Claymore High Shen

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Shen Sia, Founder of Ruthless Basketball[edit]


Age: 16

Height: TALL


Blood Type: B

Style: Ruthless Basket Ball

Reason for Fighting: “To teach the world the power of basket ball!”

Quick summary background: Shen Sia (literally means “deep summer”) was born in the mean streets of Brooklyn Wanhua, one of the most corrupted and crime-ridden district of Taipei. In order to protect her sickly little sister Chan Cho (literally means “light fall”), Shen grown up quick and grown up mean, joined the local gang Si Hai Bang (literally means “Gang of Four Seas”), one of the three major gangs in Taiwan, at a very young age. But after Shen entered junior high, everything changed. Under the guidance of a certain Japanese basketball couch who was once a delinquent himself, Shen put her energy and passion into basket ball instead of violence. No longer a delinquent, Shen had become a rising basketball star.

But the good days didn’t last long. Shen lost her temper in an important game, and she repeatedly struck a opponent with basket ball until he was permanently injured. Since then, Shen had sworn to control her temper and never, ever struck a downed opponent again. However, with this record, no formal basketball team was willing to take Shen into their roster. But Shen didn’t give up. Applying her skills in basketball to street fights, Shen created her own unique fighting style – Ruthless Basketball. Using this technique to defeat gangster and teach them the beauty of basketball, Shen successfully turned her fellow gangsters into an informal basketball team.

Basic Qualities[edit]

Strength 1

Speed 1 (Control 1)

Stamina 0





Followers (Basket Ball Team)


Bad Reputation


Significant Other (Little Sister, Cian Ciou)



Bumbling Friend (Admirer, Sukisaki)



Combat Skills[edit]

Combo 2

Defense 3

Evasion 2

Mechanical Skills[edit]

Agility 2

Climatic Super Move 1

Reaffirm Purpose 1

Thug Thrashing 1

Narrative Skills[edit]

Acrobatics 2

Awareness 1

Danger Sense 1

Endure Great Hardship 2

Fast Reflexes 1

Grim Determination 2

Perception 1

Presence 2

Property Damage 2

Street Society 2

Special Moves[edit]

Ejection (HP+LK): L2[edit]

Throw 2, Hurl 1

Shen grabs and hurls her opponent over her shoulder.

Jump Shot (▼►P): L3[edit]

Aerial 1, Mobile: (Move 2 Ranges before attacking) 1, Increased Glory 2

Shen jumps up and strikes her opponent with basketball in mid-jump.

Layup (▼►K): L3[edit]

Mobile: Moves Low 2, Easy to Combo 1, Fast Recovery 1

Shen charges forward and strikes her opponent with basketball along the way.

Slam Dunk (►▼◄P): L4[edit]

Knock Down (Last of a Combo) 1, Increased Glory 3, Increased Damage 3 (1d8+1), Slow Recovery –1, Range Zero –1

Shen strikes down at her opponent with basketball and incredible force.