Courts of Public Opinions, part I

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Brian objects so strenuously at the clearly biased behavior of the judge in Mandy's trial that Brian is held in contempt and removed from the courtroom; Vivian soon comes to bail him out. However, Mandy is now "alone" with Milos and his offer of assistance. Defiant, Mandy turns him down. "I'll give you this one for free," Milos says, and the judge soon changes his mind on Mandy's bail. The group later discovers that the cases against both Mandy and Thomas Reagan have been dropped.
     With that drama over, everyone tries to get back to what now passes for their normal lives. As burn-victim Carrie Sellars' condition worsens, though, Arthur asks Mandy to see if she can do something to aid the struggling girl. In the burn ward at the John Hopkins Medical Center, Mandy's attempts result in disaster and Carrie dies. Jack, nearby astrally, sees an energy signature leaving the body and, thinking that this is Carrie's soul, forces it back in, to hopefully grant her continued life. Life she has, but she's now an animalistic creature, ruled by instinct and.
     Carrie tries to escape the hospital, violently, and Mandy and Arthur give chase and try to stop her. Though Carrie takes Arthur down by stabbing a spear-shaped hand through his gut, Mandy manages to take Carrie out with her fire powers, though she destroys a parked police car in the process.
     Brian, summoned by an earlier phone call from Mandy, arrives on the scene as Arthur's being carried back into the hospital for treatment and, realizing the danger should Carrie awaken, scoops her into his arms and leaps into orbit. Astral Jack follows with him.
     Mandy uses her powers to contain the blaze around the police car, to the delight of the nearby crowd (one of whom walks off with a car door that Mandy's burned her signature into), and her heroic action is caught on tape. When the local fire fighters arrive, Mandy makes a very good impression and they agree to take her away from the scene before too many questions are asked.
     Brian and Astral Jack take the feral Carrie far away from the hands of man so they can discuss what to do with her in peace and so that there's less risk of her escaping and harming anyone. Death's Valley seems the ideal spot and, once there, Brian attempts to use his powers to contact any lingering bit of Carrie's mind still inside her. He finds none, but does see 283 spectral forms, those of all of the godlike, and realizes that their powers are all, in some way, connected.

Jack Bennet's RECAP

Brian Jaffe's RECAP

Arthur Redford's RECAP

Mandy Smith's RECAP

FIRST Appearances

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NOTEABLE Appearances

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