The Prestige (Dark Champions - New Venice)
The Prestige
Characteristics (Normal charcteristics but a bit faster, and extremely high not quite superhuman dexterity and intellignece)
13STR 3 20DEX 20 15CON 5 12BODY 2 20INT 10 15EGO 5 20PRE 10 4OCV 5 4DCV 5 6MOCV 9 6MDCV: 9 14PD 12 14ED 12 3SPD 10 8REC 4 40END 4 30STUN 5 10BODY 0 RUN 16m 4 SWIM 4m/round 0 LEAP 3m/round 0
Stage Skills 45 Entangle 4d6 (Rope OAF) 2 (Able to bind and gag with scarfs or rope) Garrote hth KA 4d6 (Rope) 2 (Able to bind and gag with scarfs or rope) Cane 9 EB Stun only(Cane) 2 (Able to bind and gag with scarfs or rope) Darkness All vision 10m r 2 (Smoke Grenade) Missile Defection 2 (The famous catch a bullet trick) Illusion (Requires planning 2 (Place an illusion if you have access to area beforehand) Shapechange (People only) 2 (Mission Impossible Mask trick) Cold reading (TP 9d6) 4
Senses Sight hearing small (The Super Dective skills you asked for treated as super senses)
Targeting 10 (Can hit someone in total darkeness by listening) Analyize 15 (In short the character is a mobile crime lab) Discriionatory 15 Tracking 15 Microscopic vision 100x 10
Eidectic memory 5 (Photographic memory)
Detective 5 Slight of hand/Pick Pocket 5 Persuasion 5 Escape Artist 3 Disguise 3 Perform 3 Lockpicking 5 Forgery 3
Total 299