Opend20: Chance Powers

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Chance is an extremely difficult thing to arbitrate. Generally speaking, Chance DCs are higher than average because theoretically, almost all the other Powers could be affected by Chance. In addition, a GM must decide for a campaign whether the act of prophesy is going to be a tangible (You will die at sunset) or intangible (You might die at sunset, or it could just be someone who looks like you, or you might pretend to die...).

Change Chances[edit]

Change Powers have 3 noticable displays.

Change Chances can be used to simulate a rebalancing of the odds: for every 5 points of the DC, a +1 'good luck' can be added to one roll... but in exchange for this, the GM will add a -1 'bad luck' to another roll. If the ration is set to +1 for every 10 points, then the player gets a certain amount of choice over the 'bad luck' conditions... 'while we are next in town', 'bad luck in combat', etc.

In addition, Change Chances can be used to alter the conditions of a prophesy or someone's destiny, if the character can break a DC set by the equivalent Create Chances power. The greater the alteration, the higher the DC, so that in the case of massive changes, a combination of Destroy/Create Chances would be more effective. For example, if a witch used Create Chances to curse somebody to be unable to go outside during the daytime, and set a DC of 30 (after subtracting the difference of the target's willsave/resistance), then a character could change this curse to be 'unable to go out into the daylight', and be unable to endure the sunlight by breaking the DC.

Create Chances[edit]

Create Powers have 3 noticable displays

Create Chances

Control Chances[edit]

Control Powers have 1 noticable display.


Destroy Chances[edit]

Destroy Powers have 2 noticable displays.


Sense Chances[edit]

Sense Powers have no displays as such (they can be purchased as disadvantages). Sense Powers can be noticed by using Sense Motive, Spellcraft or another Sense Power on the character.

Sense Chances is a difficult power because the player is asking the GM for information about something that hasn't happened yet. In a sense, the player is asking the GM to make a prophecy. The mechanic here is that each point over the target DC counts as a 1% chance that the prophecy is accurate, or alternatively, that same percentage of the total 'Truth' is revealed. The further down the time chart the events being sensed, the higher the DC. This is obviously going to be of most use to very high level characters, or NPCs.

20 - Sense the existence and target of a prophecy or destiny; foretell whether a planned course of action is doomed (really, truely, doomed)

30 - Gain an intuitive/general understanding of a prophecy or destiny; foretell how well an event will proceed as planned

45 - Be able to recite the exact wording or terms of a prophecy or destiny; 45 is the set DC for 'seeing the future'