Episode 413: Frankie Goes To Pericles, Part Three

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Episode post in progress. More to come in Part Three--Maer

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Nika and Kiera both get their shots off first and both their targets go down. However, the rearmost gunman is still up and he fires off a shot at Nika. It misses. Joshua manages to grapple with Rough Woman even as Rough Guy falls to the deck.

Rina makes it to the container and goes to the far corner, ducks her head around for a quick peek. There are two stitches in the aisle formed by the rear of the containers and the station bulkhead. They are getting doctored by a doctorly type. There’s no way they wouldn’t see her if she continued with her original plan. Rina ducks back with none the wiser and starts climbing for the container’s roof.

The guns fall silent. As Arden leans out from cover to see what’s going on, Nika shouts out in the pause between volleys.

Nika: Doesn’t have to be a gun fight.

The response is more gunfire. Miraculously none of the flying lead hits Joshua and Rough Woman as they grapple for supremacy. Joshua knows martial arts, Woman knows the quick and dirty. They seem evenly matched and they continue their struggle.

Arden eyes the struggle, then brings up his gun and takes careful aim past Joshua for the remaining shooter to the rear. There’s too much interference from Joshua and the woman he’s struggling with. Arden searches for another target. Nika and Kiera reassess their targets and the bullets start flying again. Rina takes a stray shot to the torso but is saved by her vest. She climbs onward and gains the top of the container and goes belly down to make herself a smaller target. Cautiously looking over the side, she sees the stitches ordered into the fray. They snort, smelling battle, and advance down the length of the container corridor toward the fight. Arden has found another target, a man with his back to him. Bang. The man drops to the deck, still alive, with a bullet hole in his back.

Nika sees the stitches approaching and steps right up to Joshua and the Rough Woman, puts a gun to the woman’s head and says:

Nika: Call them off.
Rough Woman: (breathlessly) … Stop …!

Unfortunately the man who could call them off just got shot in the back by Arden. Is he in the mood to call the stitches off?


Rina aims from above on the advancing stitches and squeezes off a shot. She hits but it doesn’t even slow him down. Crap. Her shot also gives away her position to everyone else and one of the stitch handlers shoots at Rina.

Arden: Call them off! We don’t want to kill anyone else!

Gunfire is the answer.

Rough Woman: Calm down!


Rough Woman: Calm down! Everybody calm down!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Despite the woman in charge’s obvious desire for a cease fire, nobody on her side seems interested in it. The bullets continue to fly and our original plan to mount a rescue operation is thrown to a faretheewell.

Arden lines up a head shot on a stitch, fires, and the lower half of the stitch’s ear turns into a red mess. The stitch keeps coming, blood pouring down his neck and chest, but apparently unfazed by the injury he’s sustained. Nika goes a bit white-eyed at the sight.

Nika: Ai ya! Cao ni mah!

Arden is too busy to say anything at that instant—he’s fending off the stitch he’s wounded. He tries to dodge, but gets hit with a glancing bow. He staggers but manages to stay on his feet.

Nika: G’en ho tze bi dio se…!

Rina sees one of the stitches grab the ladder of her container and start his climb. She aims for him and shoots. The stitch takes the shot in the arm and keeps on going. He’ll be on top of the container in a minute.

Nika aims around the grappling pair of Joshua and Rough Woman and fires at the stitch Arden’s shot. She gets a good solid hit as Kiera hollers and runs for the cover of Rina’s container.

Kiera: I thought we were trying to save them, not kill them!

Bullets whine over the top of the container and Rina manages to avoid them. Down on the deck, Joshua attempts a sleeper hold on the woman he’s grappling. He gets his arm around her throat, applies the pressure, and she’s out like a light. He puts her gently on the deck and looks up to assess the situation.

Episode post in progress. More to come in Part Three--Maer

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