Nobilis: Beneath The Serpent's Coils:Bipasha

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Name, Title


Aspect: 1/5
Domain: 2/5
Realm: 3/5
Spirit: 0/5


Eternal Rain

  • (1 CP) - (Lesser Creation (4), Automatic (+1), Local things only (-1), One single trick (-3))
  • Wherever Bipasha is, it's raining. It's that simple. It starts just before she arrives and doesn't let up until she leaves. It's perfectly natural rain, falling from normal clouds that, to an outside observer, just happen to be there, like any other clouds. Sometimes it's light and refrshing, sometimes a monsoon-like downpour, it changes, but it never stops.


  • 1 CP
  • Bipasha embodies the rain as renewer, purifier. It always rains on her and it washes away the wear and tear of the world.


Limit: Hated
Restriction: Relevatory Traint (Eternal Rain)
Restriction: Cannot Kill


Personal Code of the Light

  • Humanity must live, and live forever.
  • What must be done ought be done cleanly.
  • Humans must be protected, particularly from themselves.

Imperator's Code of the Cold

  • Judgement is the most necessary of all Qualities.
  • Judgement is bought by Experience.
  • Weigh all things to a Nicety, and decide.


  • 6:The Rain
  • 5:The Chancel
  • 4:London
  • 3:The remains of) her Mundane family
  • 2:Her baby grand piano


Elizabeth Shaw

Former the Anchor (and lover) of the last Dominus of Rain. Bipasha and she share a smouldering, mutual hatred.


Hyssop & Ashflower each twined around a glass cup, one green, one blue. The blue pours water into the green. surmounted by forty four pearls in four arcs of eleven.


Bipahsa was just your ordinary London girl - nothing to separate her from a million others. Even she does not know why she was chosen to replace Torrent, the last Noble of Rain. Bipasha is that part of the rain that is purifying, nurturing. Another difference is that, it didn't always rain where Torrent was.