Vladislav Simonov

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Slight build, medium height, very fit. Dark brown hair slicked back, pencil moustache. Dresses like a professor but carries himself like a soldier - ladies seem to like this. Never leaves home without at least one handgun on his person. Played by Django Reinhardt. back


  • Investigator Name: Vladislav Simonov
  • Occupation: Ex-officer, mercenary
  • Colleges, Degrees: Studied history at the Herzen University in St. Petersburg but never graduated
  • Birthplace: St. Petersburg
  • Mental Disorders:
  • Sex: Male Age: 39

  • STR 9
  • CON 16
  • SIZ 11
  • INT 14
  • POW 17
  • DEX 11
  • APP 13
  • EDU 15

  • HP: 14
  • Damage bonus none
  • Idea: 70%
  • Know: 75%
  • Luck: 85%
  • SAN: 85


  • Accounting xx%
  • Anthropology xx%
  • Archaeology xx%
  • Art: Music (piano) 27%
  • Astronomy xx%
  • Bargain 30%
  • Biology xx%
  • Chemistry xx%
  • Climb xx%
  • Conceal xx%
  • Credit Rating 30%
  • Cthulhu Mythos 0%
  • Disguise xx%
  • Drive Auto xx%
  • Electrical Repair xx%
  • Fast Talk xx%
  • First Aid xx%
  • Geology xx%
  • Hide xx%
  • History 50%
  • Jump xx%
  • Law xx%
  • Library Use 45%
  • Listen 40%
  • Locksmith xx%
  • Mechanical Repair xx%
  • Medicine xx%
  • Natural History xx%
  • Navigate 40%
  • Occult xx%
  • Operate Hvy. Machine xx%
  • Persuade 55%
  • Pharmacy xx%
  • Photography xx%
  • Physics xx%
  • Psychoanalysis xx%
  • Psychology 55%
  • Ride xx%
  • Sneak xx%
  • Spot Hidden 50%
  • Swim xx%
  • Throw xx%
  • Track xx%

  • Fist/Punch xx%
  • Head Butt xx%
  • Kick xx%
  • Grapple xx%
  • Martial Arts xx%
  • Dodge 22%
  • Handgun 60%
  • Machine Gun 40%
  • Rifle 55%
  • Shotgun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)
  • Submachine Gun (Skill not used, use 'rifle' instead. Place points elsewhere)

Languages: Russian 75%, English 35%, Wu 20%, German 20%



  • Nagant M1895 revolver (7.62mmNR) + Russian army gun belt and holster
  • Colt M1908 pocket pistol (.25ACP)
  • Bergmann MP-18 submachine gun (9mmP)
  • Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle (7.62mmR) + bayonet


  • Several respectably middle-class suits
  • Well worn Russian uniform
  • Chinese communist uniform
  • Gabardine raincoat
  • Fedora
  • Fine leather shoes
  • Russian army boots
  • Winter fur coat
  • Fur hat
  • A few pairs of warm woolen socks
  • WWI surplus airman's goggles


  • Income: $10000 p/a (mostly tied up in various deals and properties)
  • Well-stocked firearm maintenance kit, including a big box of spare parts for many common weapons in China (Mauser mainsprings, Colt magazine springs, Bergmann firing pins, BAR ejectors, you name it) and another box of assorted magazines & clips
  • Leather backpack
  • Leather map case
  • Navy duffel bag
  • Binoculars
  • Compass
  • Aluminium canteen
  • Cigarettes (preferably American) & matches
  • Pocket flask filled with vodka
  • Shelf full of books, a few of which are valuable printings

Background and Notes

Vladislav is a native of St. Petersburg (aka Petrograd, Leningrad), probably the most western Soviet city in appearance and thinking. He was studying to become a teacher of history when the Russian revolution intervened. Vlad proudly joined the new Red Army, received some hurried training and ended up as a green platoon leader in Karelia to fight in the Finnish Civil War of 1918. His unit fared as well as the Red cause overall: many were killed or wounded and they were soon recalled from the front. Vlad had discovered that inspired rhetoric and passion of youth do not a combat officer make.

Vladislav spent most of the 1920s posted in various God-forsaken locations on the Far Eastern border and being always passed over for promotions. His belief in the Soviet cause and government finally gave out, and he deserted, crossing into China. An educated and long-serving (Vlad may have omitted some details of his service) Red officer was welcomed by Chinese communists, and Vlad fought with them as a front-line officer and advisor until ending up in Shanghai in 1935 after a series of tragic events. A Russian woman and considerable wealth were involved. Part of this wealth remains but isn't easily accessible or converted to cash.

He's been a mercenary since, not caring much about which cause he fights for. He would prefer to never lead a unit in combat again and command only himself, but life doesn't always work that way. Vladislav cuts a slightly forlorn figure these days, being wanted by his own government, the local White Russians and other communist-hating factions. He can often be found in night clubs drinking the strongest alcohol they have and reading a history book or entertaining an English or American woman who often find him impossibly tragic/romantic. Sometimes he seizes a piano and plays sad tunes (tolerably) until the manager politely talks him out of it. In the Shanghai gun-for-hire trade Vladislav is known as the Teacher. Sometimes people want to hire a man who can converse intelligently while guarding their lives.

During the last few months Vlad has worked as the aide of Ulbrecht von Bernhard, a German military advisor to the KMT. He seems a decent enough man for someone from the hated noble class; at least he likes to party hard. This job makes him, once again, a first lieutenant. Vlad can march with the best of them and run a rifle drill in his sleep, which makes him valuable if not always highly enthusiastic.

Vladislav is a long-time boarder at the Metropole Hotel on the Nanking Road, near the racetrack. He's been there long enough and tips the staff well enough for them to turn a blind eye when he sneaks out of the back door carrying a duffel bag full of weapons.


Simonov is a rebel without a cause, that is, he's looking for a worthy cause to fight for. Politics don't seem to offer it. Nor does serving some crime lord.

Other than that goal, he's trying to educate himself in more ways than one. Studying ancient history, drinking vodka until his innards are preserved for the next century, trying to learn Rachmaninoff on the piano and entertaining ladies are all part of life's continuing education. Deep down he also hopes to pass this education to others, that is, to become the teacher he has wanted to be since the age of 10. Sure, he has taught many men marksmanship and other military skills, but that's not his dream.


In the early 1930s Vladislav met and briefly helped Richard Sorge, then stationed in Shanghai. His cover as the editor of a German news service led Vladislav to socialize with some local Germans, which eventually led into his first meeting with von Bernhard during a night of vigorous carousing. Sorge is now in Japan, but a lot of his old network remains.