Nikolai Piotor Sergeyevich Malakov
Short description. back
- Investigator Name: Nikolai Piotor Sergeyevich Malakov
- Occupation: White Russian Artillerist
- Colleges, Degrees:
- Birthplace: Tomsk, Russia
- Mental Disorders:
- Sex: M Age: 43
- STR 11
- CON 10
- SIZ 11
- INT 12
- POW 11
- DEX 14
- APP 15
- EDU 14
- HP: 12
- Damage bonus None
- Idea: 60%
- Know: 70%
- Luck: 55%
- SAN: 55
- Accounting 30%
- Anthropology 01%
- Archaeology 01%
- Astronomy 01%
- Bargain 35%
- Biology 01%
- Chemistry 40%
- Climb 45%
- Conceal 35%
- Credit Rating 15%
- Cthulhu Mythos 0%
- Disguise 01%
- Drive Auto 20%
- Electrical Repair 40%
- Fast Talk 05%
- First Aid 30% (*)
- Geology 01%
- Hide 35% (*)
- History 20%
- Jump 25% (*)
- Law 05%
- Library Use 25%
- Listen 25%
- Locksmith 01%
- Mechanical Repair 35% (*)
- Medicine 05%
- Natural History 10%
- Navigate 55%
- Occult 05%
- Operate Hvy. Machine 50% (*)
- Persuade 35% (*)
- Pharmacy 01%
- Photography 10%
- Physics 01%
- Psychoanalysis 01%
- Psychology 66%
- Ride 30%
- Sneak 40% (*)
- Spot Hidden 60% (*)
- Swim 25%
- Throw 25%
- Track 10%
- Fist/Punch 42%
- Head Butt 10%
- Kick 25%
- Grapple 25%
- Martial Arts 00%
- Dodge 35%
- Handgun 60% (*)
- Machine Gun 35% (*)
- Rifle 40% (*)
- Artillery 60%
Languages: Russian 70%, Wu 30%, English 30%, German 20%
- Mauser C96 7.63mm
- Officer's sword
- Hunting knife
- Riding crop
- KMT Officer's Uniform
- Leather coat
- Black Trilby Hat
- Dark grey woolen three piece suit
- Binoculars
- Map case
- Abacus
Background and Notes
A son of a minor noble Nikolai joined the Russian Army in 1912 as an artillery officer, he was wounded in 1916 in the battles against the German army. Recuperating at his family estates near Tomsk when the November Revolution came he volunteered for the forces of the Provisional Government of Autonomous Siberia to fight the Bolsheviks. He fought in Admiral Kochak's White Russian army in Siberia surviving the Great Siberian Ice March of 1920 to reach China.