Streams of Change/CurrentHouseRules

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Revision as of 05:06, 18 September 2010 by (talk) (Experience Awards)
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[Streams of Change]

Gameplay And Other House Rules[edit]

Experience Costs[edit]

Non-Solars use the Solar Experience Cost chart to determine cost of all Abilities, Attributes, Charms, Vitues, Martial Arts, and anything else on that chart. If there is a special trait that the Exalt has then it uses the standard cost in the appropriate splat. The only exception are Lunars who pay only 8xp for Knacks instead of 11xp. Lunars still pay Favored/Caste Attribute XP of rating x 3.

Experience Awards[edit]

Experience is awarded on a weekly basis; it is expected that the players will track their earned experience total, their spent experience total and what was purchased with said spent experience. Players receive 6 experience points per week plus any bonus experience earned from completing goals, motivations, and anything else the ST thinks is experience worthy.

Weekly award: 6xp every Saturday at 12pm GMT
Story award: 8xp when a story is completed
Motivation award: 4xp when a Motivation is completed
Bonus award: 2+xp for side stories completed through e-mail, chat, IRC, IMs or PMs

Stunt Awards[edit]

Awarded stunts of one-, two- or three-dice value are no longer dependent on the success or failure of the relevant action, in regards to mote or willpower regeneration. Coolness is its' own reward.
• If your action succeeds, you gain either motes or willpower from your stunt.
• If your action fails, you still gain either motes or willpower from your stunt.
• Stunts are awarded to NPCs at the STs discretion. This will be rare.
• Stunts are awarded to PCs on an IC Post basis, near-automatically, with the major requirement that the IC Post must have a mechanical basis to qualify.