Snake Oil (Dark Champions - New Venice)
The Needle
20STR 10 15DEX 10 20CON 10 9BODY -1 18INT 8 20EGO 10 10PRE 0 4OCV 5 4DCV 5 6MOCV 9 6MDCV: 9
14PD 12 14ED 12 3SPD 10 8REC 4 40END 4 30STUN 5 10BODY 0
RUN 12m 0 SWIM 4m 0 LEAP 4m 0
Boosted Stastics
INT +5 4 Takes something that makes him smarter STR +10 8 Takes something that makes him stronger
Mutipower IIF 44 Herbal Skills Drain any one stat +1/2 4 Healing 5d6 4 Healin self or others EB NND 5d6 4 Acupucture attack Thrown needle EB NND 2d6 5 Knockout Gas that lingers Mental entanglement 3d6 4 Paralysis Blinding 4 Mind Control 10d6 4 Truth Drugs Aid any one stat 3d6 4 Can boost any one attribute on anyone for about 10 mintues (one average quadruples performance) fades 1 piont/1 muintues Aid any one stat 1d6 4 Can boost any one attribute on anyone for sever hours (on average improves performance 50%) fades 1 piont/1 hour Minor transform 4 Change cosmetic appearence Life support 4 Supressess vital signs
Danger sense (Targeting) 20 Intution/lateral thinking makes him aware of any danger
Survial 5 Knows what is edible and inedible Psuedo-Science 3 Forensic Medicine 10 Herbal Lore 5 Interrogation 3 Herbal Skills +5 15 Luck 3d6 15
Total 299
Superstious 15 Depence on herbal teas 10 Secret identity 15