompanied by his two mates. "Good, you're here." He casts his eyes over the group. "I apologize for any inconvenience, but the agatae and your mortal servants may not come further inside. They can wait here in the antechamber, or return to your dwellings here on the Isle." [12:19] <Inkwell> I left my demon retainers at my manse, since I didn't think they'd be welcome inside the Sword. [12:19] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen turns to Launjilla and nods. The Agatae leaves without a word. "I likely would not have fit through the halls in any case." It says to itself, slightly disappointed [12:19] * Nomoe_Hideaki has expected as much - the servants are fortunate to have set foot into the Sword at all - and makes a small gesture with one hand, indicating that they should stay. [12:20] * Noldarr makes a commiserating gesture to Launjilla, then turns to regard the Solar. [12:20] <Brazen_Sand> How do you do the pink-text? [12:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Deliberator Antarah." Nomoe Hideaki bows, giving the older Exalt slightly more respect than he would to an equal. [12:23] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby tilts her head slightly as Nomoe bows then she does the same, though keeping her silence. [12:23] <Brazen_Sand> "/Brazen_Sand thins his lips and folds his arms" [12:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Have I misread the time on your invitation or ..." He makes a small gesture to the others present, excluding the Infernal, "... does this concern my respected peers as well?" [12:24] <@Taurus_II> "Deliberator Nomoe," Ziyad replies, bowing back as he would to a peer, "and others." looks up at the ceiling, and speaks in Old Realm. "Servant, please mark these people as guests." You notice that he and his mates both bear crowns of hologlyphic light on their heads. [12:24] *** Taurus_II is now known as Servant [12:24] <Brazen_Sand> "What have you summoned us here for?" He asks [12:24] <Inkwell> "I'm honored to be given the opportunity to observe the greatest masterwork of the Old Realm in person." [12:24] <Noldarr> Noldarr regards the crown that appears with a mix of childish wonder and bitterness. [12:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki's tone is of careful politeness. [12:25] <Lady_Daethia> Bows following Anatarahs entrance "It would not be right manners to disreguard such an invitation." [12:25] * Brazen_Sand nods. [12:26] <Brazen_Sand> "That is why I came here. My citizens need guidance and the desert is the harshest of all environments" [12:27] <Brazen_Sand> "Anterah, we have spoken before and come to an agreement. I hope that the Deliberative has not decided to renege." [12:28] <@Servant> "No, no. [12:28] <@Servant> " Ziyad shakes his head. [12:28] <@Servant> "Yes, O Prince of the Earth," comes a voice from the air in response to Ziyad's command, speaking in Old Realm. A moment's silence passes. "Unknown Exalt type detected," it says then, and Astaria Izil is wreathed in hologlyphic flame. [12:29] *** Servant is now known as Taurus_II [12:29] * Brazen_Sand Brazen Sand turns to Astaria and frowns [12:29] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad takes a half-step back, his eyes narrowing, and he takes his mates' hands in his. [12:29] * Nomoe_Hideaki frowns slightly at Brazen Sand's tone but does not comment. [12:29] * Noldarr has his hand on his sword in a flash. [12:30] <Brazen_Sand> "Of course, why else would a mere mortal be allowed into the Sword!" He says, gripping the lance on his back. [12:30] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby stiffens slightly and sighs, leave it up to the fancy waste of space to be actually useful in some compacity. [12:30] <Noldarr> "Explain yourself, please." [12:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> As the seemingly mortal woman is revealed as an Exalt Nomoe Hideaki sends a thought through the hearthstone in the socket implanted into his back and looks upon her with essence sight. [12:30] <Brazen_Sand> "Did the Shadow of all Things send you? A spy right within the Deliberative?!" He says intensely, his shadow looming and his voice somehow making himself appear terrifying [12:30] * Inkwell begins circling around the unidentified Exalt, examing her Essence pattern eagerly. [12:30] <Noldarr> Noldarr's tone is gentle, but firm. [12:31] * Lady_Daethia hand gripping the bow tightly follwing the announcement her eyes flicking and fixing on Astria awaiting the explanation. [12:31] <Brazen_Sand> "Answer or be destroyed!" [12:31] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen Sand commands [12:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His hands hiden in his wide sleeves, far from the weapon at his side, he just observes the unfolding events. [12:31] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *hidden [12:32] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Very well. Apparently I cannot keep this up with such a device present. I am one of Autochthon's Chosen, not a Mortal. But still I am a Representative from my lands." [12:32] <Inkwell> "What does that mean, exactly?" [12:32] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby smirks slightly. [12:32] * Inkwell uses Conceptual Context Expansion to get the details out of the