Adam Crissen

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  • Name: Adam Crissen
  • Career: Grave Warden (from Peasant)
  • Dooming:
  • Height:6ft
  • Weight: 175lb
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Copper
  • Skin:Tanned
  • Age:22
  • Siblings: 2 (One Brother, One Sister)
  • Birthplace: Karak Izor


  • Weapon Skill: 42
  • Ballistic Skill: 40
  • Strength: 46
  • Toughness: 34
  • Agility: 32
  • Intelligence: 29
  • Willpower: 45
  • Fellowship: 31
  • Attacks: 1
  • Wounds: 14
  • Strength bonus: 4
  • Toughness bonus: 3
  • M: 4
  • Mag: 0
  • Fate Points: 2
  • Insanity Points:0


  • Animal Care
  • Animal Training
  • Charm
  • Charm Animal
  • Common Knowledge(The Empire)
  • Concealment
  • Drive
  • Gamble
  • Gossip
  • Outdoor Survival
  • Performer(Dancer, Singer)
  • Row
  • Scale Sheer Surface
  • Set Trap
  • Silent Move
  • Speak Language(Reikspiel)
  • Swim
  • Trade(Bowyer)
  • Academic Knowledge(Theology)


  • Flee
  • Academic Knowledge(Theology)
  • Hardy
  • Rover
  • Sixth Sense
  • Specialist Weapon(Sling)
  • Stout-hearted
  • Very Strong


  • Sling
  • Spade
  • Hal's other wheelbarrow, the one with the squeaky wheel.
  • parfum de la mort
  • 13GC

Combat stats

  • Weapons: Hand weapon
  • Armour: none
  • Armour points: Head: 0, Arms: 0, Body: 0, Legs: 0


Adam is just another of the local villagers, something of a feckless daydreamer and a constant source of worry for his mother(Hilda) and aggravation for his father(Bernard). He's developed a slight fascination with Ericka, she is by far the most enthusiastic and interesting woman in the village, and has taken to apprenticing himself with the local grave digger/warden (Old Hal) as a means to spend more time around the church. Apprenticeship in this case largely means helping dig graves and hanging about the graveyard and church looking like he might be doing something useful. Hal doesn't say much and barely notices the young man, his father is happy since this means Adam is now someone else's problem. And Adam, well Adam's lazy but knows he can only get away with so much. Daydreaming over a spade or listening to Ericka waxing lyrical about matters theological and militant suit him just fine.
