Steve Rogers (Smallville)
Steve "Cap" Rogers
Steve Rogers as an army brat from a long line of army brats, captain of the football team, (everyone calls him "captain" much to his chagrin) decathalete (Specializing in the discus of course), and all around straight arrow all-american overachiever. He proudly wears the "Wings" logo on his helmet (hehe I deserve XP for that tie in!) but is still shy and quiet in person. He lost both his parents (Mom in Iraq and dad in Afganistan) recently and hasn't gotten over it, and keeps everything bottled inside
Duty d12- Always do the honorable thing.
Glory d4- There's no I in team.
Justice d10- Protect those who can't protect themselves.
Love d4- I'm too busy for love.
Power d6- Power must never be used selfishly.
Truth d6- Truth is black and white, no room for gray.
Viktor Van Doom d6- VIKTOR is very smart, not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
Tony Stark d6- TONY is a genius with things but doesn't know people.
Carol Danvers d6- CAROL is the closest thing I have to a sister.
Jessica Drew d4- JESSICA is a cute English chick.
Lothar Lyesmith d6- LOTHAR is ophaned like I am, there is something odd about him...
Bucky (Area Knowledge, Presence) 2d8
Pegasus Academy Fitness Center (Focus, Recovery) 2d6
Steve's Van (Preparation, Socialization) 2d4
Likeable d6
Athletic d8
Martial Arts d6
Military Brat d4
Additional Notes:
A line connects Miriam Drew to Steve labeled "interested in." There's a more scientist/specimen tone to it than man/woman.
School Record:
Age: 17
Grade: 11
Sports: Football (Captain), baseball, Track,
Clubs: NHS, Junior Kwanis Club, Campus Bible Study, JROTC, Social Committe