woman. [12:32] <Brazen_Sand> "A representative that attempted to decieve us!" Brazen snarls [12:32] <@Taurus_II> "One of the Alchemical Exalted?" Ziyad says in surprise. [12:32] <Brazen_Sand> "This is an insult" [12:33] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Yes I am an Alchemical, of the rare Adamant Caste." [12:33] <Noldarr> "From Ziyad's reaction, you were not invited here." [12:34] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "And it wasn't not my intent to decieve truly." [12:34] <@Taurus_II> "Adamant...? Our agents have heard rumors of your existence in Autochthonia, but even there you are thought mythical." [12:34] <Noldarr> "Why did you come in with us?" [12:35] <Brazen_Sand> "There is no other term for what you did, hiding behind a disguise, entering the most secure place in Creation under false pretenses!" Brazen snarled. "If you had tried such in Gem, I would publically execute you for your temerity!" [12:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "But your kind does not rule here, Infernal." [12:35] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Yes, true. Quite... a disruption, were they to know of my true existance. I came as I was ordered. Nothing more. No Ill intent on my side. I am a Represenative of my chosen nation." [12:35] <Lady_Daethia> "Well shed have to be somewhat stupid to think of trying anything here." Her grip loosens as she allows herself to relax following the news. [12:35] * Brazen_Sand snorts at Nomoe [12:36] <Inkwell> Frustrated, I activate So Speaks She Who Lives In Her Name, which I should have had up sooner. [12:36] <Brazen_Sand> "The only reason why she is still alive." [12:36] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby tilts her head at Brazen Sand but shakes her head. [12:36] <Noldarr> 'You were ordered." Noldarr nods. "Who is your superior?" [12:37] <@Taurus_II> "... And do you represent others as well?" Ziyad asks. "We... have some small experience of what is required to create ALchemicals. To be a myth in your own land, your construction must be a well-hidden secret. Who created you?" [12:37] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "And your words speak as to why I would be in disguise. I am thankful the others here are a bit more understanding." She raises an eyebrow. "I represent Estasia and... The Divine Ministers. It is the Divine Ministers that created me and gave me my Directives." [12:38] <Noldarr> "I have not heard of such ministers before. They are...the ruling aspects of Autocthon?" [12:39] <Brazen_Sand> Launjilla hears the commotion as it enters the waiting area. "oh dear" it mutters. [12:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Well not so much as Rules as they are Maintainers. Truly they have some power among the 8 Nations. But they do not intervene when its not necessary." [12:40] <@Taurus_II> "I see." Ziyad considers. "Is there a real Astaria Izil?" he asks. [12:40] <Inkwell> "You refer to Autochthon's devas, I think? Fascinating!" [12:40] <Noldarr> "To tell truth, I am not so much concerned with the identity of your superiors as I am with their intentions. It is strange that you would be sent here under disguise, as if they thought that the Sword could be so easily fooled..." [12:41] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Yes that would be me. No I did not kill the real Astaria Izil. I just ... inserted myself. It wasn't easy I should tell you. Far more easier to get into Creation than it was Estasia." [12:42] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Well to be fair the Sword... is not in my records. So I was not at all sure what to expect." [12:43] <Noldarr> "Could you explain in more detail? Did you decide to explore the Sword on a whim, or was there something among your directives that you interpreted as requiring you to undertake this?" [12:45] * Nomoe_Hideaki continues to merely observe and listen. So far the Autochthonian representative has not tried to deceive the Exalts present, which is enough for him - for now. It doesn't mean that her superiors aren't trying something sneaky, but that's not his problem. Not directly, not now anyway. [12:45] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Astaria Izil, Representative of Estasia was invited. Had I turned down the invitasion my superiors in Estasia would be quite displeased and would likely replace me. Thus making it hard for my directives from the Divine Ministers to be upheld. If I cannot determine threats to Autochthonia then I would be quite the failure as an Operative of the Ministers." [12:46] <Noldarr> "Ah. I understand the situation now." [12:46] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Does that satisfy inquires into my nature?" [12:46] * Noldarr takes his hand off his sword. [12:46] * Inkwell continues circling around the mysterious Exalt, occasionally poking her as he reviews her Essence pattern. [12:46] <Brazen_Sand> "It is not my decision, as this is not my territory. But do not attempt such things in the South!" [12:46] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby frowns at Inkwell but lets his power to observe her. [12:46] <Lady_Daethia> Quietly she listens to the interrigation giving a soft sigh. None of what she had heard paticularly seemed too concerning and it would not be hard