Nobilis Hydrarch:Session 1
- 11:52 HG Okay, so Mirrinae was looking over logistical reports from a couple of your underlings.
- 11:52 Phaint Mirriane?
- 11:52 KreenWarrior My character, I believe
- 11:52 HG Or actualy, what were you doing just before Conmincement.
- 11:52 Phaint yes, sorry, took a second to realize.
- 11:52 HG (That is how you spell her name right?)
- 11:52 KreenWarrior (Yep)
- 11:53 HG (Each of you?)
- 11:53 Phaint before Commencement: well, wistfully saying good-bye to the Seven Lands.
- 11:53 Phaint like a "end of series" kind of scene.
- 11:54 KreenWarrior Mirrinae is sitting in a shrine chamber, praying to the ancestor spirits for guidance, as tomorrow is the day she will be asked to take her place as Matriarch
- 11:54 Phaint Good-bye forever, I should say.
- 11:55 Time_Blossom Gabriel is pacing back and forth in his new apartment, going over his lines for the play.
- 11:57 Time_Blossom Still hasn't unpacked except for what he immediately needs, so there are half-empty boxes everywhere.
- 11:58 HG Mirrinae hears a voice speak to her with in her mind, "Child I have a duty for you. The princible of Organization will be your Queendom."
- 11:59 KreenWarrior She looks up, instinctively, searching for someone in the room. "...Ancestors? Have you chosen to speak to me?"
- 12:01 Phaint Jilly stands next to the oak tree she and her brother once used to get to the Seven Lands, a few years later after they last visited. An epilogue...
- 12:01 HG "You are not my blood. But a hand in your race's existence was mine. I regret the suffering that caused. Do you love your people's way of life?"
- 12:02 KreenWarrior "It is our way of life; as it always was. Those who are meant to rule guide those who were meant to do other things. Everyone is bettered by this."
- 12:03 HG To jilly a sibiliant hiss comes forth "Daughter of the mind, this is a prolog as well as an epilog. Will you fight for your home?"
- 12:03 Time_Blossom (Phaint, a question: When you put "1 CP" for your Small Estate Limit, you *did* mean 1 MP, right?)
- 12:04 HG KW: "And if this was plucked from the world? If one thing could fit another?"
- 12:05 *** Time_Blossom is now known as Gabriel
- 12:06 HG Gabriel hears a strange almost laughing multy toned voice, like a masterful chorus: "How would you like a job? I have a role for you, lots of creative freedom."
- 12:06 Phaint (I guess so. rules mechanics: not my strong suite.)
- 12:06 HG KW: (s/could/couldn't)
- 12:06 Phaint "I-- I don't what you mean!"
- 12:07 KreenWarrior "Plucked from the world? And put where?"
- 12:07 Gabriel (M'kay. Work it out later, I guess)
- 12:07 Phaint Hadn't they defeated all the evils of the Seven Lands?
- 12:08 Gabriel Gabriel looks up from his script, curiosity crossing his face.
- 12:08 Phaint (Gilly and Robert had a Merlin-like Aslan analogue mentor. I forgot to name him, though. She knows it doesn't sound like him.)
- 12:08 Gabriel "Thin walls in this place," he mutters. "What kind of job?" he asks loudly.
- 12:09 HG KW: "I don't know. Beyond the touch of time. Away from all the worlds. What would happen to this world?"
- 12:10 KreenWarrior "I... don't know. I've never considered such a thing."
- 12:10 KreenWarrior (how do you change name?)
- 12:10 Phaint (wondered that myself.)
- 12:10 Gabriel /nick newname
- 12:*11 *** KreenWarrior is now known as Mirrinae
- 12:*11 Mirrinae (cool)
- 12:*11 *** Phaint is now known as Jilly
- 12:*11 Gabriel (*thumbs-up*)
- 12:*12 HG Jilly: "There are evils beyond the Seven Lands. You could sleep, a be happy in this moment of victory. Or never wake. But will you guard the thousand worlds, will you oh child of the mind, become a sword in a greater war?"
- 12:*12 *** HG is now known as Hydrarch
- 12:*12 Jilly "If my brother can join me in this, yes. But... who are you?" She feels fear like she has never known before.
- 12:*13 Hydrarch Gabriel: "How do you picture Unicorns?"
- 12:*13 Jilly The dangers of the Seven Lands seemed, all of a sudden, tame.
- 12:*13 Gabriel "Unicorns?" Gabriel thinks for a minute.
- 12:*14 Gabriel The voice mentioned creative freedom, so if this was an interview, he might want to come up with something a little more evocative than "horned horses."
