Thearn wiki Food
"Well, the bird there is a Diark, and it looks like it's cooked Gnoll-style-- very simply," said Strasha. "That suits me well. The fried breads there are Elf cooking, and very tasty. That's also an Elf stew over there-- Bluefowl in wine with some vegetables, I think. Pretty tasty, but all the kick gets stewed out of the wine, which is no fun. It looks like they've arranged Serafin fruit pasties over there, which are tasty, too. I don't know what that white stuff is, though," she added, pointing to a bowl of rice.
"Well, I don't know if you'll like Hotaro cooking," said Strasha. "...I never cared for it, but there's gourmets out there that love the bugs, snails, and mice, so decide for yourself."
"I have some already," said Grala. "We mostly brew beer on our own, but Elf-Wine isn't bad for a change, and it looks like they brewed plenty."
"I'm hardly accustomed to that. More likely, however, we'll take a Harg-drawn Gnoll wagon-- one of those things that families live in. It won't smell pleasant, but at least it will improve upon walking."
"What's a horse?" said Azyria. "A Harg is a Harg, like that," she added, pointing out a windown.
Clearly visible was one of the large draft animals that the Gnolls used to pull their carts-- something akin to a gigantic rhino/hippo cross, with a low, beaked head and armor plates, wider than it was tall.
"Not as noble as the Haras that Sorceror knights ri... rode," she sighed. "But far better for pulling a wagon, I must concede."
"Food and camping supplies, plus whatever weapons you want," said Arale. She'd brought a spear. "Water I can get out of the ground, but food's more questionable. Uh, for a lot of things, I'd check with the Gnolls-- this is one of their live-in wagons, and they know them better."
The wagon, indeed, was gigantic-- the size of a house. It had a tentlike roof, and clearly was intended to be lived in. The Hargs that pulled it were the size of dinosaurs... Reply With Quote