Leandrie Mar
Leandrie joined the party on their return to wasteward and journeyed with them for several weeks before being arrested by elves after slaughtering several of their adolescents at a house party. After a summary trial, he was given over to the elves' lizardmen allies and was devoured as an appetizer.
Human Cloistered Cleric level 5
Str: 10 Dex: 14 Con: 14 Int: 11 Wis: 16 Cha: 14
Armour: Chain shirt and dastana Weapons: Morningstar, light crossbow Feats: Weapon Groups Basic, Crossbows, Maces and Clubs, Improved Domain Power, Extra Turning, Intuitive Attack Skills: Concentration 9, Decipher Script 1, Diplomacy 8, Heal 9, Knowledge (Religion) 7, Knowledge (all others) 1, Profession (Herbalist) 4, Spellcraft 5 Skill Trick: Healing Hands