The funky tale

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  • A massive pulse of air and energy bursts out wards from the funky gibbons altar. Physically rocking all within its blast, anything not secured flies along with the shockwave, small monkeys birds and general detritus. All present see the four main protaganists of the tale suddenly grow to immense size, each transforming into their God for a split second. Zsa zsa becomes an insanely dancing Funky gibbon, Snikka the all powerfull Monkey King, Boo a fierce Foundbrother poised to strike and Hot potato a towering inferno of flame.

Time stops still...

Baboons freeze mid bite, terrified nomads cower from the onslaught and then Fwooooosh the Air sucks back from where it came...

Silence reigns, well almost, apart from the now near comatose sable riders all of the Baboons stand stock still and look at each of the heroes

A strange light envelops each and upon their forehead Bright runes glow. Turning their now golden eyes upon each other our heroic foursome can only wonder...until...

A huge shout errupts from all

woo haa Heroquest!

  • To the North and Beneath the Black cloud a gang of Baboons bound and leap out of a broken tower,like an evil tide of violence, each rolling in the ashes of a dead fire in the centre of a dusty compound.

Then as one they look upwards to where Kong their leader stands, legs astride an ancient carved Lintel. He roars out in guttural Beast speech

Bring out the Gimp