to dispose of her if the need did arrise in the present circumstances. [12:46] <Noldarr> "Inkwell, it is considered inappropriate to inspect others as if they were objects, especially people of the opposite gender." [12:47] * Nomoe_Hideaki frowns slightly at the Infernal's rude behaviour, but they are all guests to Deliberator Antarah and it is for him to rebuke his guests. [12:49] <Inkwell> "But this is a fantastic scientific revelation! I've never been able to examine Alchemical Exaltations in the field before!" [12:49] <@Taurus_II> "Ambassador Inkwell, you would do well to heed Noldarr's words. She may not wish to be examined." [12:49] <Noldarr> "Nonetheless, a certain amount of respect for the space of others is expected." [12:50] <Brazen_Sand> "Perhaps he should examine her. Maybe she's hidden something else." [12:50] * Noldarr chuckles [12:50] <@Taurus_II> "I have no more questions about your nature, but since you are not Astaria Izil, what should we call you?" [12:50] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby frowns uncomfortable with Inkwell's excitement and takes a step or to away. [12:51] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "You may call me... Shadow Phoenix Ruby." [12:51] * Inkwell sulks. [12:51] * Brazen_Sand activates Insignificant Embers Intuition [12:51] <Noldarr> 'It's a pleasure to meet you." [12:52] * Noldarr pats Inkwell on the back [12:52] <@Taurus_II> "Very well. Servant, mark these people as guests," Ziyad repeats. [12:52] *** Taurus_II is now known as Servant [12:52] * Brazen_Sand 's eyes flash with a cancerous green glow for a moment as he looks at the Alchemical with a piercing stare [12:52] <Noldarr> "Is this not a higher good, Inkwell? Even when your investigations are thwarted, your larger purpose here is served." [12:53] <@Servant> "Yes, O Prince of the Earth," Servant says again, and this time, tongues of fire appear on the foreheads of all present, save Ziyad and his Mates. [12:53] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head toward Shadow Phoenix Ruby in greeting, since her social standing is now revealed as not so far below his own that he can just ignore her. [12:53] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby raises her chin at Brazen Sand, quite unsure what he is up to, but not willing to disrupt further her reasons for being here. [12:53] <Inkwell> "Purpose, yes, but... but... SCIENCE." [12:54] <Noldarr> 'There, there.' [12:55] <@Servant> "Now, we should not delay further. The others are waiting in the Panopticon. If you will all join us on the dais?" Ziyad ascends the steps back to the raised platform and spreads his hands in invitation. [12:55] *** Servant is now known as Taurus_II [12:56] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods and follows the Deliberator [12:56] <Noldarr> Noldarr makes sure that Inkwell has recovered and that Phoenix is unmolested, then advances with deliberate speed [12:56] * Brazen_Sand follows [12:57] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby gives a sigh and walks up with the others. She hopes she hasn't just compromised her entire mission. It was quite a data crystal full to donate her nature to these Creation born. [12:57] * Lady_Daethia Noting the flash of green from the corner of her eye she turns and glares at brazen a long moment before returning her gaze to theyre host. [13:00] * Brazen_Sand nods at Shadow after the flash dims, seemingly satisfied. [13:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Walking up the stairs Nomoe Hideaki drifts closer to the Autochthonian representative. "Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby. To complete our introduction, I am Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki. A pleasure to meet you." [13:01] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "A pleasure to meet you too, Deliberator," she gives a pleasant smile and nod. [13:04] <@Taurus_II> Once all are standing on the dais, Ziyad addresses Servant once again. "The Library of Martial Conflict, Servant." [13:04] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods as well, or maybe it is the slightest form of a bow, considering the introduction completed. [13:04] <@Taurus_II> And the Exalts are teleported deeper into the interior. [13:07] <Brazen_Sand> Launjilla finds an open corner, sits, and waits [13:07] <@Taurus_II> They reappear in a vast library, untold thousands of shelves stretching into the distance, bearing every kind of information storage ever known to humanity. [13:08] * Inkwell stands in awe. [13:08] * Inkwell begins speed-reading. [13:08] <Brazen_Sand> "Amazing." Brazen Sand says despite himself. [13:08] * Noldarr looks around, curious. [13:09] <Noldarr> It's the library of martial conflict...what insights are here, waiting in these tomes? [13:09] <@Taurus_II> A group of elementals of varying aspects approach and offer to carry the group to wherever they would like to go. "No need," Ziyad waves a hand. "Servant placed us near where we need to be." [13:09] * Nomoe_Hideaki walks the fine line between appearing suitably impressed to honor the host and affecting casual indifference. [13:09] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby purses her lips at the large library. She no longer can call it an inefficient waste any more, a