Edna (Edie) O’Malley

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Short description. back


  • Investigator Name: Edie O'Malley
  • Occupation: Singer/Criminal
  • Colleges, Degrees:School of Hard Knocks
  • Birthplace:Sydney
  • Mental Disorders:none yet
  • Sex: F Age: 23

  • STR 11
  • CON 12
  • SIZ 8
  • INT 14
  • POW 11
  • DEX 16
  • APP 16
  • EDU 15

  • HP: 10
  • Damage bonus 0
  • Idea: 70%
  • Know: 75%
  • Luck: 55%
  • SAN: 55


  • Accounting 10%
  • Anthropology 01%
  • Archaeology 01%
  • Astronomy 01%
  • Bargain 45%
  • Biology 01%
  • Chemistry 01%
  • Climb 40%
  • Conceal 30%
  • Credit Rating 15%
  • Cthulhu Mythos 0%
  • Disguise 11%
  • Drive Auto 32%
  • Electrical Repair 10%
  • Fast Talk 45% (*)
  • First Aid 45%
  • Geology 01%
  • Hide 10% (*)
  • History 20%
  • Jump 25%
  • Law 05%
  • Library Use 25%
  • Listen 45%
  • Locksmith 71%
  • Mechanical Repair 20%
  • Medicine 05%
  • Natural History 10%
  • Navigate 10%
  • Occult 05%
  • Operate Hvy. Machine 01%
  • Persuade 15%
  • Pharmacy 01%
  • Photography 10%
  • Physics 01%
  • Psychoanalysis 01%
  • Psychology 05%
  • Ride 05%
  • Singing 70% (*)
  • Sneak 60% (*)
  • Spot Hidden 60% (*)
  • Swim 25%
  • Throw 25%
  • Track 10%

  • Fist/Punch 50%
  • Head Butt 10%
  • Kick 25%
  • Grapple 25%
  • Martial Arts 01%
  • Dodge 32% (*)
  • Handgun 50% (*)
  • Machine Gun 15%
  • Rifle 25%
  • Shotgun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)
  • Submachine Gun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)


  • English 75%
  • Wu 26%



  • Straight Razor (small knife) 50% 1d4 9hp
  • .38 Revolver 50% 1d10 10hp


  • 10 Evening Dresses
  • 10prs Evening Shoes
  • 5prs Daytime sandals $20
  • 3 good daytime Suits $49.50
  • 3 Silk Crepe frocks $49.50
  • 3 pairs leather shoes $11.10
  • Velour Coat with fur trim $39.75
  • Assorted underthings $100
  • Fur stole $198
  • 5 Evening bags $24.75
  • 5 daytime bags $24.75
  • 12 handkerchiefs .50c
  • Waterproof black calf lenth coat


  • Make up Case $40
  • Dressing Case $30

Equipment goes here

Background and Notes

Background and Notes goes here Edie is a voracious reader and is mostly self taught. Edie was born in Surry hills and grew up in some of the roughest turf in Sydney. She went to school til she was 12 then she started work in a local factory. Edie loved school and would've stayed on if she could. As it was she spent as much time as she could with books.

She hated the factory work and it wasn’t long before she’d managed to get a place with Kate Leigh as a runner for one of Kate’s gingering rackets. Edie was small for her age and found it easy to hide under a bed while a prostitute would entertain a mark. While the mark was occupied, Edie would slip out and steal the mark’s wallet. Shortly after, the male member of the team would start banging on the door. The prostitute would claim that it was the police or her husband and urge the mark to get away out the window.

Edie probably would have eventually graduated to being the prostitute if it hadn’t been for her voice. One of Kate’s men who she’d worked with mentioned to Kate that Edie could sing, and Kate having confirmed it for herself got Edie some singing jobs. Of course singing wasn’t Edie’s only job. She was also supposed to watch out for regulars and people with money and let Kate’s people know who to hit.

Edie was 16 when the notorious Kellet st brawl occurred; she’d just got back from a job and was having a drink when the baiting began. She wound up on the edges of the fight and carries a scar across the small of her back where she got caught by a straight razor. She gave as good as she got and managed to get away before she took any more damage.

By the time she was eighteen she was an old hand at the criminal life and had acquired her first lover/protector. When he was sent down for assault with a deadly weapon, she moved on to another. A male was a necessary piece of protection in this area and Edie wasn’t going to risk going without one.

In 1936 Edie was living well, she was making reasonable money as legitimate singer and she had very few expenses as she was living with Mick Sands. Mick had started in one of Kate’s sly-grog shops and then moved on to SP betting. Mick had kept a low profile and had never done time even though he’d been pulled in a couple of times. Mick was one of the people who knew where the bodies and the scandals were buried. 15th of August was Edie’s birthday, Mick had plans that included diner at Romano’s and a show afterwards. it had been a great night, and they gone drinking after the show. She was pissed off with the bastard that called as soon as they got in. She tried to convince Mick to let the phone ring but he said nobody in their right mind would call him at this hour unless it was life or death.

He was right, only he hadn’t planned on it being the death of him. He’d walked out of the dinky little terrace in Ivy St and over to Liverpool st and that’s where he’d been shot. The cops didn’t look too hard at Mick’s business life they weren’t sure what would crawl out from under the rocks there, so they kept coming back to Edie but fortunately Mick’d dropped her off at a friend’s for more drinks so she had an alibi.That didn’t stop the cops pushing their noses into everything; one even suggested that she’d hired someone to kill Mick.

Bloody coppers, she was coping until the manager of the place she was working sacked her, cause he didn’t want cops around asking questions. Every time she tried to get a job someone would connect her with Mick and they’d say no thanks. 6 months ago she got offered a job in Shanghai and grabbed at it, the further away from Sydney the better. The work’s okay, she had a bit of a problem with the manager who seemed to think that he had some kind of entitlement, but that got sorted easier than she thought it would. Right now she’s trying to get a feel for the city and who’s who, she needs to know where to look for her next boyfriend.