Character:Brazen Sand

- Brazen Sand
- Arjeha Farazuhl
- Caste: Slayer
- Concept: Rebellious Infernal Exalt and Ruler of Gem
- He looks like someone blasted by an enormous kiln, his dark-brown skin and green eyes giving the impression of incredible hardness, like they were made of rock-hard brick. His hair is black and short, brushed back but unkempt. He wears loose black trousers of cotton and a moonsilver breastplate shot through with vitriol, so that the silvery surface is tainted with veins of bilious green. He carries a massive spear with a blade of unimaginably cold ice tied to his back, originally Orichalcum but now as polluted as his armour. Unquestionable authority is chiselled upon his very essence, and when people try to stare him down, they feel as if they were taunting a massive rockslide.In dire battles, Brazen Sand can transform his body, emerging from a blast of green fire to reveal a massive winged beast with a scorpion's tail and scales of reddish-tinged brass harder then a fortress wall. It roars and blasts gaseous vitriol from it's tusked maws and those who see it and survive meet it again in their nightmares forever after."*
- Show Creation My Power
- Crush weak societies underfoot.
- Cruelty (-) (Hatred)
- Malfeas (-) (Contempt)
- Loyalist Infernals (-) (More Contempt)
- Self-Restraint (-)
- Gem (+) (Possessive Pride)
- Launjilla the Effervescent Hope (+) (Friendship)
- Those under his leadership (+) (Protectiveness)
- Shadow Phoenix Ruby (+) (Passionate Friendship)
- Isidoros (+) (Slight Respect)
- Nomoe Hideaki (+) (Deliberately Concealed Respect)
Anima Power: opponents suffer -1 external penalty to attack or impede Brazen, can pay 5 WP to ignore this. +2 difficulty to co-ordinate attacks, +2 DV, immune to fear effects, opponents take -2 to Rout Checks while in Mass combat against Brazen.
- Strength 5
- Dexterity 4
- Stamina 5
- Charisma 5
- Manipulation 4
- Appearance 3
- Perception 4
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 4
- Melee 5 (+3 Energy Weapons)
- Martial Arts 4
- Thrown 2
- Athletics 5
- Lore 2
- Integrity 5
- Resistance 5
- Presence 4
- Survival 4
- Awareness 4 (+3 to rolls in Devil-Tyrant Shintai)
- Linguistics 1 (Firetongue, Old Realm: Malfean Dialect)
- Occult 2
- Performance 3 (+1 Obey Me!)
Each Background
- Cult 3 (The population of Gem)
- Manse 3 (Malfeas-Aspected, Hearthstone is Crusher of Audacity and gives +3 bonus to Parry DV)
- Artifact 3 (Venomous Wyrm's Tongue and Vitriol-Tainted Moonsilver Breastplate)
- Influence 1 (The South)
- Demonic Familiar 2 (Launjilla - The Effervescant Hope)
- None
- None
- All Malfeas Excellencies (x5)
- By Pain Reforged
- Scar-Writ Saga (x3)
- By Rage Recast
- Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai x2 (8 xp)
- Nightmare Fugue Vigilance
- Impervious Primacy Mantle
- Insignificant Embers Intuition
- Green Sun Nimbus Flare
- Wrath-Stoked Bonfire Soul
- Crashing Rage Catharsis
- Unstoppable Searing Might x2 (8 xp)
- Disobey and Die (8 xp)
- Purity of Madness Defense (8 xp)
- Crowned with Fury (8 xp)
- Cold Fire Desolation Brand
- Rebuking Impudent Arms
- Vitriolic Corona Endowmentx2 (8 xp)
- Star-Piercing Spear of Glory (8 xp)
- Transcendant Desert Creature
- Locust Mana Plague
- Spawning Pit Sanctification
- Sand-Slip Trick
- All available Isidoros Excellencies x5 (TD1 Version)
- Inevitable Colossus Ego (8 xp)
- Scorning the Stars (8 xp)
- Cowing the Lowly (8 xp)
- Essence:5
- Personal: 21/25
- Peripheral: 46/52
- Committed to Charms:
- Committed to artifacts:10
- Willpower: 10/10
- Anima status:
- Compassion:4
- Conviction:2
- Temperance:2
- Valor:3
- Join Battle: 8
- Dodge DV:5
- Parry DV:9
- Soak: 20L/19B/0A (18L/18B hardness)
- Move: 4 yards/tick
- Dash: 10 yards/tick
- Join Debate:
- Dodge MDV: 9
- Parry MDV: 6
Health Levels
- -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
- (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or
Devil-Tyrant Shintai Form
- Wings (6 mutation points)
- Lidless Demon Eye (4 mutation Points)
- Scorpions Tail x2 (4 mutation points)
- Huge (4 mutation points)
- Third Eye (1)
- Enhanced Senses (smell, hearing, vision) (3 points)
- Toxin (spat and on the scorpion tail) (4 points) (6L/action, 2, -/-, -3)
- Armoured Hide (4 points)
- Dragon’s Breath (Vitriol-tainted Flame) (6 points)
- Talons and Tusks (4 points)
- Cheetah’s Pace (4 points)
Statistics changes
- Strength: 8 (13 for Feats of Strengths, 14 for jumping)
- Stamina: 8
- Star-Piercing Glory Energy Blade/Blast: Speed 5 Accuracy 12 Damage 13L/15L (16L/18L in DTAS) (Aggravated against gods) Rate: Infinite (5)Piercing
- Talon kick: Accuracy 8 Damage 13L
- Vitriol Blast: Accuracy 9 Damage 13L
- Scorpion Tail: Accuracy 10 Damage 10L Piercing – Poisoned (6L/Action, 2, -/-, -3)
Speed: 15 yards/tick Dash – 22 yards/tick Flight – 30 yards/tick Aerial Dive – 150 yards/tick
- Soak: 31B/32L
- Hardness: 30B/30L
- Vitriol Tainted Moonsilver Breastplate: +10L/9B soak, +8L/8B hardness. Mobility 0, Fatigue -1
Brazen Sand has taken control of Gem (after accidentally blowing up half of it. To his credit, it was the half that was swamped with Fair Folk during the second Crusade). He's cut ties to the Reclamation. As one of the first Green Sun Princes ever Exalted, Malfeas taught Brazen Sand a bit too well. He was a very eager student and followed Malfeas's example regarding pride and possessiveness very devoutly. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that though he may have been given his potential by the Yozis, his own actions and willpower have made it so.
Following a week of meditation in a far-off manse in the South, Brazen Sand re-appeared and told a messenger that he was cutting his ties with the Reclamation to find his own path and create his own empire. The Yozis were not happy, to say the least. They tried using his Urge to force him back, but, alas, it was far too open to interpretation to work well. Brazen Sand continued to destroy weak societies and then create new ones from the ashes. The only difference was that he now did it for himself. After they tried sending a few dozen demons, akuma, and a pair of fellow Infernals to forcibly reclaim his shard, then finding them all messily killed, they decided to cut their losses and deal with other issues...for now.
Brazen Sand is extremely powerful, and he knows it. To those who submit to him, he is harsh but fair. Those who do not are either fools (if weaker then him) or equals. Those who betray him are killed without hesitation. It is a simple ruling philosophy, and one that has served Brazen Sand well. However, those who submit to Brazen Sand's power are also under his protection, and he will not allow those who have put their trust in him to be harmed. His sense of humour tends to be very dry and/or sarcastic.
- defend his citizens, preserve Creation, and further refine and evolve his power.
- Earned: 59
- Spent: #56 (make a list of all purchases here)
- Unspent: #3