Campaign: Armageddon Clan [1]
Brian was captured by the machines early in the war and experimented on - and the machines found that his brain had a natural resonance to the machines. They put an implant in his brain and he could communicate and command a swarm of nanorobots. They broke him down mentally and made him help the machines integrate cyborg implants into his fellow humans. But he hated them for it and in the small corner of his brain he built up rebellion. When the opportunity came, he was ready and escaped with others. Still, there are times when the nanorobots (or nanites) whisper to him in the dark of night...
5 initial advances + increased Agility from hindrances, (2x)Super Smarts, (2x)Super Spirit, 1 advance for Vigor
- Strength d6
- Agility d8
- Smarts d10
- Spirit d10
- Vigor d8
- Anemic - Minor
- Habit (smokes, maybe drugs) - Minor
- {maybe Vow or Servitor}
15 points + 2 points from an advance
- (2) Driving - 1d6
- (1) Fighting - 1d4
- (2) Knowledge (The Machines) - 1d6
- (1) Notice - 1d4
- (3) Persuasion - 1d8
- (1) Repair - 1d4
- (3) Shooting - 1d8
- (4) Control Nanorobots (Spellcasting) - 1d10
- Luck
- Power Points
- Level Headed
10 points + 5 from Power Points edge
- 2 points of Super Smarts
- 2 points of Super Spirit
- 9 points (3 levels) of Nanorobotic Swarm (Super Sorcery)
- 2 points for Nanite enhanced leather jacket (2 levels of Armor, -1 for item, -1 for partial protection)
Derived attributes
- Pace 6"
- Parry 4
- Charisma -1
- Toughness 6 (+6 armor)
- Nanite enhanced leather jacket
- Desert Eagle pistol with 2 clips of ammo
- Machete (treat as dagger)
- Carton of cigarettes
Advances/Bonus Points: 2 bonus points from hindrances to increase Agility by one rank. Starting Edge goes to Luck. 1st advance to purchase Power Points, 2nd advance to purchase increased Vigor, 3rd advance to increase 2 skills (Spellcasting and Persuasion) and 4th advance to purchase Level Headed.