Diaspora The Glory Cluster
Environment: 0 Star: 0 Night Sky: 0 Gravity: 0 Atmosphere: 0 Temperature: 0 Biome: 0 Tech Level: 2 Resources: 1 Culture: Cycles: 0 Oppression: 0 Economy: 0 Warfare: 0 Reason: 0
Aspects: All Hail the King of Rock and Roll Down Home Folks Squeal Like a Pig Boy! Graceland was settled during the early expansion of the Terran Sphere. The three major continents maintain a lush temperate zone rain forest and wide savannahs. Multiple rivers run through land the original settlers decided to name the world Graceland, after a legendary place in Terra’s past. After the collapse of the Terran Sphere, Graceland went through several boom bust cycles. This resulted in regions of Graceland where the people never truly recovered from the cycles and live at a -2 tech level and eschew any tech higher than -1. These backwoods types are dangerous for the unwary. Overall, each continent, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, each have their own local governments. Alabama was the first settled continent and is home to the first city and capital of the Confederate States of Alabama, Memphis. With the connection to the Glory Cluster, Graceland is the other major player in the cluster, sometimes at odds with the Crimson Fold.