NPCs, A Town Called Gaga

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Gaga is a roadside town of a little less than two hundred souls, most days there are some farmers and traders and strangers passing through but the regulars all know each other and each other's stories the way people do when they live in a small town and there's no place else to go. The NPC's are organized by groups, although people mix and mingle pretty thoroughly.

Sadiq's Army and Family

Sadiq, first citizen, mayor, leader of the free people of Gaga, President-for-Life

Gams, his executive officer, not a fan of the fights

Chaplain, his teenage enforcer, has beef with Sunset

Dremmer and Balls, bodyguards and best buddies

Rourke, his market boss

Millions, his wife and mother to the heirs

Grace, his concubine, rumored to be special friends with Sunset

A ragtag group of about 15 cowardly and poorly armed killers

Hammer's Black Toads

Domino: Second in command. Big, mean and practical. Wears an eyepatch.

Absinthe: Domino's girl. Skinny, young and cruel, with a fascination for sharp things. Tough figher in the Maze.

Snake Eyes: Skinny, twitchy, wears oversized goggles. Often the lookout.

Gremlin: Youngest member of the gang, at 12. Likes to tinker with machines and play with fire. Crushing on Tai.

Barbarossa: Big, tough, and scarred. Mute due to having his tongue burned out at some point.

Ten more guys, not characterized as yet

Angler's Maze Crew

Ambergrease, skinny slightly crazy cleanup guy, in love with Dez

Exit, androgynous gofer

Six Easy, middle aged bald guy, Angler's bookie, usually holds the shotgun

Hush Hush, newest member, mute masked giant

Raksha, a style pit fighter

Absinthe, female fighter as well as Black Toad member and Domino's main squeeze

Honeytree, the best actual fighter of the bunch, kicks all kinds of ass

Just Plain Gaga Trash

Tum Tum, oldest citizen, only one who remembers the Old Day, close friend of Sadiq

Been, former proprietor of the Maze

Boo, wannabe Maze crew, childcare provider, muralist, part-time hooker, Jones' biggest fan

Lamprey, Ba, Camo -- Maze regulars, so far unseen

Toyota, Angler's part-time love and driver extraordinaire

Lits, Sadiq's nephew and Maze regular who wants to take the place from Angler, businessman and part-time employer of Sunset

Rolfball, merchant and sleazy Maze regular who wants to fix the fights

Junkyard/Dead City People

Parcher, boss of the Junkalora scroungers, sworn enemy of Jones

Dim, Threefer, Parcher's gang

Frankie, obsessive junkyard scrounger, likes to talk to Tai about it

Lafferty, scrounger and junkman, does work for Tai regularly

Travellers And Outsiders

Dust AKA Dust Witch, prophet of the road and spooky guy

Colonel Sir's HQ, A Rival Hardhold

Colonel Sir, 'holder (not seen yet)


The Monk, a skilled NPC fixer who got captured by Colonel Sir's men King BBQ, 'holder of BBQ Ranch

Those Are People Who Died! Died!

A whole bunch of Leatherbacks, by each other and the Toads

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