- 12:*14 Hydrarch Jilly: "As your servant yes, but I have but one gift of power left. For you."
- 12:15 Jilly She considered. "Then... I refuse."
- 12:15 Jilly (I hope that doesn't mess up things too much for you.)
- 12:15 Hydrarch (Interesting)
- 12:15 Jilly (well, I try to have characters act in character.)
- 12:16 Mirrinae (honestly, I think most people would probably refuse Commencement, if for the sheer WTFness of it if nothing else)
- 12:16 Gabriel "I kind of picture them as beings of pure light. Radiant, life-giving, faster than the wind--that sort of thing," Gabriel answers. "Like angels, if they were inspired by horses instead of people."
- 12:17 Gabriel (If every Imperator gave the choice, then all Nobles would be comic book geeks. )
- 12:17 Jilly (or complete whackadoos.)
- 12:17 Hydrarch Mirrinae: "If you could give your life to preserve your role, you would. If you could give your life for every role?"
- 12:17 Mirrinae (pretty much)
- 12:17 Mirrinae (though Imperators do have Aspect Persuasion)
- 12:17 Mirrinae (so it doesn't have to be unwilling)
- 12:18 Mirrinae "For every role? I... will do my duty. That is what I was born for. I give my life for those who need it. That is my purpose."
- 12:18 Gabriel (After the cut: Imperator as a giant radioactive spider. It basically works on every level)
- 12:20 Hydrarch Jilly: The voice laughs but it is a harsh laugh, like that of the Blue Which, but far far more terrifying. "You are perfect. Remember this moment, for in a sense it will be your last."
- 12:21 Jilly Jilly laughs. Now this she understood!
- 12:21 Jilly "Just try it, you bully!"
- 12:23 Hydrarch "Then by the Rite of the Sword I call you to war. Take up the burden of your new rank. Take up the Estate of Organization."
- 12:24 Mirrinae "I... accept, then."
- 12:25 Hydrarch Jilly: and that is Jilly's last moment. For in that moment she becomes more then a character, she becomes a Noble, divine power pouring into her soul. (Fell free to describe what she experiences.)
- 12:26 Jilly Like freefall, but upwards.
- 12:27 Jilly Everything she ever experiences seems so limited, so predictable, so circumscribed.
- 12:27 Jilly A vertiginous feeling of liberation.
- 12:28 Jilly All this time, an unseen author had written her. Why hadn't she known that before?
- 12:30 Hydrarch Mirrinae: Mirrinae becomes the Duchess of Organization. Her Estate screaming into her soul. Feeling how each piece fits with its other pieces. How a city is organized. How cells form tisues that form organs that form bodies. How transiters form gates from chips form computers form the Internet. How people wait in line. How elections happen.
- 12:32 Mirrinae She sinks to the floor, feeling the miraculous power rush through her frame. "Who... who are you?"
- 12:33 Hydrarch Gabriel: "It will do for a first try. Sorry about the cost." and his body is pain, and sorrow. For they no longer live in the world. they are but fleeting imagies, fancies of the mind. But still they exist as somthing and that is good.
- 12:34 Gabriel Despair and a simple kind of beauty, all rolled into one.
- 12:34 Gabriel Gabriel felt like he was being crushed by an ice cream truck.
- 12:36 Hydrarch "I am an Serpent of the Ash. A being of Causa Causus (or however that is spelled). From my soul does Organization flow. I am an Imperator. Your Imperator. Know that I do not do this lightly, but I do admire you humans."
- 12:37 Mirrinae "Why... what have you done to us?"
- 12:37 Jilly "Why do I have all these beastly... places in my head?"
- 12:38 Gabriel "No... the ice cream truck is a terrible analogy," Gabriel murmurs, vaguely striving to back away from the terrible, weighty, radiant sorrow.
- 12:39 Hydrarch To all: "Come!" rings out and you are before a Serpent, a Dragon, a Hydra with a thousand thousand heads, each with a purpose and a part in the whole. His scales are maps, contradictory and strange.
- 12:41 Gabriel "What..." before he can question the strange sensations the voice had dropped on him, Gabriel is plucked away from the world, and stands before a great and terrible dragon.
- 12:41 Gabriel His knees go weak in something like awe or terror, he can't tell which; he collapses to the ground.
- 12:42 Hydrarch "There is a war. I must go to fight it. And so the tasks upon the Earth that I would take, the guarding of the home if you will, fall to you. There is a war for reality and you have been drafted."
- 12:42 Jilly Jilly rushed to the aid of the fey stranger.
- 12:42 Jilly (sorry, made that past tense by mistake.)
