Sebastian Ghent

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Brother Sebastian Ghent Priest Militant of the Ecclesiarchy and Acolyte to the Ordo Hereticus

The 2nd Son of a lower hive whore in the lesser hive city of Gunmetal on Tarsus, Ghent grew up around skull encrusted firearms. A symbol of the Emperor's love for his subjects, the Gun protects us from the Xeno, purges the heretic, and spills the brains of the Psyker. As Ghent wanted to be something greater than a mere gang bully like his older brother, he chose to join the biggest posse of them all - the Ecclesiarchy. Also, those Adepta Sororitas are hot! Ghent however did have a gift to fire up the passions of those around him. Ghent probably could have been a scum gang leader himself, if he didn't have his sights on something higher.

While Brother Ghent has traditionally Puritan views for an Acolyte, he can always be found carrying his rotgut booze and Lho sticks. Life in the Ministorum satisfies him - a warm bed and a dry place to sleep, regular uncontaminated food and clean water. The only problem was that, especially after leaving Gunmetal City, there wasn't enough shooting. Having killed a man when he was 12 (a common occurence in Gunmetal City), he missed the Emperor's Day shootouts between gangs and the friendly pistol duels. He was considering volunteering for Chaplain duty for the Imperial Guard. He was also approached to be a Comissar trainee, but declined - the young man finds shooting cowards in the back cowardly itself - an old twitch from his Gunmetallican code of honor.

When the Inquisition inquired as to the status of the young cleric, he respectfully requested of the Inquisitor, "My lord, I'll do without food. Just make sure I have bullets."

He's been a happy man ever since, dispensing the Emperor's love to Xeno and Heretic alike.

Characteristics -

WS 27 BS 44 S 28 T 27 Ag 32 Int 31 Per 30 WP 32 Fel 49

Traits - Accustomed to crowds, Caves of Steel, Hivebound, Wary

Advances - Ballistic Skill - Simple, Intermediate. Fellowship - Simple, Intermediate

Wounds: 17

Skills - Speak Low Gothic Common Lore (Imperial Creed) Literacy Trade - Performer (Singer) Trade - Cook Melee Weapon Training - Primitive Pistol Training - Stub Thrown Weapon Training - Primitive Awareness Inquiry Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) Sound Constitution X 4 Barter Decieve Peer (Workers) Basic Weapon Training (SP) Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) Die Hard Peer (Ecclesiarchy) Ciper (Acolyte) Rapid Reload Dodge Forbidden Lore (Heresy) Scrutiny Quick Draw Tech-Use Hard Target Carouse Command Medicae Scholastic Lore - Imperial Creed

Hive Class: Ganger Scum Age: 34 Imperial Divination: "The only fear is dying with your duty not done." Gain 2 wounds.

Gear - Sword, Autopistol w/1 clip, 5 Throwing Knives, Flak Vest, Aquila Necklace, Robes (Good Clothing), 4 candles, Charm (Skull), backpack, Good Quality Bolt Pistol W/3 clips ammo, Fire Selector, Red-Dot Laser Sight (750+384+75),Good Quality Combat Shotgun w/60 rounds (4 clips+4 shells) ammo, Pistol Grip (450+25+4), 24 shots dum dum ammo for shotgun (6), 18 shots inferno rounds for shotgun (324), 18 rounds inferno ammo for bolt pistol (324), Chrono (40), IR Goggles (275), 3 doses sacred machine oil (450), Microbead (20), Medikit (150), Writing Kit (20), Re-Breather (50)=3041 Throne Gelt total

Cash: 39 Throne Gelt

Image - Imagine if Clint Eastwood grew out that beard, wore a red duster festooned with the usual Imperial scraps of scripture, and had TWO REALLY BIG GUNS (his Bolt Pistol, a special reward straight from the lathes of Mars from his Inquistor, and his personal combat shotgun, personally commissioned from home.) At the ripe old age of 34, Sebastian normally ministers to the ganger scum down in the lower Hives of Gunmetal, acting as a neutral arbiter between gangs and leading occasional purges of monsters and mutants. To mutants, he gives them quick and painless death - it's not their fault or choice that they were born malformed. But the Emperor's law is clear! Heretics, on the other hand, get the blaze rounds. There is no quarter spared for traitors of any kind!