The Scro are a race that is built entirely on Honor and Integrity, and Warrior values. The scro live and die for honor and victory. The scro are humanoid, but ugly compared to humans or the Eldar. They are also have green to dark green, and light red to reddish brown skin. The scro controls the Scro Star Empire.
Physical Characteristics
Evolution: The Scro has evolved like the humans, from monkey stock. But from what stock, terran evolutionists believe that the monkey they evolved from must have no analog with a terran species. They are cursorial hunters, omnivores, and diurnal.<br\> Build: Males average 90 kg, females average 70 kg. The Scro often work themselves out, and anciently selected for the strongest and toughest for mates.<br\> Coloring: Green toned and Earth toned but most are dark complected. <br\> Endurance: Average. Fit scro can run all day as cursorial hunters.<br\> Height: Males average 170 cm, females 155 cm. <br\> Life Span: 120 years with proper medical attention.<br\> Resistance: Normal. <br\> Special Abilities: - Berserk Rage -<br\>
Clothing & Decoration: Present Scro Fashion dictates long, flowing hair for women and short hair for men. However, some scro are rebelling and cut their hair in the style of the Mohawk, spikes, or long ponytails. Some scro men go bald. Clothing fashion dictates a mixture of armor pieces and cloth.<br\> Fears & Inabilities: It is said that the scro fear nothing. But this isn't true. The Scro are easily angered and are cautious at times.<br\> Lifestyle: Scro society is organized around a house, which is an extended family of clans. A scro's heroic acts often bring honor to his clan; though if he exercises cowardice or treason, his entire House bares the taint.<br\> Marriage Pattern: Monogamous, although some powerful females practiced Polyandry.<br\> Religion: Shamanistic.