Beneath Castle Everglory: LEVEL 3: Vault of the Servants

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Revision as of 09:20, 29 October 2010 by (talk) (Chasnahhahkah the Dragon)
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1. Dormitory 1[edit]

This 5 yard x 7 yard room contains six simple wooden beds. 4 Cave Ogres lie snoring on a pile of linen sheets and wool blankets on the floor, while a fifth sits on a bed facing the doorway, scratching the side of the bed with his claws, to make shavings curl up (at -3 to notice the PCs). Scratched clumsily into the stone wall above each bed is the symbol of a shield crossed by a staff. In the SE corner, a wooden mop stands in a tin bucket.


5 Cave Ogres (Ukrug, Bukrug, Urguk, Gark and Ugraguk)[edit]

The Cave Ogres are squat, eight foot tall, hairless humanoids with tusks and crusty blue-grey skin. They are wearing kilts made out of bear-hide tied with the skin of huge serpent and carry massive, black, flanged, iron maces. Their yellow teeth are like jagged, broken rocks and their breath stinks like rotten eggs. They are violent predators and will attack the PCs as soon as they become aware of them.

If captured, the Ogres will become servile until they find a good opportunity to escape. They know about the dragon (“the great fire snake”) and the giant (“the giant”) and they are terrified of both.

ST: 25 HP: 30 Speed: 5
DX: 11 Will: 11 Move: 5
IQ: 8 Per: 13 SM: 1
HT: 11 FP: 25 DR: 4
Dodge: 9 Parry: 11U Block: N/A

Attacks: Mace-15 5d+2 Cr;
Tusks-15 1d cutting
Claws-14 1d-2 cutting

Traits: High Pain Threshold, Infravision.

Skills: Brawling-15

Class: Mundane

Notes: The Ogres speak Orcish, Ogre and broken Bugbear.


The ogres' maces are mauls by human standards ($80, 12 lbs).

2. Dormitory 2[edit]

This 5 yard x 7 yard room contains six simple wooden beds. On the far wall, a white linen sheet hangs suspended from the wall by unseen means. The sheet has been gashed in a way that makes it look like an unhappy face – two gashes for eyes and a sad, semi-circle mouth (the sheet is harmless and it is held up with glue of some kind). Many linen sheets and wool blankets are piled together in a mound on the floor. Scratched clumsily into the stone wall above each bed is the symbol of a shield crossed by a staff.

3. Dormitory 3[edit]

This 5 yard x 7 yard room contains six simple wooden beds. Linen sheets and wool blankets are piled together in a mound on the floor. Scratched clumsily into the stone wall above each bed is the symbol of a shield crossed by a staff.

4. Dormitory 4[edit]

This 5 yard x 7 yard room contains six simple wooden beds. Linen sheets and wool blankets are piled together on a mound on the floor, on which sits a scowling twelve-foot giant, arms crossed over his knees. Scratched clumsily into the stone wall above each bed is the symbol of a shield crossed by a staff.


Wulfgar (Cavern Giant)[edit]

Wulfgar is 14 feet tall and looks like an oversized rural bum with an implausibly bulbous nose. His long blonde hair and bushy beard are unkempt and dirty, his yellow hemp shirt has no sleeves, his brown hemp trousers are ragged and patched and are tied around his waist with a rope, and his feet are bare and black with dirt. Wulfgar is no fool, however – he just doesn’t like to go to a lot of effort.

Wulfgar the Cavern Giant is a simple soul – he wants to eat the PCs and collect their stuff. He’s curious enough to listen to negotiation attempts, but isn’t going to make any deals – he’s just going to eat the PCs and collect their stuff.

If defeated, Wulfgar will cooperate with the PCs in return for his life. However, he will constantly be looking for a chance to betray and defeat them. He knows the layout of the level and knows about the “little folk” (Cave Ogres), who he despises for being small and weak, and the “abomination” (Chasnahhahkah the dragon), who he hates for being a monster.

ST: 40 HP: 60 Speed: 5
DX: 12 Will: 15 Move: 7
IQ: 12 Per: 14 SM: 2
HT: 12 FP: 30 DR: 6
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 Block: N/A

Attacks: Broadsword-16 7d Cu or 5d Im

Traits: High Pain Threshold; Infravision.

Skills: None

Class: Mundane

Notes: Speaks Common, Dwarvish.