library of this size has a useful purpose. [13:09] * Brazen_Sand simply follows Ziyad, focused foremost on the task at hand [13:09] <@Taurus_II> Other elementals can be seen walking through the library. [13:09] * Lady_Daethia stares around the shelves she expected something of wonder but this was more then she could have thought. [13:10] <Brazen_Sand> The Elementals recoil in fear from Brazen Sand, the truth of his power written clear as glass upon him in their sight [13:10] * Brazen_Sand ignores them [13:12] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad leads the group over to a door set in a wall - for they arrived next to it - and opens it. The gracious host, he gestures for the others to enter first. [13:13] * Brazen_Sand makes sure to enter first this time [13:13] * Nomoe_Hideaki gives a nod of thanks and walks through [13:13] * Noldarr enters. [13:14] * Lady_Daethia enters through the door smiling following the gracious gesture. [13:14] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby enters with a graceful walk watching how the reactions of the others, especially those of Brazen and Inkwell, one that can make Creation's Elementals unhappy and the other whose curiosity was greater than anything she had seen before. [13:15] <Inkwell> Such a lot of books! [13:15] <Inkwell> I guess I should go through the door. [13:15] <Inkwell> I should really learn to colocate. [13:16] <Noldarr> wait, what's in this room? [13:17] <@Taurus_II> ((I'm getting to it)) [13:17] <Noldarr> This could be a deathtrap and we all just walked in! [13:17] <Noldarr> I examine things closely! [13:17] <Brazen_Sand> TEN FOOT POLES! [13:18] * Inkwell pokes at things with telekinesis. [13:18] <@Taurus_II> The room is rather spacious, clearly intended as a room for research where some amount of privacy and quiet would be required. At the moment, there is a long table with chairs on either side roughly in the middle of the room. Seated on the far side of the table is the majority of the Grand Circle, plus Mnemon. Ziyad and his mates take the seats left empty for them, and he gestures to the chairs on the side closest to you. [13:19] <Noldarr> Mnemon. [13:19] * Noldarr narrows his eyes, ever so slightly. [13:19] * Brazen_Sand takes a seat near the more politically powerful people [13:19] * Noldarr holds out a seat for the person closest to his right, then takes his own seat [13:20] * Lady_Daethia Her eyes scan over those present before taking a seat. [13:20] * Nomoe_Hideaki sits with the other Solars (and the Autochthonian ambassador), making sure there is a bit of distance between himself and the Infernals [13:20] <Inkwell> Ooooooo. [13:20] <Inkwell> I pull a seat over to myself, then hover, seated, back to where it was originally sitting. [13:22] <Noldarr> by process of elimination, phoenix is the person I pull a seat out for, then [13:22] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Neat trick," she says to herself soft as she takes the one offer to her. "Thank you," she tells Noldarr. [13:23] * Brazen_Sand nods with a modicum of respect for the Deliberative. He had met them before during negotiations [13:24] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad begins. "You must all be wondering why we've invited you here. We wanted to make you aware of certain disturbing rumors that have reached our ears of late." [13:25] * Noldarr looks at Mnemon, then looks at the circle. [13:25] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby raises an eyebrow and folds her hands in her lap. [13:25] * Noldarr hopes these rumors are not sexual in nature. Lilac invited him to that party, he thought the beverages were safe! [13:25] * Brazen_Sand leans forward with his hands clasped on the table. [13:26] <Brazen_Sand> "Continue." [13:27] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad looks to his left and right, where Anshu and Solitary Talon are sitting, as if waiting for one of them to take it from there. Solitary Talon speaks first. [13:27] * Nomoe_Hideaki just waits, evaluating the atmosphere created by glances and expressions [13:29] <@Taurus_II> "As I'm sure you know, I maintain close ties with the Dynasty," she says. "Recently, in certain circles, word has been going around that the Scarlet Empress has returned and been seen in a few places in the Threshold." [13:30] * Lady_Daethia she raises a brow following the in her eyes rather farfetched announcement. [13:31] * Brazen_Sand nods [13:31] <Brazen_Sand> yes, I had heard such rumours while in malfeas [13:32] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby tilts her head with a hint of curiosity. [13:37] * Noldarr frowns. He will have to ask Lilac about this later. [13:39] <Brazen_Sand> "Mostly that she's the Ebon Dragon's bride, and has returned to destroy Creation, etc." [13:39] <@Taurus_II> ((Really? He knows for a certainty?)) [13:39] <Inkwell> "The Ebon Dragon is strangely popular with women. Brides and such. I've never understood why." [13:40] <Brazen_Sand> (No, as he said, he's heard rumours) [13:40] <@Taurus_II> ((ah, got it.)) [13:40] <Brazen_Sand> "But really, the Ebon Dragon is the incarnation of deceit and cruelty and such." [13:40] <Noldarr> "I don't know for certain, but I don't think it's that he's popular with them; rather, they simply have no