Biographical Info
- Name: Audacer
- Sex: M
- Age: 19
- Height: 5' 8"
- Weight: 131
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Blue
- Skin: Pale
- History and Personality
Audacer left the neo-toxorian settlement near Toxandria to avoid being called up into the legions preferring to make a living by hunting with his bow or hiring himself out as a caravan guard on the risky roads of Centralia. He is an agile fighter preferring to snipe with his bow rather than fight close up. He learned tricks to break locks from an aged merchant named Tullius while travelling to Salla, but now finds himself back north and hunting in the woods.
- Description
- Class: Thief
- Level 1
- EXP 0
- XP required for next level 1200
- Alignment Neutral
- STR 13 (+1 to hit, +1 damage)
- INT 9 (No adj)
- WIS 7 (-1 to saves vs magic)
- DEX 16 (+2 to ranged attacks, -2 AC)
- CON 12 (No adj)
- CHR 12 (+0 reaction, Max 4 retainers, morale 7)
Combat Stats
- AC 5
- HP 4/4
- Move 120/40/120
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Staff, or Spell
Race and Class Abilities
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance 353
- Armor
- Leather jerkin
- Weapons
- Semispatha
- Dagger
- Short bow and 20 arrows - range increment 40ft
- Gear
- Backpack
- Iron rations - 1 week
- Tinder box
- Water skin
- Thieves tools
- 2 small sacks
- 6 Torches
- Coins GP 3 EP SP CP
- Total spend = 107gp - 3gp remaining
- Treasure