Shattered Lands/Teoxihuitle

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General Info

Eyes: Stormy Hair: Unkempt Height: Short, for an Elf Weight: Hermit-Thin

MAX HP 51 Bloodied 25 Surge Value 12 Surge per Day 9

Initiative 4

Speed 7

Miscellaneous Vision or Senses Low Light Vision


AC 19= 10+3(1/2 LvL)+5(Armor+Ability)+1 (Enhancement)

Fort 17= 13+2 (Ability)+ 1(Class)+1 (Enhancement)

REF 17= 13+3 (Ability)+ 1 (Enhancement)

Will 19= 13+4 (Ability) +1 (Class) +1 (Enhancement)

Ability Scores

Ability Bonus(B) [B+1/2 LvL]

STR 11 (+0) [+3] INT 16 (+3) [+6]

CON 14(+2) [+5] WIS 19 (+4) [+7]

DEX 12(+1) [+4] CHA 8 (-1) [+2]



Heal(WIS) +12 (+17 to cure disease)

Insight (WIS) +12

Nature (WIS) +14 (+19 for Monster Knowledge Checks)

Perception (WIS) +14


Insight(Wis) 22

Perception (Wis) 24

'Class and Racial Features'

'ELF' Elven Weapon Proficiency Proficient with Longbows and Shortbows

Group Awareness Non-Elf allies within 5 squares of you gain +1 to perception checks.

Elven Accuracy Gain the Elven Accuracy Encounter power.

Fey Origin Your origin is fey, not mortal.

Wild Step Ignore difficult terrain when shifting.


Stalker Spirit Allies adjacent to your spirit companion adds your Intelligence Modifier (+3) to damage rolls against bloodied foes.






Shattered Lands