choice." [13:40] * Nomoe_Hideaki considers. It makes sense that the Grand Circle would contact him and Noldarr about such a matter, and perhaps the Lady Daethia as well. But the Infernals, apart from their ... unique position to have information on the plots of the Demon City? Even if they call themselves 'ambassador', or 'neutral party', they can hardly be trusted. [13:41] <Brazen_Sand> "Such a dishonest beings words should be taken with a grain of salt. I am no longer welcome in Malfeas, mind you." [13:42] <Brazen_Sand> "In any case, why not simply wait for Calibration adn summon one of the Ebon Dragon's souls?" [13:42] <Noldarr> "I have a question for the sorcerors among us." [13:43] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby silently listens, marking quickly the stances of the two from disliked Malfeas in her memory. [13:43] <Noldarr> "If the Shadow of All things' fetich is slain while summoned in creation, is it possible to shape the nature of the fetich that follows it?" [13:43] <Lady_Daethia> "Well one can see why you would wish for such rumours to be looked into." [13:44] <@Taurus_II> "I wasn't finished." Solitary Talon glances down the table at Mnemon. "Soon after I started hearing those rumors, my grandmother approached me. I don't know about the Scarlet Empress marrying the Ebon Dragon, but she has definitely been deeply involved with the Yozis for quite some time, according to Mnemon." [13:44] <Inkwell> "It was done in the past, after the Primordial War, but the Exalted Host had greater resources at that time, and had access to the Dragon which we lack." [13:44] <Noldarr> "If we are considering him a full threat to Creation, I would prefer to head off any major action at the pass." [13:44] <Brazen_Sand> "We know she was. Just ask the Phylactory Womb" [13:44] <Brazen_Sand> "She's one of her daughters. She told me." [13:44] <@Taurus_II> "She also revealed to me that she has maintained some discreet ties to the fundamentalist Immaculate underground..." [13:45] <@Taurus_II> "What?" Mnemon looks up sharply at Brazen's words, interrupting her granddaughter. [13:45] <Brazen_Sand> "Oh yes." [13:45] <Noldarr> Inkwell: What resources do we require to begin such an undertaking? [13:45] <Brazen_Sand> "She was...encouraged to go look at where her mother went. Encourage by someone I can't quite remember..." [13:46] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen continued, looking Memnon in the eye [13:46] <@Taurus_II> Mnemon's face is a mask. [13:46] <Inkwell> "Well, having the Ebon Dragon tied up and tossed in a bag for experimentation would help. It's rather difficult to consider how to reformat a Primordial without access to the Primordial himself. [13:46] <Inkwell> "As it stands, his prison protects him from overmuch scrutiny." [13:47] <Brazen_Sand> "He is the master of deceit, even getting the truth out of him would be nearly impossible." [13:47] <Noldarr> 'I was under the impression that one could alter a primordial by altering his souls." [13:47] <Brazen_Sand> "I have not spoken to him...not..." Brazen actually *shudders* "Not by choice." [13:48] <Inkwell> "We don't //have// his souls, though. We don't even know all their names. Even First Age records may have become outdated in the intervening time." [13:48] <Noldarr> "Since we have access to the ability to bind third circle demons, is it theoretically possible to shape how they re-form?" [13:48] <Brazen_Sand> "In any case, I assume that the Scarlet Empress's return would b [13:49] <Noldarr> "Ah, so it's a matter of not knowing what his fetich is, actually." [13:49] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed impatiently. "Of course not, otherwise they would've just made them insensate and comatose." [13:49] <Inkwell> "Pruning might be possible, but in order to know what we're doing, we'd need to know more about his soul structure than we do." [13:49] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad takes over from where Solitary left off. "At any rate, it seems that the fundamentalist Immaculates are rejoicing at her return, and making some dramatic inroads in parts of the Threshold. Our propaganda efforts don't seem to working nearly as well as in the past. And that brings us to the next rumor..." The Eclipse looks down at Anshu. [13:49] <Brazen_Sand> "It would arguably have been better for everyone." [13:50] <Inkwell> "Nonsense, if they were to be permanently destroyed, the Exalted Host would have simply destroyed them like their Neverborn cousins. Imprisonment was supposed to be a mercy." [13:50] <Brazen_Sand> "Exactly. They could have simply imprisoned them so they were unconcsious, not dead." [13:50] <Noldarr> "It is simply a matter of seeking out that knowledge and applying it, then." Noldarr seems quite pleased that he won't have to destroy anyone. [13:50] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Let us hear the other rumor. Half a Story doesn't make a good one." [13:50] <Brazen_Sand> "But this discussion of meta-physics is a distraction. Carry on, please." [13:51] <Noldarr> well, not permanently. [13:51] * Nomoe_Hideaki ignores the two Infernals speaking about incomprehensible metaphysics and focuses on the actual problem at hand. Immaculate counter-propaganda, resistance to the Deliberative, possibly with the old Empress at its