Lysis' Companions
Lysis' Companions
- Agathos Would be philosopher, daydreaming youth, slave of Lysis.
- Calder A trained guard from Surlt who has chosen to travel with Lysis with King Yalaring's blessing.
- Laverick A trained guard from Surlt who has chosen to travel with Lysis with King Yalaring's blessing.
- Kele A trained guard from Nidik who has chosen to travel with Lysis with King Skilfil's blessing.
- Shae A trained guard from Nidik who has chosen to travel with Lysis with King Skilfil's blessing.
- Casta An promising, but inexperienced youth from Surlt who has attached himself to Lysis to be trained as a warrior.
- Sachet An promising, but inexperienced youth from Surlt who has attached himself to Lysis to be trained as a warrior.
- Asho An promising, but inexperienced youth from Nidik who has attached himself to Lysis to be trained as a warrior.
- Jie An promising, but inexperienced youth from Nidik who has attached himself to Lysis to be trained as a warrior.