WS:Felines of Kartar - Others
Other Felines Species of Kartar
There are a number of sub-races not acknowledged as Banbutsunoreichou. Some of the border provinces use groups of them as slaves or troops, and it isn’t entirely unknown for a rare individual to appear even in [InsertMainCity]. They are rarely accorded any status other than that of slave, or even pet.
The most well-known variation is that of the smilodontic barbarians in the Hu-Sien mountains. They are larger than any of the Banbutsunoreichou with, obviously, highly pronounced upper canines. They average more than two and a half metres in height and routinely weigh more than 200 kilograms. They appear to have the capacity to climb to the highest of mountains regardless of lowered oxygen, quickly develop very thick fur during winter and cold weather, and have upper limbs sufficiently long that it isn’t too difficult for individuals to drop into a quadrupedal stance.
They have particular coarse pads on their paws and this, along with the only partially retractable claws and very heavy facial bones, mean they at least look like a more primitive species.
A number of families have used, and do use, these barbarians as shock troops. Their extraordinary reach and strength, speed across the ground, which over long distances puts even cheetah scouts to shame, and their ability to shrug off, partly due to the armour qualities of the thick fur, immense damage makes them immensely effective warriors when neither subtlety nor finesse are required. They are not actually markedly less intelligent than most of the other races of felines, but their culture values the physical and spiritual over learning and intelligence. Further, an unaccompanied smilodon is prey for both slavers and bounty hunters if they stray into more civilised areas of the Empire as there is a small market for them as gladiators and warriors as well as a bounty on any not belong to a house.
A small tree-dwelling distant relative, this species tends to live in far more tropical climes, especially just off the south coast. This species is barely sentient, although they do build rudimentary shelters and occasionally use tools. There are rumours of Lynx Spirits that can go anywhere and see anything if they should so wish without anyone being able to see them. This seems unlikely, but some rare members of this species do have a chameleonic ability which increases their already phenomenal stealth in their home environment.
The Lynx are bipedal and have most of the standard features of the larger felines. However, they have very distinctive ears, with long slender tufts of fur growing from the tip. As this unexpectedly solid beast seldom grows taller than 80 cm, the ear tip, which can grow as long as 20 cm, is quite a feature. About two centuries ago, this tip was a prized fashion accessory, but the animals are now protected due to a proclamation from Empress [InsertEmpressName].
The Ocelot is distributed through the drier regions of forest along the edges of the Choupatl Depression. It also occurs on the island of Malini. It is up to 100 cm (3'2") tall, plus 45 cm (1'6") tail length.
The Ocelot is nocturnal and very territorial.
While Ocelots are well equipped to an arboreal lifestyle, and will sometimes take to the trees, they are mostly terrestrial. Prey includes monkeys, snakes, rodents and birds. Almost all of the prey that the Ocelot hunts is far smaller than it is. Studies suggest that they follow and find prey via odor trails, but Ocelots also have very keen vision.
Some scholars have posited that rakshasa are a very unusual and distant relative of the Banbutsunnoreichou. This is anathema to the court and any scholar who wrote such words would live for a very long and interesting time.