head. This is something that concerns his own country as well. [13:52] * Lady_Daethia did not understand much of demons aside from how to dispose of them. Keeping her attention mostly on the deliberatives words [13:52] * Brazen_Sand doesn't consider the Immaculates a threat, propaganda-wise, at least. The citizens of Gem are firmly under his control. [13:54] <@Taurus_II> Anshu looks seriously at the group. "It would also seem that the Immaculates have some newfound power. At least part of their success in the Threshold is because they have been able to face and kill several young Solars - more than might be expected ordinarily. The fundamentalists are spread thin, so we can usually reach new Solars before they've gathered enough resources to strike." [13:55] <Brazen_Sand> "Sounds like your Deliberative has a problem then." [13:56] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Someone is assassinating new Champions of the Sun?" [13:56] <@Taurus_II> "If they can kill Solars, they can kill Infernals, too. You are no less Anathema to them than we are," Anshu tells Brazen, then turns to SPR. "In a nutshell, yes." [13:57] <Noldarr> "They will be stopped." [13:57] <Brazen_Sand> "That's true, but there are no Immaculates within my kingdom and it's surroundings [13:57] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "A threat indeed," she leans back and considers this. [13:58] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods slowly. That is a problem. [13:58] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen leans back. "So you wish for some personal assistance?" [13:58] <Lady_Daethia> "When we are young and unable to understand our powers its not unthinkable they be killed. The hunt did so before they could again with enough orginisation" [13:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "For an underground resistance movement to have such capabilities though, when as I recall the Hunt had problems even when fully funded and openly supported ..." [14:01] <Noldarr> "Unsupported, a young Solar is vulnerable." [14:01] <Brazen_Sand> "That seems like a failure of your Deliberative then. Why are you not supporting these Solars, which are well within your realm of influence?" Brazen points out [14:02] <Noldarr> "If we don't know who is going to exalt, it's impossible to move the resources in time." [14:03] <Brazen_Sand> "Yet an underground hardline Dynastic group can get there faster?" [14:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "To terrestrials of sufficient power in sufficient numbers, sufficiently quickly mobilised after learning about an Exaltation anywhere in Creation. It's anything but easy for an underground movement. Which is, if I understand correctly, the cause for concern. Because it implies that something big has changed, that they have suddenly acquired a considerably advantage compared to a few years ago." [14:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *Vulnerable to terrestrials ... [14:03] <Noldarr> "It's not a matter of getting there. They simply have a smaller area and more people in that area." [14:03] <Inkwell> "This reminds me of a strategy I once heard mooted in the Thing Infernal. The souls of the Ultimate Darkness created a demon race that could possess mortals and mimic the powers of the Solar Exalted, well enough to fool the ignorant." [14:04] <@Taurus_II> "Exactly," Anshu nods to Nomoe. [14:04] <Noldarr> 'If someone in that area exalts, they'd know quickly, and be able to move quickly." [14:04] <@Taurus_II> Then pays attention to Inkwell. [14:04] <Brazen_Sand> "What?!" [14:04] <Inkwell> "It's possible that some party is using those demons to create false Solars and slay them, giving themselves the impression of victories they have not truly earned." [14:04] <Brazen_Sand> "Explain!" [14:05] <Inkwell> "They have no real power, they simply possess a mortal, glow with the light of the sun, and begin to do evil." [14:05] * Brazen_Sand runs a hand through is hair and exhales [14:05] <Inkwell> "For those who have never seen a true Celestial Exalt, they would be indistinguishable from the real thing." [14:05] <Brazen_Sand> "I wish I still had my contacts in the Thing Infernal. Those pitiful dogs of the Yozis still have good information sometimes" [14:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "But I assume Deliberative investigators could easily tell the difference?" [14:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Even I know that the Essence of an Exalt leaves marks different from that of a demon." [14:06] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Very disturbing," Shadow Phoenix Ruby merely says glancing to Inkwell. [14:06] <Inkwell> "Good question. But did the investigators check to see whether the dead Solars were truly Solars? They had no inkling of a possible fraud of that kind." [14:07] * Nomoe_Hideaki looks to Deliberator Antarah. [14:07] <Brazen_Sand> "A Solar's corpse is just a human corpse. I would know." [14:07] <Inkwell> "Most likely they realized they were too late and focused their efforts on finding the killers." [14:07] <Noldarr> "One would need to look upon the effects the supposed solar caused." [14:07] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad nods. "Precisely. There were physical examinations, looking for