- 12:42 Mirrinae Mirrinae looks around at these strangers, feeling an instinctive bond to them, that they are in some way her family. However, she's distracted by the Hydrarch's statement. "War... against whom?"
- 12:43 Gabriel (Eh, it's a personal preference, doesn't matter much)
- 12:43 Jilly "Are you all right?", she asks of the fallen young man.
- 12:43 Gabriel "I've... been better," Gabe answers, still not taking his eyes off of the Hydrarch.
- 12:44 Jilly "We'll get you sorted."
- 12:45 Gabriel "Or sortied," Gabriel answers, a weak attempt at humor.
- 12:46 Jilly "Mmm, yes. Best not to stand up, though."
- 12:46 Jilly She attends to the ongoing conversation.
- 12:46 Hydrarch "We call them the Excrusians. The Dark Horsemen. They come from beyond the bounds of creation. Any other questions? My old wound aches, and I must go to fight." He asks his voice changing from the rumbleing of waves to the scalding tone of a steam kettle.
- 12:47 Jilly Jilly smiles. In some ways, it sounds so very familiar.
- 12:47 Jilly "May we join you?"
- 12:47 Mirrinae "What should we be doing?"
- 12:48 Gabriel Gabriel shakes his head, as if to clear out his ears. What a strange voice--or voices.
- 12:50 Gabriel Flowers start to bloom at his feet, unnoticed.
- 12:50 Jilly Jilly gasps and steps away.
- 12:51 Jilly (what does our surroundings look like?)
- 12:51 Jilly "Not to alarm you, but..."
- 12:51 Hydrarch It laughs "You learn well. Not yet, the earth is where you are most useful. There are Envoys coming to land. A mortal and a Noble. I wish to know of the mortal's organization. Buy something of great cost from them. Of the Noble, entertain for now. I do not trust her master. She was always a seeker of sympathy."
- 12:53 Jilly Jilly frowns. Why would anyone consider sympathy a *bad* thing?
- 12:53 Gabriel Gabriel manages to momentarily tear his attention away from the Hydrarch at Jilly's insistence, and sees the blossoming flora.
- 12:53 Mirrinae Mirrinae recalls her many lssons on diplomacy. "You think she is trying to manipulate you?"
- 12:54 Hydrarch (You are on the patio of a building Mirrinae recognizes it as an ascetic monastery, though grander then any she has see before. It looks like a strange combination of a place and a bank, with a themr of spirals to
- 12:54 Gabriel He gasps as well, and scrabbles away from the patch of green--though new growth follows him. After a couple of rounds of this, he seems to resignedly accept that they're just flowers after all, and settles down.
- 12:55 Jilly To the young man Jilly says: "Don't worry. It's only magic."
- 12:55 Jilly "I once made an unfortunate wish and could only speak with a nightingale's song. It was inconvenient."
- 12:56 Gabriel "Oh," Gabriel answers. "Right. Actually, that's kind of comforting."
- 12:56 Hydrarch "Yes, we are kin, and she is important here. But others I know do not trust her. She claims to be poisoned. But we don't know with what."
- 12:57 Gabriel A past sniglet of conversation catches up with him. "Wait a moment. Mortal? Noble? Are Nobles some sort of immortal?"
- 13:00 Hydrarch "It is a rough translation. Many even most Nobles can still be killed. But you posses powers that most do not. You are Princesses of the Earth, err or Princes. You will wield my powers as your own."
- 13:03 Hydrarch "I still need to leave soon, before my wound worsens. Anything else you need to know? Or do I need to make you fetch buckets of watter?"
- 13:04 Mirrinae Chastened, Mirrinae shakes her head.
- 13:05 Gabriel "Err... no," Gabriel answers. "I think I can manage."
- 13:06 *** Jilly quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
- 13:06 Hydrarch (OCC: Gah)
- 13:07 *** Jilly joined #nobilis
- 13:07 Jilly (back!)
- 13:07 Gabriel ((Yay!))
- 13:08 Hydrarch (Missed nothing.)
- 13:09 Jilly Jilly nods.
- 13:09 Hydrarch "Then remember that 'Hope is bird with out feet.'"
- 13:09 *** Hydrarch is now known as HG
- 13:10 HG The Serpent fades away seeming to fuse into the stones and air. Almost as if its presence was an optical illusion.
- 13:*11 Gabriel "...What does that even *mean?*" Gabriel mutters as the Hydrarch vanishes.
- 13:*12 Mirrinae "I am... unsure."
- 13:*12 Gabriel "Hope is a penguin? They have flippers instead of feet... so hope is a way of keeping warm in a cold world?"
- 13:*13 Jilly "We will know in due time, I expect."
