Jones the Brainer
Name and Character Type:
Jones the Brainer
A wiry man in an rumpled white suit, with slicked hair and dead eyes.
Stats and the Basic Moves:
Cool (Act Under Fire): +1
Hard (Go Aggro, Seize by Force): +1
Hot (Seduce or Manipulate): -2
Sharp: (Read a Situation or Person): +1
Weird (Open Your Brain to the Maelstrom): +2
Special Moves:
Deep brain scan: when you have time and physical intimacy with
someone — mutual intimacy like holding them in your arms, or 1-sided
intimacy like they’re restrained to a table — you can read them more deeply
than normal. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. While you’re
reading them, spend your hold to ask their player questions, 1 for 1:
• what was your character’s lowest moment?
• for what does your character crave forgiveness, and of whom?
• what are your character’s secret pains?
• in what ways are your character’s mind and soul vulnerable?
On a miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) upon your subject, to no benefit.
In-brain puppet strings: when you have time and physical intimacy with
someone — again, mutual or 1-sided — you can plant a command inside
their mind. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. At your will, no
matter the circumstances, you can spend your hold 1 for 1:
• inflict 1-harm (ap)
• they take -1 right now
If they fulfill your command, that counts for all your remaining hold. On a
miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) upon your subject, to no benefit.
Brainer special: If you and another character have sex, you automatically do a deep brain scan on them, whether you have the move or not. Roll+weird as normal. However, the MC chooses which questions the other character’s player answers.
Gear and Barter:
silenced 9mm (2-harm close hi-tech)
violation glove (hand hi-tech)
For purposes of brainer moves, mere skin contact counts as time and intimacy.
receptivity drugs (tag hi-tech)
Tagging someone gives you +1hold if you then use a brainer move on them.
oddments, 5-barter (lots of medicine)
awesome-ass suit with some armor underneath 1-Armor
Your People and Places:
none that i am aware of
Interesting Facts:
Jones was born in a small idyllic village. His childhood was peaceful and tranquil, until one night orcs came and killed everyone. Now an orphan, he swore to never trust or love another person ever again and swore to become a kickass loner ninja assassin but a nice one that only murders bad people and also swore revenge agains....
Oh, wait, wrong game. Hmm, this is hard!
Jones really enjoys his work. He owns the second best house in the settlement and the only pair of cats for a thousand miles. He also has a few secret cells deep underground for his dirty work. He has a slight limp; it's not serious enough to impede him but does give him a characteristic gait. He has a very dark laugh.
Angler +3
Dez +2
Hammer +3
Sunset +3
Tai +2