Buford Baker

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Buford Baker Human Gunner, Human Medic, superhuman rodeo clown!

"Could you turn your head sideways and say "Yee-haa!", please?"


  • Strength: D4
  • Agility: D8
  • Smarts: D6
  • Spirit: D6
  • Vigor: D6


  • Healing D8
  • Shooting D10
  • Knowledge: Medicine D4
  • Knowledge: Rodeo D4
  • Intimidation D6
  • Throwing D4
  • Guts D4
  • Fighting D6
  • Riding D4


  • Healer
  • Quick
  • Quickdraw
  • Steady hands
  • Rocketship gunner


  • Overconfident
  • Quirk (acts like a cowboy)


  • Toolkit (Healing) $200 (Ye ole doctor's bag. Only there's a copper cow skull buckle used as clasp.)
  • Laser pistol + 1 spare battery, $225
  • range 15/30/60, damage 1-3d6, RoF 1, shots 24, Semi-Auto, weight 4
  • Rodeo shirt & chaps etc.
  • 2 holsters, laser pistol on the right, syringe on the left


  • 1: Steady Hands
  • 2: Shooting +1 die type
  • 3: Rocketship gunner (if allowed)
  • 4: Quickdraw

Rocketship gunner is a Professional edge requiring Shooting D10, allowing me to modify a roll on the Critical Hit table by one (either up or down) in rocketship combat.

Derived statistics:

  • Pace 6
  • Parry 5
  • Toughness 5
  • Charisma 0

Buford comes from a long line of rodeo clowns. Unfortunately, as a kid, he proved to be too weak to become a full-fledged clown himself (though he's sure he could have made it still if they just let him prove himself), so he had to resign himself to patching up his father, brothers, cousins,....whenever they suffered more then bumps and bruises. Whenever he wasn't patching up the others, he'd sneak off and either try to ride a horse or practice his shooting...or both at the same time.

When he joined the good ship Blazing Star, looking for the adventure he couldn't find at home, he was at first disappointed at being consigned to sick bay...until the "incident" where he took up an emergency spot in the Gunner's turret and found that shooting at other spaceships was just about the same as shooting cans while riding the mechanical bull.

The rest of the crew has now learned that if they're hurt, the pain will go away soon after the sounds of the laser cannon are replaced by the *chink* *chink* sounds of someone walking around with spurs.