- 13:*14 HG A monk walks out onto the deck.
- 13:*14 *** HG is now known as monk
- 13:*14 Jilly (what does he look like?)
- 13:15 Mirrinae *looks at the others* "My apologies, I have not yet introduced myself. I am Mirrinae d'Arya."
- 13:15 Jilly Jilly smiles. "Gillian Fortune. Or Jilly."
- 13:15 Gabriel "Mir-rin-ae?" Gabriel asks. "Did I pronounce that right?"
- 13:15 Jilly She nods to Gabriel.
- 13:16 Jilly Jilly titters but covers her mouth. "Excuse me!"
- 13:16 Gabriel "Anyway, I'm Gabriel," he says. "Gabriel Edwards. Gabe's fine."
- 13:16 Jilly Jilly turns to the monk.
- 13:17 monk (Half way between a Japanese buddest monk and a wrestler.)
- 13:17 Jilly (thanks!)
- 13:17 Gabriel (O.O)
- 13:19 monk "Masters, I have been told that my guests are to be met by you. Where should I take them?" He says a little confusedly as if he is reciting lines from a play he has not seen.
- 13:19 Mirrinae (yeah, that's the pronunciation I was thinking of)
- 13:19 Jilly Jilly waits for Mirrinae to speak.
- 13:19 Mirrinae (are we in my homeland? Or has this been constructed whole-cloth?)
- 13:19 Mirrinae (not sure what we finally decided on the Chancel)
- 13:20 Jilly (in case, she would [to Jilly's eye] seem to belong here more than Gabriel.]
- 13:20 Mirrinae (ie, do I know the place, is what I'm asking)
- 13:21 monk (I think it is your homeland, but changed sigificantly.)
- 13:21 monk (You know of places very much like it, you spent some time at one as a child, but none quite this grand.)
- 13:21 Mirrinae (gotcha)
- 13:22 Mirrinae *looking around* "Is there an audience chamber?"
- 13:22 Jilly Thinks: Oh dear.
- 13:22 Mirrinae Suddenly her eyes widen, and she has a feeling of sending her consciousness through the building (Lesser Divination of Realm, looking for the best place)
- 13:23 monk "A few. How many do you wish to seat?"
- 13:23 monk (Whats your criteria?)
- 13:24 monk (Most imposing? Most comfortable? Most beautiful? Largest? Smallest?)
- 13:24 Mirrinae (Grand without being gaudy, somwhere impressive but comfortable. Only two, so smallish is alright)
- 13:26 monk (There are 4 or 5 rooms that would work but the South Green Shell room is the best for your sake. Over all the building/complex is about 5 times larger then the place you went to as a child.)
- 13:27 Jilly (just so all know, I should get going by 5.)
- 13:27 monk (what time is it now?
- 13:27 Mirrinae "The South Green Shell Room would be best, I think"
- 13:28 Jilly (around 4:30/)
- 13:28 monk "Then I will lead you there he says bowing very deeply.
- 13:28 monk (Hmm, would people rather stop now, or try and start the next scene?)
- 13:29 Gabriel (I dunno, could we get it done in thirty minutes?)
- 13:29 monk (I don't think so.)
- 13:29 Jilly (yes, I would like to try.)
- 13:29 Mirrinae (We could at least meet them, maybe)
- 13:29 monk (Okay)
- 13:30 Gabriel (+1)
- 13:30 Jilly (next time I will mention any time constraints once chat begins.)
- 13:31 Gabriel (Yah, we should probably all make a habit of it)
- 13:32 Mirrinae (and I will avoid being 45 minutes late next time)
- 13:32 Jilly (you couldn't help it!)
- 13:32 Gabriel Gabriel leans over to Mirrinae. "Have you been here before?" he asks.
- 13:33 Gabriel (The best laid plans of mice and men... get royall !@#$'ed by traffic. So yeah, no worries)
- 13:33 Mirrinae "Not here, but I have been in similar places before..."
- 13:33 Mirrinae "I... felt the room's existence, somehow."
- 13:34 Mirrinae "I think that in some way I've been linked to this place."
- 13:34 Jilly Thinks: Magic!
- 13:34 Gabriel "Oh," Gabriel answers. "More magic."
- 13:34 Gabriel (Synchronicity!)
- 13:34 Mirrinae (heh)
- 13:34 Jilly "Exactly what I just thought!"
- 13:34 monk (As you walk through the hallways the monk gestures at a passing novice, and he scurries off quickly. Soon you are lead to a smallish door. Which the monk opens, beyond is a meeting room of sorts. 5 thrones sit at one side, the centur one higher. The rest of the room has pews."