poisons and such, but we didn't think to examine their essence." [14:08] <Inkwell> "Yes, or use Essence sight to examine the body for minute traces of Solar or demonic Essence. Still, it would defeat a casual inspection by investigators who were unware of the potential for a false Solar." [14:08] <Inkwell> "Of course, if this is the truth, the Deliberative might turn it to its advantage." [14:08] <Noldarr> "Most Night Caste would be able to extrapolate the difference between the effects of a true slain solar, going out with all his power manifest, and a false solar who has no true bite." [14:09] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods, avoiding to point out that the investigators should have. To be fair, it's not clear whether he would have considered this possibility, not knowing about that strange sort of demon. [14:09] <Noldarr> "The radii of explosions, damage to the scenary and bystanders, local essence flows." [14:09] <Brazen_Sand> "So our guess is that these so-called 'holy Immaculates' are summoning demons, intentionally possessing innocent people, and then murdering them?" [14:10] <Lady_Daethia> "it sounds feasable" [14:10] <Inkwell> "The Immaculates don't have to be personally involved. Reclamation forces could easily take such actions independently to support the propaganda of the Deliberative's enemies." [14:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "A resistance movement would rely on counter-propaganda, by whichever means necessary." [14:10] <Inkwell> "Fundamentalist shikari would take the stories at face value." [14:11] <Inkwell> "If we could arrange a battle between these false Solars and true Lawgivers, in a public place, we could turn their strategem against them." [14:11] * Brazen_Sand pounds the table [14:11] <Brazen_Sand> *leaving a crack [14:11] <Brazen_Sand> "Bastards!" [14:12] * Nomoe_Hideaki closes his eyes for a moment at Brazen Sand's outburst, but does not comment. For now. [14:12] <Inkwell> "There's nothing stopping us from binding a force of these possessing demons to our will, and using them to stage a battle somewhere in Immaculate territory, where there will be plenty of witnesses." [14:12] <Noldarr> "Is there a way to remove the demon without harming the associated individual?" [14:12] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby visible flinches at the violent action and gives a sigh later. [14:12] <Brazen_Sand> "No, I won't harm innocents who had nothing to do with this!" [14:12] <@Taurus_II> "Unfortunately, we can't really go public with this just yet," Ziyad says. "If we try to persuade people that our enemies are really demonic, it could help prepare the ground for them to turn the charge back on us. And we're still fighting a millennium and a half of belief in the Anathema." [14:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "First it should be confirmed which is actually the case." [14:13] <Inkwell> "They have already turned the charge on us," Inkwell points out. "Your logic is faulty. But Deliberator Nomoe is correct: we should verify the truth of this." [14:14] <Lady_Daethia> "Indeed going of false information would be unwise" [14:14] <@Taurus_II> Anshu nods in agreement. "We're hoping that's where you can be of assistance." [14:14] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Very true. If we act on untrue information all our efforts could backfire." [14:14] <Inkwell> "I suggest we attempt to summon Alveua, the progenitor of these parasite Anathema, and interrogate her about how her servitor races have been used." [14:14] <Brazen_Sand> "And what can Gem expect in return for such assistance?" [14:15] <Inkwell> "We can ask the demons themselves for details as well, although either act of summoning might alert our enemies to our knowledge of their plan." [14:15] <Lady_Daethia> "Well its not like summoning demons is uncommon... But if we keep summoning Ebon Dragons it might become a little less subtle" [14:16] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad smiles. "Yes, they have. But we've managed to persuade most people that we aren't demons, that the idea is a little silly. If we turn around and say that it's our enemies who are demonic, they may decide it's not so implausible after all." [14:17] <Inkwell> "You cannot hide demons- they clearly exist. And you'll be seeing a lot more of them in the near future. The Reclamation will be doing everything it can to accomplish its goals before the Deliberative consolidates its control over Creation." [14:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Is that a threat, ambassador?" Nomoe Hideaki asks quietly. [14:19] <@Taurus_II> "As for what Gem can expect... we can offer food and a supplemental garrison." Ziyad looks down the table and smiles slightly. "I'm sure Anshu would like to send missionaries, but I expect you'd refuse them." [14:19] <Brazen_Sand> "A garrison is unacceptable. We will accept trade, but no missionaries." [14:19] <Inkwell> "No, it's a statement about what the Yozis are prepared to do in order to escape their prison. Now that they have Exalted in their service, they will act. I do not know exactly how, but it is going to happen." [14:20] <Brazen_Sand> "Furthermore, a Wyld-shaper shall come and render some services to our nearby territory. Do you