Planet Akihabara
Planet Akihabara is one of the planets in the Honshu System, along with New Tokyo. Planet Akihabara is inhabited, being the second planet in the system that is capable of sustaining Earth-like life. It currently boasts about 30,000 residents. Akihabara has the dubious distinction of being Nihon's Entertainment Capital. It also has the distinction to be classified by Social Scientists as a "Dystopic Cyberpunk" planet. However people who have been to the planet call the society Anime Punk or Otakupunk (depending on where you come from).
Notable Goods
Akihabara produces movies, animation, video games, hentai, pornography, and the latest and greatest gadgets. Cybernetics are created here and its really neat to have some cybernetic augmentation. Teens and other bystanders, however, tend to go for style over substance. People from all over the Colonies come to Akihabara to attend the various Manga Conventions held semi-annually.
Akihabara is also infamous for being the major producer of the Pleasure Droid series by Mastumoto Cybernetics, ltd. The pleasure droid models are apparently biological and are programmed to fulfill the wishes of their owner. The market for pleasure droids outstrips the apparent demand since the other Colonies have outlawed Pleasure Droid production.
Akihabara is governed by Governor Oshiro Hachirobei for the Emperor and the Shogunate. The Governor has twenty Daimyos under him, and through that some major and minor Samurai.