Opend20: Matter Powers
Modifiers for Matter Powers:[edit]
DC Hardness
+5 - mud; barely solid
+10 - a fingernail; loose dirt
+15 - copper
+20 - platinum; raw iron
+25 - a knife blade
+30 - window glass
+35 - a sword blade
+40 - topaz
+45 - corundum; a fortified weapon
+50 - diamond
+60 - adamantium/mithril
DC Rictor Scale (earthquake equivalent force)
+10 - 0.5 - 5.6 kilos of force
+20 - 1.0 - 32 kilos of force
+30 - 1.5 - 178 kilos of force
+40 - 2.0 - 1 ton of force
+50 - 2.5 - 5.6 tons of force
+60 - 3.0 - 32 tons of force
+70 - 3.5 - 178 tons of force
+80 - 4.0 - 1 kiloton of force
... etc.
Change Matter[edit]
Change Powers have 3 noticable displays.
DC 40 plus target's reflex save - turn the ground beneath a target's feet into mud (Change(within Form) +20, Matter(loose dirt) +10, one hex area +10)
Create Matter[edit]
Create Powers have 3 noticable displays
Please note that unless a more complicated ritual is used, the products from these powers will not be permanent - this Power is not a cash-cow!
20 - Create a volume of mud or soil
30 - Create a volume of common metals or stones (copper, quartz)
45 - Create a volume of semi-precious metals or stones (silver, topaz
60 - Create a volume of precious metals or stones (gold, diamond)
80 - Create rare materials such as Mithral, Adamantite, radioactive fuel, etc.
Control Matter[edit]
Control Powers have 1 noticable display.
20 - Control one property of a volume of Matter (decreasing the hardness by one, for example)
30 - Move a volume of Matter with gross telekinesis (to 'throw' a rock)
45 - Move a volume of Matter with subtle telekinesis (guide a rock as if you were holding it in your hand)
60 - Move a volume of Matter with molecular telekinesis (make a statue walk); Cause a localised tremor
80 - Cause a localised Earthquake
Destroy Matter[edit]
Destroy Powers have 2 noticable displays.
20 - Destroy a volume of rock or soil
30 - Destroy a volume of common metals or stones (copper, quartz)
45 - Destroy a volume of semi-precious metals or stones (silver, topaz
60 - Destroy a volume of precious metals or stones (gold, diamond)
80 - Destroy rare materials such as Mithral, Adamantite, radioactive fuel, etc.
Sense Matter[edit]
Sense Powers have no displays as such (they can be purchased as disadvantages). Sense Powers can be noticed by using Sense Motive, Spellcraft or another Sense Power on the character.
20 - Sense one property of Matter (e.g. Hardness)
30 - Sense all the general properties of a volume of Earth (e.g. what it is composed of, what has happened to it recently)
45 - Sense the Matter in a particular area (I can feel two people running to the west. The girl is limping!)
60 - speak with the Elemental forces of the Earth
80 - speak with crafted or worked stone and metals (e.g. 'speak' with a statue)
Summon Matter[edit]
Summon Powers have 2 noticable displays.
Because the Monster templates have not been done, it is not possible to write up the Summon powers at this point.