Snake Oil (Dark Champions - New Venice)

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The Needle

Background: Benson Reed was born and raised in Free Town, New Venice. He grew up on an agricultural plantation inherited from (Name), a prominent abolitionist philanthropist. The property was willed as a whole to as a "new beginning for a new age". The families have largely intermarried over the years forming a sort of tribe.

Benson had little formal education growing up, but rather received hands-on instruction in agricultural trade skills from an early age. (Name), the unofficial "tribal" matriarch and his aunt, judged during his adolescence that due to his slight frame and curious nature he would be best suited specializing in the traditionally female role of gardening. As a result, he was unpopular with boys his own age, and spent most of whatever free time he had embracing his special role in private study even to the point of expanding his niche to herbal medicine and soil science, much to the benefit of his extended family.

From his time in public libraries he developed and implemented plans for farming earth worms, managing and selling decomposition, irrigation, crop cycling, and whatever else his eager, thriving green thumb could find to do. His contributions greatly improved harvest sales profits, all of which funnel into the community fund operated by the matriarch based on need, so much so his plantation and tribe became "go-to" for all matters agricultural. In turn they became the wealthiest and most influential in the area, even unto becoming a sort of unofficial representative government. Throughout all this Benson neither earned or wanted a single ounce of recognition, preferring the tomes of his own knowledge and his earthworms to politics or actual company.

In early adulthood he be-friended a local Chinese girl, whose immigrant family had also been greatly reduced to physical labor. His exposure to Chinese culture and his shy romantic interest led him to expand his medical reportoire, then consisting of only herbal medicine, to include the pseudo-sciences of accupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropracty. Min's brother Jun So, even instructed him in the basic arts of Tai-Chi to "better protect his sister".

His romance never reached fruition. Min So was married away to a wealthy, inner city family of bureacrats, "for the welfare of her family." He maintained his relationship with Jun out of an obvious pretense for occasional updates on Min, the "prettiest flower" he had ever known.

Further tragedy struck when his father was killed and his mother blinded over-exposure to an experimental crop insecticide issued by a agricultural subsidiary of Viper Security Consultation. Benson became even more withdrawn spending more and more time in seclusion inside his green house. Trusted with the sole responsibility of caring for his blind mother, he "adopted" Tamara, his cousin, exchanging her living expenses for her tending to his mother's needs.

The Needle originally began as an alter ego for Benson, allowing him the feeling of compensation for his perceived failure in the protection of his mother, father, and lover. He would dress in costume and patrol the byways of Free Town, "keeping it free" from the cruelties of his experience. He never thought he would actually have to act as a guardian. A similar incident of the experimental insecticide in a more prominent neighborhood resulted in its being recalled. Early one morning he discovered Viper employees illegally dumping in a marsh on the outskirts of Free Town. Finding an outlet for his rage, and projecting his personal injuries, Benson "The Needle" Reed gave the employees a taste of their own poison, literally. Their bodies were never discovered and the incident was never spoken of due to its nefarious nature. It was written off as an accident. Remorseless and liberated from a feeling of helplessness, Benson sought out new opportunities to fulfill his self-proclaimed mandate of "keeping Free Town free" as "The Needle".


     20STR                            10
     15DEX                            10
     20CON                            10
      9BODY                           -1
     18INT                             8
     20EGO                            10
     10PRE                             0
      4OCV                             5
      4DCV                             5
      6MOCV                            9
      6MDCV:                           9
     14PD                             12
     14ED                             12
      3SPD                            10
      8REC                             4
     40END                             4
     30STUN                            5
     10BODY                            0
       RUN 12m                         0
       SWIM  4m                        0
       LEAP 4m                         0

Boosted Stastics

       INT +5                          4        Takes something that makes him smarter
       STR +10                         8        Takes something that makes him stronger


       Mutipower IIF                  44        Herbal Skills
       Drain any one stat +1/2         4
       Healing 5d6                     4        Healin self or others
       EB NND 5d6                      4        Acupucture attack Thrown needle
       EB NND 2d6                      5        Knockout Gas that lingers
       Mental entanglement 3d6         4        Paralysis
       Blinding                        4
       Mind Control 10d6               4        Truth Drugs
       Aid any one stat  3d6           4        Can boost any one attribute on anyone for  about 10 mintues (one average quadruples performance)
       fades 1 piont/1 muintues
       Aid any one stat  1d6           4        Can boost any one attribute on anyone for sever hours (on average improves performance 50%)
       fades 1 piont/1 hour
       Minor transform                 4        Change cosmetic appearence
       Life support                    4        Supressess vital signs


       Danger sense (Targeting)       20        Intution/lateral thinking makes him aware of any danger
       Survial                         5        Knows what is edible and inedible
       Psuedo-Science                  3
       Forensic Medicine              10
       Herbal Lore                     5
       Interrogation                   3
       Herbal Skills +5               15
       Luck 3d6                       15

Total 299


       Superstious                    15
       Depence on herbal teas         10
       Secret identity                15