Hat of Shrinking. Wulfgar has a long, floppy, red, wool hat the size of a sleeping bag that can shrink him to 3’ in height. This works for anyone who puts on the huge hat provided that they are over 3’ normally, and the cap will shrink as well to fit. Wulfgar usually only wears this to make it easier to leave the room and while eating, to make his meals bigger. ($500, 20 lbs)

Ring of Bright Water. Wulfgar also has a human-sized silver ring that he can wear when he has been shrunk. The thick silver band is enchanted with Create Water. For some reason, the water has a faint white glow. ($4,300, 0.3 lbs)

5. Kitchen[edit]

This 5 yard by 5 yard room contains four scratched wooden tables and little else. The rear wall is lined with empty wooden shelves and hooks are set in the other walls, but nothing hangs from the hooks any more except for a pair of tin spatula and a whisk.

6. Pantry[edit]

This 3 yard by 3 yard room abuts the kitchen (room 5). It is lined with wooden shelves on which nothing now sits but lines of small bones. There are 40 bones in all and a roll against Physician, Physiology, Thanatology, Zoology or First Aid will reveal that they are human toe bones. The GM may allow characters who spend a lot of time around skeletons to substitute IQ for this roll.

7. Storage[edit]

This 5 yard by 5 yard room is ringed with wooden shelves, laden with open, labeled wooden boxes of different sizes. The boxes contain linen sheets, woolen blankets, and simple woolen shirts, skirts and trousers. The material has deteriorated with the passing of the years and is badly molded and moth-eaten.

8. Eating Hall[edit]

This smoky, 10 yard by 20 yard room is dominated by a huge, red dragon, laying in wait for anyone or anything that might wander by. The walls are stamped all around with the emblem of a hand holding a silver chalice, except in a few places where the wall has been scorched black. The floor is almost entirely scorched and is covered in a thin layer of ash.


Chasnahhahkah the Dragon[edit]

Chasnahhahkah is a very splendid looking dragon and he knows it. His gleaming scales are dark red along his back, blending into orange along his sides and deep yellow along his underbelly. He holds his head high at the end of his towering neck, his long, crocodilian face set with bright yellow eyes, slit with black pupils. Six bright purple plumes grow from his face, two from each cheek, and one from above each eyebrow. The dragon can manipulate these plumes independently, an ability that he likes to show off by using them for emphasis in conversation. Dark smoke curls from the dragon’s wide nostrils and past his rows of long teeth.

Above all, the dragon is looking for an opportunity to gloat. Although he intends to eat the PCs, he is even more interested in playing with them, boasting to them, and telling them how powerless they are before him. He is quite self-righteous, believing that the PCs were out to kill him and take his treasure. While his vanity may be exploited, he is highly intelligent and far too paranoid to fall for simple deceptions - Chasnahhahkah may be arrogant but he didn’t get to be 300 years old by being gullible.

The dragon may cast Charm, Mass Suggestion or Perfect Illusion just to mess with the PCs heads. One illusion he likes is to have an obsequious human servant enter the room and confess to a minor mistake, such as breaking a clay cup, after which the dragon gives the “human” a hard look and they burst into flame, dying horribly and dramatically.

In combat, Chasnahhahkah loves nothing better than casting a Terror spell at an enemy group and then breathing fire all over them. He likes to cast Foolishness on annoying mages and Fear on annoying melee fighters. While he doesn’t mind using his claws and teeth, he prefers to use them on foes who are running away.

If defeated, Chasnahhahkah will do anything in return for his life. He will deal honestly with the characters unless being dishonest will allow him to escape from them. He knows the layout of the entire level and knows about all of its current inhabitants by their proper names.

ST: 50 HP: 65 Speed: 7
DX: 14 Will: 16 Move: 7 or 18 flying
IQ: 14 Per: 18 SM: 4
HT: 12 FP: 50 DR: 8
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 Block: N/A

Attacks: Claw-18 3d Impaling
Bite-18 4d Impaling
Breath Weapon-15 3d-1 Burning, 10 hex code, costs 2 fatigue.

Traits: Compartmentalized Mind; Discriminatory Smell; Extra Attack, High Pain Threshold; Infravision; Winged Flight.

Skills: Brawling-18

Class: Mundane

Notes: Fluent in Common, Elvish and most dead languages.

