Ko Bree

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Name: Ko Bree Race: Twi'lek Class: Scoundrel 2/Noble 1 Languages: Basic, Ryl Hit Points: 30 Force Points: 6 Age: 37

STR: 10 (0) CON: 10 (0) DEX: 14 (+2) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 10 (0) CHA: 16 (+3)

FORT: 13 REF: 15 WIL: 16

BAB: +3 Ranged/+0 Melee

Skills: Deception +9 Gather Information +9 Perception +6 Persuasion +9 Stealth +8 Use Computers +8;

Talents: Knack (reroll any one skill roll each day) Presence (persuasion check to intimidate as a standard action not full-round)

Feats: Point Blank Shot (+1 attack/damage with ranged weapon at pb range) WP (Pistols) WP (Simple Weapons) Improved Defenses (+1 to all defenses) Precise Shot (no penalty for shooting into melee) Linguist

Gear: Hold Out Blaster Pistol (300) Concealed Holster (50) 16 Energy Cells (160) - 1 shot fired Stun Baton (15) Short-range Commlink (25) Holorecorder (100) Security Kit (750) 100 credits