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Revision as of 12:07, 18 November 2010 by (talk) (Kendra Nikkia)
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Kendra Nikkia[edit]

1st Lvl Ranger, CG Half-Elf Female, Low Light Vision, Elven Blood

  • Strength: 12 (1)
  • Dexterity: 14 (2)
  • Constitution: 10 (0)
  • Intelligence: 14 (2)
  • Wisdom: 14 (2)
  • Charisma: 12 (1)

Initiative: 2, BAB: 1, Fort: 2, Reflex: 4, Will: 2, AC: 5, Hit Die (d8): 8,

Class Features

Simple Wpns, Martial Wpns, Light Armor, Shields, Favored Enemy (Gobliniod), Track, Wild Empathy,


Point Blank Shot, Stealthy (+2 Hide & Move Silent)


Climb: 1, Concentration: 0, Craft (Bows/Arrow): 2, Diplomacy: 3, Gather Info: 3, Handle Animal: 2, Heal: 4, Hide: 7, Jump: 1, Know (Dungeon): 2, Know (Geography): 4, Know (Nature): 6, Listen: 6, Search: 6, Spot: 6, Move Silent: 7, Ride: 3, Survival: 4, Swim: 1, Use Rope: 2


Horse & Tack: 0, Composite Longbow: 0, MW Studded Leather: 150, Longsword: 15, Backpack 2, Bedroll: 0.1, Winter Blanket: 0.5, Candles x10: 0.1, Map Case: 1, Chalk x10: 0.1, Flint & Steel: 1, Ink: 8, Inkpen: 0.1, Hooded Lantern: 7, Steel Mirror: 10, Oil x5: 5, Belt Pouch x2: 2

  • Coin in purse = 201gp 9sp