accept?" [14:22] <Inkwell> "Demons will enter Creation in numbers unseen in milennia. Already they have become bolder in the absence of the eyes of the Sidereals. You must be prepared for this, and find out what the Shadow of All Things plans, or the Deliberative will come to an end." [14:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "In the opinion of this Deliberator the assistance of any Infernal, besides perhaps the ambassador, is not required." [14:23] <Inkwell> "The Ultimate Darkness will either take Creation for himself, or he will damn it rather than let us have it. That is his nature. Eventually he will betray even the other Yozis." [14:23] * Nomoe_Hideaki speaks to the Grand Circle and her fellow Solars among the group rather than Brazen Sand [14:23] * Brazen_Sand nods. [14:23] <Brazen_Sand> "Of course." [14:24] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad steeples his fingers. "... Yes, that is acceptable," he says to Brazen. [14:24] <Noldarr> "The forces of the Deliberative will accept all trustyworthy assistance offered," Noldar says. [14:25] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nodded, satisfied. "Very well, then you will have my assistance, and that of my familiar, launjilla." [14:26] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Very Dire circumstances. For now you have my assistance," she says with a nod. "It is in Autochthonia's best interest to prevent chaos and strife in Creation." [14:27] <@Taurus_II> Then he turns to Nomoe. "You may think differently. For all his bluntness, Brazen has renounced his loyalty to the Yozis, while the Ambassador has not." [14:27] <@Taurus_II> Then he turns back to Brazen, offering his hand to clasp. [14:27] <Brazen_Sand> "We will repeat the full oath now." [14:28] <Brazen_Sand> "For posterity." [14:28] * Nomoe_Hideaki tilts his head slightly. "I did say 'required', not 'welcome' or 'trusted'." He points out. [14:28] <Inkwell> "The Yozis are monsters, but we played a part in making them so. I will not abandon the responsibility that entails." [14:29] * Lady_Daethia did not necassarily trust the infernal but in the circumstances theyre knowledge would be more then helpful. [14:30] <Brazen_Sand> "No one has more to lose from the Reclamation then I do." Brazen Sand pointed out. [14:30] <@Taurus_II> "We are still bound by it from the first time," Ziyad points out. "And the records are secure. There's no real need to repeat it." [14:31] <Brazen_Sand> "I was under the impression that you would want to seal this temporary alliance. If you do not, then that is your prerogative." [14:33] <@Taurus_II> "I do," Ziyad answers. "I thought you were referring to the original treaty between Gem and the Deliberative. My mistake." [14:33] * Inkwell goes back to the book he was reading, now that everybody is through talking about demons. [14:33] <Brazen_Sand> "It is understandable." Brazen extended his hand and clasped Ziyad's. [14:35] <@Taurus_II> "In exchange for your assitance in rooting out this plot against the Deliberative, the Deliberative will increase trade with and Wyld-Shaping efforts around Gem," Ziyad says. [14:35] <Brazen_Sand> "The Wyld-shaping will be directed according to my instructions, of course, provided that they do not endanger Creation or the Deliberative." [14:36] <@Taurus_II> "Agreed." [14:36] <Brazen_Sand> "Agreed." [14:36] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad's caste mark flares to life, sanctifying their agreement. [14:37] * Noldarr smiles [14:37] * Brazen_Sand sits back down and gives a rare smile of satisfaction. It was rather good getting to negotiate as a legitimate equal. [14:38] * Brazen_Sand or at least give that impression [14:40] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad smiles back. "Well, thank you all for coming and hearing us out. Now, I'm sure we all have duties to attend to elsewhere, unless you have further questions about the matter at hand..." [14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "The Deliberative's records and files on the incidents in question will be available, I presume, and further intelligence regarding this matter will be routed to the Deliberators among us?" [14:42] <@Taurus_II> Ziyad nods. [14:45] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby nods and stands. [14:46] <Noldarr> "Once we get solid intelligence on this matter, I am eager to stop these depradations." [14:46] * Brazen_Sand stands up after Shadow and begins to leave [14:46] <Brazen_Sand> actually acting a bit polite this time [14:46] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "If that is all, I shall have to make a report to Estasia before embarking on this mission." [14:52] * Nomoe_Hideaki stands, nods to the assembled Deliberators, before addressing the Solars (and Alchemical) among the group: "I suggest we reconvene once everyone has gone over the intelligence." [14:52] * Noldarr nods in agreement. "Let us take some time to think over these things. I may have some allies that can shed some light on the matter." [14:53] <Brazen_Sand> "I have prayers that I must answer." [14:54] <@Taurus_II> "Servant will take you out," Ziyad says. "Just stand where you appeared in the library and tell him you wish to be returned to the antechamber." [14:55] *** Inkwell has quit IRC: Disintegrated: Leaving