- 13:35 Mirrinae "We have magicians in my homeland, but they are tricksters and fortune-tellers... this felt different."
- 13:35 monk "I will bring the guests when you are ready, Dominae"
- 13:36 monk He says adressing the three of you.
- 13:36 Mirrinae Mirrinae walks forward and sets herself in one of the thrones. "I suppose the center must be for the Hydrarch... but the fourth?"
- 13:37 Mirrinae (actually, Lesser Divination on the thrones; who is supposed to sit in each?)
- 13:37 Gabriel "Call it willing suspension of disbelief," Gabriel answers to Jilly as he walks over to one of the smaller thrones and sits down.
- 13:39 monk (They are fairly generic, almost as if it is some sort of test.)
- 13:39 Jilly Jilly seats herself.
- 13:39 Mirrinae "Shall we let them in?"
- 13:40 Gabriel "I... guess?" Gabriel answers. Flowers start to pool at the foot of his throne.
- 13:42 monk The monk stands paitently.
- 13:42 Jilly Jilly says to the monk, "Let me in, please."
- 13:42 monk ("Them in" you mean?)
- 13:42 Jilly (marf)
- 13:43 Jilly (yes, yes!)
- 13:43 Jilly "Let them in, please!"
- 13:44 monk "As you wish." He walks over to a door on the other side of the room and pulls on a rope.
- 13:45 Gabriel Gabriel's actor side nips at his heels, and he attempts to project a regal bearing, as it seems appropriate. He finds it a good deal easier than he did before... well, before.
- 13:45 Gabriel (Aspect 4 for poise?)
- 13:46 Gabriel (He has no idea what he's doing, but the audience doesn't have to know that. )
- 13:46 monk The doors open revealing two bowing monks. The one on the left stands and Announces "Alisa Annata, Herald of the Cammora"
- 13:47 Jilly (oh, lovely!)
- 13:48 monk A tall Italian woman walks in her business suit screaming crooked lawyer. She bows not quite as deeply as the monk did and then sits down in the pews, the second row.
- 13:50 monk The other monk then stands and announces "Her Noble highness, Marchessa of Spring, Servent of Her Imperial Majesty The Graveling Worm. "
- 13:51 monk "Emrald Thrice winged"
- 13:51 *** monk is now known as Emrald
- 13:53 Emrald She walks down the center ally way and then curtsies, the green dress she has on more fitting for an medieval reenactment then this building.
- 13:54 Jilly Jilly smiles. "Please, seat yourself. I am Gillian."
- 13:54 Emrald She bows, much less then the Hearld or the monk "Fellow Nobles, I bring Greetings"
- 13:54 Mirrinae "I am Mirrinae."
- 13:54 Emrald She does so siting on the very closest seat.
- 13:54 Gabriel "I am Gabe," Gabriel says with a nod.
- 13:55 Jilly (in future, the Noble PC with highest Domain should take care of social protocol. higher Domain = higher status.)
- 13:55 Jilly (Jilly only has a 0 Domain.)
- 13:55 Gabriel (Likewise with Gabe)
- 13:56 Mirrinae (I thought it was Realm?)
- 13:56 Emrald "My Famillia wishes to invite you to our Equinox Celebration, and to a more private gathering earlier."
- 13:57 Mirrinae (Domain gives you certain amount of respect, Realm gives social standing?)
- 13:57 Gabriel (Though I don't think it's so cut-and-dry. In the home Chancel, a Tempest could outrank a Marquis, for instance. Anyway, later, later.)
- 13:58 Emrald She glances at Ms. Annata with a clear message of distrust and warning.
- 13:59 Mirrinae "I'm afraid that, as you probably know, we have recently come into this position and know little. Could you tell us something of your... Familia?"
- 14:00 Jilly (remember, I have to go soooon. food shopping, food eating, going out [in that order].)
- 14:00 Emrald "I understand. We were all new once. Ours is a small Familia, Just me and my Sister Ruby."
- 14:00 Jilly (have a movie to catch at 7.)
- 14:00 Gabriel (We could just stop here and pick it up next week; I'd be okay with it.)
- 14:01 Mirrinae (that works)
- 14:01 Emrald (Okay lets end here.)
- 14:01 Gabriel Aaaaand.... Cut!
- 14:01 Jilly (all right! thanks for understanding. good-bye everybody!)
- 14:01 Emrald KW, TW can you stay and occ chat a little?
- 14:01 Gabriel Laters! Have fun at the cinema!
- 14:01 Jilly (someone make sure to save the transcript?)
- 14:01 Emrald Hope its a good movie?