Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight
Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight
Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 120 minutes
At first glance the Fox Clan motto may seem more appropriate for the Crab or the Monkey, but after generations of fighting off public and private incursions by the Scorpion Clan, the Fox Clan bushi have learned to embody this philosophy in everything that they do.
Rank: Woodland Tracker 1 or Ronin Bushi 2
Cost: 2
Special: Must belong to the Fox Clan
Effect: When someone attempts to use the Disarm maneuver against you, you may oppose their roll with an Athletics/Reflexes roll. If you are successful you may change your opponent’s attack into a knockdown attack. While this Kata is in effect you may stand up from prone as a free action without entering the All Out Attack posture. For the duration of this Kata opponents gain one free raise on all knockdown attacks against you and your Earth Ring is treated as being one lower for purposes of resisting Knockdown.
Effect Variant: In order to stand up as a free action you must make an Athletics/Agility roll vs. a TN of 5.
Void: None