Spells: The dragon knows the following spells at level 20: Charm, Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, Fear, Foolishness, Forgetfulness, Mage Sight, Mass Suggestion, Perfect Illusion, Suggestion, Terror. Due to its Compartmentalized Mind, the dragon is able to cast spells and attack at the same time.


Chasnahhahkah is resting on a great pile of copper, silver and gold. Anyone who takes the time to separate and count it will find 3,199 copper pieces, 1,520 silver pieces and 129 gold pieces. Also in the pile are an ordinary pickaxe ($15, 8 lb), a silver crown engraved with lions ($575, 0.5), an electrum bracelet engraved with flowering vines ($5,120, 0.5), and the following three enchanted items:

Brush of Cooling. Teak Brush enchanted with Coolness. ($4,020, 0.5 lbs.)

Garrote of Shell-Cutting. Very Fine, enchanted with Penetrating Weapon (2). ($5,040, Neg.)

Shield of Dancing. This is a fine quality medium shield enchanted with Dancing Shield. The shield’s surface is a patchword of inlaid woods of different kinds, depicting a hawk rising into the air with wings spread. ($6,020, 12 lbs.)

9. Maintenance[edit]

This 3 yard by 3 yard room is lined with wooden shelves and cluttered with buckets, mops, piles of rags and broken furniture and tools.

10. Temple[edit]

This round room, 9 yards in diameter, is centered around a white marble dais on which stands a white marble statue of a robed man holding a shield in his left hand and a staff in his right. The white stone walls are engraved with images of simply dressed figures kneeling to richly dressed ones. Four wooden chairs have been set against the wall and in each chair sits a stiff desiccated corpse, wrapped in a white burial sheet, with their head, arms and shoulders sticking out. A young man in fine clothes is adjusting their postures, somehow managing not to snap their limbs in the process. He appears to be playing with them as if they were dolls.

The temple is an area of High Sanctity for clerics of Love and Fertility. Clerics of a god of Love and Fertility will also cast spells at +4 to skill, while worshipers of a god of Death will cast spells at -8, and of gods of the Hunt, Night or Storm at -4.


Llyrysyn (Strange Fae Creature)[edit]

Llyrysyn looks like a rich young nobleman who just been to a ball. He is wearing a burgundy velvet coat, well-tailored sheepskin trousers, and a pea-green, three-cornered hat with a decorative silver buckle over the brim. A long, thin dress-rapier hangs at his hip (though he has no idea how to use it). He is clean-shaven, with neatly-combed, lank black hair that reaches his shoulders.

Llyrysyn is a fae creature, not malicious, but insane by human standards, who has dropped by to play with the corpses that he found in the room. He speaks all common languages (including Common, Elvish and Dwarvish) and will respond with as much friendliness or hostility as he is shown. He will not leave his game, however, and will grow hostile if told that he shouldn’t be playing it. He cannot be bribed as he has everything he wants. However, he is aware of the giant “the big, angry man”, the dragon “the great drake” and the ogres “the cave wights”. He will warn friendly PCs that the dragon is a fire-breather and a wizard.

If attacked, Llyrysyn will do his best to escape by casting Perfect Illusion, calling up transparent human “ghosts” dressed in rags and bound in chains warning “flee!” He will defend himself against magic using Meta-College spells such as Dispel Magic. If Llyrysyn can get out of the PC’s sight, he will use Perfect Illusion to disguise himself as a cheap wooden chest and Sound to lead characters away.

ST: 10 HP: 14 Speed: 7
DX: 14 Will: 16 Move: 9
IQ: 16 Per: 20 SM: 0
HT: 12 FP: 20 DR: 0
Dodge: 12 Parry: 10 (Brawling) Block: N/A

Attacks: Punch-15 1d-2 Cr

Traits: Dark Vision; Detect (Supernatural)

Skills: Brawling-15

Class: Faerie

Notes: Speaks all common languages (including Common, Elvish and Dwarvish)

Spells: Llyrysyn knows all of the Hard spells from the Meta college and all of the Hard spells from the Illusion and Creation college except for the Create spells. All spells are known at level 20.


Llyrysyn’s clothes and weaponry look valuable, but if taken from him will turn to sticks and leaves by the next dawn.

11. The Stairs Down[edit]

A short corridor terminates in a stone stairway, spiraling downwards. Characters walking down the stairs will descend a full 100 yards until they arrive at a wide arched opening through which pours what looks like sunlight.

Table of Contents

LEVEL 4: The Garden