Lovewitch Academy NPCs

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Students of Lovewitch Academy


President of the Student Council.


Faculty of Lovewitch Academy

The Lovewitch

Headmistress. A powerful witch that manifests as a little black kitty.

Lady Redwings

Teaches how to summon beings from the Otherside. Nicknamed "Lady-Lady" by the students.

Lady Fireborn

Lady Riversong

Teaches how to communicate with nature spirits through music and songs.

Lady Blackstone

Justine Blackstone. Invocation teacher. Former PI. Anger-management problems.

Lady Glassheart

Lady Silentwings

Teaches shapeshift. Has immense passion for ravens and crows, but not so much for human.

Lady Rosecross

Teaches how to brew magic potion. Likes to test new potion on syudents.

Lady Greywolf