Dr. Steel (Dark Champions - New Venice)
Character Sheet
Dr. Steel
STR 15 (5)
DEX 18 (16)
CON 18 (8)
INT 18 (8)
EGO 13 (3)
PRE 20 (10)
OCV 6 (15)
DCV 6 (15)
OMCV 3 (0)
DMCV 3 (0)
SPD 4 (20)
PD 5 (3)
ED 5 (3)
REC 8 (4)
END 30 (2)
BODY 10 (0)
STUN 30 (5)
CHA total 117 points
50 Crimefighting Gear 40 point VPP gadget pool - only in lab, OIF or better focus
25 Shock Glove 50 point Multipower 4 clips of 8 charges, No Range, OIF
1F Taser punch 4d6 NND ( rED r fully insulated) +0 Constant +1 Damage Shield (+1/4 ), must punch or block to do damage (-1), Charges Extra Phase +1/4 (50 active)
2F Taser palm 10d6 NND rED or fully insulated
1F Taser grab DC Paralysis Grip - Def 3 3D6 Entangle, Takes no Damage, Lockout, must maintain touch, 1 charge per phase
2F Taser overload – 3d6+1 RKA takes 2 charges per use
Powers total 81 points
12 Martial Arts – Commando Training
- Boxing Cross Martial Strike
- Judo Diasrm Martial Disarm
- Kung-Fu Block Martial Block
0 AK Silicon Valley, CA 8-
3 Breakfall 13-
3 CK: Hudson City 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Combat Driving 13-
3 Computer Programming 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 Electronics 13-
3 Gadgeteering 13-
1 High Society 8-
3 Inventor 13-
1 KS: International Business 8-
1 KS: Triads 8-
0 KS MMO games 11-
2 Language- Mandarin Chinese: Fluent conversation
3 Mechanics 13-
3 Scientist
1 Science: Electrical engineering 11-
1 Science: Chemistry 11-
3 Security Systems 13-
1 Shadowing 8-
3 Stealth 13-
0 TF Small Wheeled Vehicles
0 TF Motorcycles
6 +2 w/taser palm, martial strike, martial block
6 points Perk: Millionaire
1 Contact: Hudson City Detective 8-
Skills 70
21 Mid-size car with 1 point gadgeteering lab
9 Base contribution
300 total
15 Secret ID
15 Strongly opposed to killing, never does it personally. (Common, Strong)
15 Driven protect the weak and helpless (Common, Strong)
20 Hunted: Hudson City Organized Crime More Powerful, NCI, Capture or kill, Infrequent
10 Hunted: Hudson City Law Enforcement More Powerful, NCI, Watching, Infrequent
Common gadgets:
16 Armored Costume +8 rPD +8 rED Resistant Defense, OIF (24 active)
11 Chem Gun Blackout 3d6 Flash NND (self-contained breathing, sealed eye coverings) Area Cone 16m, No range 6 charges OAF (37 active)
12 Chem Gun Weakness Gas 4d6 Drain Strength, reduced range (10m) 2 clips of 4 Boostable Charges, not vs. LS: Self Contained -1/2 OAF (40 active) (Also available with Demoralizing Gas, Presence drain)
Chem Gun Acid Pellets RKA 1 point, penetrating X2 +1 , Damage Over Time (6 damage increments, damage occurs every segment, can be negated by washing off the acid) +4, limited range (10m) OAF (30 active)
4 Filter Mask - Life Support Self Contained, Only vs airborne toxins (-1) OIF (10 active)