Character:Viridian Inkwell

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Caste: Defiler

Motivation: Understand the rest of the human race.

Urge: (Pyrian) Faithfully mediate between Creation and Malfeas.

Intimacies: She Who Lives in Her Name (Awe-Struck Pity), Demons (Protectiveness), His Potential Future Primordial Self (Eager Excitement), the Arts (Devotion to His Craft)

Favored Yozi: Cecelyne

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4, Appearance 5, Manipulation 1, Charisma 4

Abilities: Medicine 5, Investigation 5, Lore 5 (Puzzles +1), Occult 5 (Primordials +2), Craft (air, earth, fire, water, wood, magitech 5, vitriol 2) (Tool-Transcending Constructs +3), Linguistics 5 (Rivertongue, Old Realm, Flametongue, Seatongue, Foresttongue, Skytongue), Integrity 5, Performance 4 (the Written Word +2)

Charms: First/Second <Yozi> Excellencies, <Yozi> Mythos Exultant, <Yozi> Inevitability Technique, Effortless <Yozi> Dominance, and So Speaks <Yozi> of She Who Lives in Her Name and Cecelyne, Sorcerous Initation of Cecelyne (x2)

She Who Lives in Her Name Charms: Factual Determination Analysis, Conceptual Context Expansion, Orthodox Mind Vocabulary, Essence-Dissecting Stare, Mind-Hand Manipulation, Counter-Conceptual Interposition, Principle-Invoking Onslaught, Constructive Convergence of Principles (x3), Unseen Force Application, Tool-Transcending Constructs (x2), Experimental Acceleration Mastery, Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy, Wholeness Rightly Assumed (Crippling, Sickness), Underlying Tenets Internalization

Spells: Slave-Spawn Summons, Emerald Countermagic, Fiend-Vassal Acquisition, Sapphire Banishment

Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 1

Essence: 5

Personal Essence: 25

Peripheral Essence: 58

Willpower: 10

Backgrounds: Backing (Reclamation) 1, Cult 1, Influence (Reclamation) 1, Artifact 5 (metasorcerous phylactery, key to the demon city (works in any door), divinity requisition badge (+7 successes to all prayers)), Manse 5

Viridian Inkwell was born a child of Great Forks, and was blessed at birth with an endowment from Livilla, a goddess whom his parents had loyally served. However, the God-Blood never lived up to the promise his enchanted heritage had seemed to offer, and the most prestigious schools of the city declared him unteachable. In truth, Inkwell suffered from a form of autism, which Creation's education systems were unequipped to handle. After a miserable experience in several academies, having suffered more than he could take from the ministrations of bullies or his parents perceived disappointment, Inkwell ran away from home at the age of eighteen. In the wilderness, a gethin appeared before him and offered him the chance to unlock his hidden potential. Viridian Inkwell accepted the offer and the Infernal Exaltation.

Inkwell understands that his Yozi masters have a hard time conceptualizing the reality of other beings. He doesn't really understand them himself. It is therefore his self-appointed mission to understand the complexities at the heart of personality and self. These days, he's semi-permanently attached to the Second Deliberative and is openly accounted by them as a member, just as the Reclamation still openly counts him among their loyalist Green Sun Princes. So far, his work still suits the Principle of Hierarchy, and the Reclamation conspirators have preferred not to press the issue of his loyalties by giving him orders that might be refused.

Inkwell emerged from his Chrysalis Grotesque with an almost unrecognizably handsome face and body, of which he could previously have only dreamed. His hair is a pale shade of gold and his eyes are a limpid gethin green. He is prone to remain very still while thinking, and then explode into a frenzy of action, possibly ill-considered. The confidence with which he moves during manic periods sometimes causes casual acquaintances to underestimate how awkward he feels during his more common melancholy phases. He wears long robes of brassy green, and carries his metasorcerous phylactery, a straight brass staff, with the hearthstone of his manse affixed to the tip. A key to the Demon City, his badge of office, hangs from his belt.