Dr. Steel (Dark Champions - New Venice)

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Character Sheet

Dr. Steel


STR 15 (5)

DEX 18 (16)

CON 18 (8)

INT 18 (8)

EGO 13 (3)

PRE 20 (10)

OCV 6 (15)

DCV 6 (15)

OMCV 3 (0)

DMCV 3 (0)

SPD 4 (20)

PD 5 (3)

ED 5 (3)

REC 8 (4)

END 30 (2)

BODY 10 (0)

STUN 30 (5)

Characteristics total 117 points


50 Crimefighting Gear 40 point VPP gadget pool - only in lab, OIF or better focus

25 Shock Glove 50 point Multipower 4 clips of 8 charges, No Range, OIF

1F Taser punch 4d6 NND ( rED r fully insulated) +0 Constant +1 Damage Shield (+1/4 ), must punch or block to do damage (-1), Charges Extra Phase +1/4 (50 active)

2F Taser palm 10d6 NND rED or fully insulated

1F Taser grab DC Paralysis Grip - Def 3 3D6 Entangle, Takes no Damage, Lockout, must maintain touch, 1 charge per phase

Powers total 79 points


12 Martial Arts – Commando Training

  • Boxing Cross Martial Strike
  • Judo Diasrm Martial Disarm
  • Kung-Fu Block Martial Block

0 AK Silicon Valley, CA 8-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 CK: New Venice 13-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Gadgeteering 13-

1 High Society 8-

3 Inventor 13-

1 KS: International Business 8-

1 KS: Triads 8-

0 KS MMO games 11-

2 Language- Mandarin Chinese: Fluent conversation

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Scientist

1 Science: Electrical engineering 11-

1 Science: Chemistry 11-

3 Security Systems 13-

1 Shadowing 8-

3 Stealth 13-

0 TF Small Wheeled Vehicles

0 TF Motorcycles

6 +2 w/taser palm, martial strike, martial block

Skills total 65


6 Perk: Millionaire

1 Contact: Hudson City Detective 8-

27 Vehicle: Rolling Thunder car

5 Base contribution

Perks total 39

300 total


15 Secret ID

15 Strongly opposed to killing, never does it personally. (Common, Strong)

15 Driven to protect the weak and helpless (Common, Strong)

20 Hunted: Hudson City Organized Crime More Powerful, NCI, Capture or kill, Infrequent


Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder - A 2008 Cadillac STS. In "battle mode" it has a distinctive gunmetal gray color, tinted windows, a license plate that reads "STEEL" and blue-filtered head and taillights. The electronic crystal paint can change the car's color to black, white or red, with different license plates for each one.

- Strength 30

- Body 14

20 Size 5 meters x 2.5 meters

12 Defense PD 8 ED 3

16 Dexterity 18

5 OCV 4

10 DCV 5

20 Speed 4

Ground movement 52 m

-4m Swimming -2

45 Custom Engine +40 m running, x4 Noncombat (155 MPH)

7 Electrostatic Paint - Shape Shift (Sight group, 4 predefined forms), Reduced Endurance 0 end, (22 active), IIF Bulky, Only Changes vehicle color and plates -3/4 , Extra Time Full Phase.

1 Gadgeteering Lab 9-

1 Stiffened Chassis - +3 PD, only vs Move Through and Move-By damage

Total vehicle cost 135 points. Real cost 27 points


Personal Gadgets 16 Armored Costume +8 rPD +8 rED Resistant Defense, OIF (24 active)

11 Chem Gun Blackout gas 3d6 Flash NND (self-contained breathing, sealed eye coverings) Area Cone 16m, No range 6 charges OAF (37 active)

12 Chem Gun Weakness Gas 4d6 Drain Strength, reduced range (10m) 2 clips of 4 Boostable Charges, not vs. LS: Self Contained -1/2 OAF (40 active) (Also available with Demoralizing Gas, Presence drain)

11 Chem Gun Acid Pellets RKA 1 point, penetrating X2 +1 , Damage Over Time (6 damage increments, damage occurs every segment, can be negated by washing off the acid) +4, limited range (10m), 8 charges OAF (30 active)

4 Filter Mask - Life Support Self Contained, Only vs airborne toxins (-1) OIF (10 active)

3 UV lenses - UV Vision, OIF

3 Swing Line Gun– 14m Swinging OAF (7 active)

1 Insulated costume LS: Safe environment cold OIF

5 Custom Smartphone - HRRP, Flashed as Sight and Hearing, OAF

2 Micro-camcorder Eidetic Memory (Sight and hearing only, -1/2) OAF (Also can be part of custom smartphone)

4 Climbing Pads 15 STR Clinging doesn't resist knockback OAF

4 Smoke Bombs – 2m radius Darkness Sight 8 charges/1 turn ea. Range limited to Str. OAF

3 Artificial Gill LS Underwater breathing 1 fuel charge 1 hour OIF

3 Mini-Parachute Flight 12m OAF Gliding Limited movement (can't gain altitude and must move 12m down for every 1m forward) -1/2, 1 recoverable continuing charge (until character hits the ground or chute is fouled) -3/4

3 Jetski +20m swimming, OAF Bulky, Surface Only, Fuel Charge (1 continuing charge for 1 hour)

3 (Type) Tool Kit +3 to (Electronics, Security Systems or Lockpicking) OAF

Vehicle Gadgets

11 Rocket Battery 8d6 Blast, 2 meter arc, only on same level, limited range (50 meters) 8 boostable charges, OIF Bulky

4 Oil Slick -4 Combat Driving rolls, 16m cone, (18 active) no range, only on same level 2 meter arc (behind) 6 charges OIF Bulky

5 Smokescreen Darkness vs Sight Group, 8m cone (20 points) No Range, OIF Bulky, only on same level 2 meter arc (behind) 4 continuing charges 1 turn each -1/2

4 Ramplate +2d6 Hand to Hand Attack only for Move Thru and Move By OIF Bulky

4 Stealth Baffles Invisibility to Hearing OIF Bulky, Fuel Charge (1 continuing charge for 20 minutes)